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Shakti the sex energy?

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Thank you Adi Shakthi16, but I think its time for us to put all these

aside and move on.


"when nora asked the question is 'devi a sexual energy' you

called it a foolish perspective... devi is the divine enegy including

the 'sexual' energy! what is foolish about it?"


I think I could understand Kalika Putra concern and calls it a

foolish perspective. He is not wrong if you look at his perspective.

Most children from what I know, always think their parent especially

their mothers as being asexual. Its very difficult to accept it when

somebody says that your mother is sexual. The same reaction we got

when in the previous group we featured lajjah Gauri as our goddess as

the week. You too did voice your "reserveness" to our Devi


several times. To some it is like putting the naked picture of your

mother up there for others to see. They find it offensive. Are they

wrong? No I don't think so. They are justified to express their

concern. We need to be sensitive in future, that is what I learn from

the whole experience.


"as far as 'bad' mothers are concerned , they do exist ! just


bad 'children' do exist, but it is a vicious circle bad mothers

bring forth bad kids and bad kids in turn make bad mothers"


Right as you are, Adi Shakthi16 but we need to break that vicious

circle. Just like poverty and illiteracy, we need to break it only

then we can advance, otherwise we are stuck forever. Things just

don't happen out of the blue. A mother don't just wake up in


morning and suddenly have this urge to kill her children. It is a

cumulative of whole event. We need to look at all these in a holistic

way. Its all cause and effect.







Out greatest enemy is anger.


I hope you have a happy holiday Adi Shakthi16. I see you still cant

resist us eh! Now go on for your well deserve holiday in Florida.



OM ParaShaktiye Namaha

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dearest nora,


you are right! we normally never worship the divine mother in

the 'madhurya bhava!' but in tantra, ' maithuna' is one of the panca

makars and is practiced as part of tantric sadhana ! but,

the 'maithuna' is an esoteric concept and is not easily understood by

laymen! they interpret it as normal sexual intercourse! it is above

and beyond that! it is having sexual intercourse with the 'goddess'

within! that is why in the west , tantra is associated with 'sex' !

but, as you know 'tantra' is about expanded consciousness and 'sex'

is only a vehicle to transcend from the mundane to the sublime!


yes, we should be sensitive to all views but i was the first one to

support devi_bhakta when sa moderator of a hindu group criticized

him for posting the icon of 'lajja gowri'' ! i even pointed out that

the icon of 'lajja gowri' was not inveneted by devi_bhakta ; it

existed before him and it will exist after him! ! in fact, we owe it

to devi_bhakta that he opened our eyes to this side of devi_worship!

Mother as creatrix- mother in a 'birthing' posture!


our own mother is not 'asexual' - she could never be! if she was ,

how could and you i have been born! of course, we never think of our

mother as being 'sexy' - that is not correct-


the divine mother is full of all energies -including'sex' energy! in

fact, the sex energy rests in the swadhistana chakra and the divine

mother rests in all parts of our body!


Tantra is like 'nursing' - just like in nursing you do not consider

anything as impure or dirty - similarly in tantra, nothing is

considered as ;impure or dirty! this includes urine, faeces, semen

and menstrual blood! in fact, in sree lalita sahasaranama, there is

reference to devi as 'shukla' which means 'semen;


and if we read saundarya lahari or sree lalta sahasaranama, there is

limb by limb description of devi's body! only thing, the description

is not to be interpreted literally but metaphysically! the devi's two

breats are 'ida' and ''pingala' - not just ordinary breasts!


also, if you recall when you posted those long series on 'ritual

transvetism' there were many people who objected to that but to me it

was not anything 'objectionable' because shri ramakrishna himself

worshipped the divine by dresssing up as a 'woman' and trying to

experience the 'madhura bhava' of the gopis...



you are right, sweetheart! i cannot resist 'shakti and her sadhana?

how can i ? you make it so 'irresistable' smiles!!!


YES, i am eagerly looking forward to my stay in florida -

the 'sunshine' of my life is waiting for me - my little one !


keep up the good work!


wishing you all a happy new year!

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