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Tantra Yoga Sadhana: Sivananda

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Herewith an exerpt from Swami Sivananda's inspirational book,

Sadhana (pp. 227-8):


Tantra Sadhana bestows tremendous Siddhis or powers. It

should be learnt under a Siddha Tantric Guru. The Tantric

student must be endowed with purity, faith, devotion. dedication

to Guru, dispassion, humility, courage, cosmic love, truthfulness,

non-covetousness and contentment. Absence of these qualities

in the practitioner means a gross abuse of Shaktism.


Shaktism had been one of the potent powers for the spiritual

regeneration of the Hindus. When practiced by the ignorant,

unenlightened and unqualified persons, it has lead to certain

abuses, and there is no denying that some degraded forms of

Shaktism have sought nothing but magic, immorality and occult

powers. An example of the perverted expression of the truth, a

travesty of the original practices, is the theory of the five Makaras

-Madya or wine, Mamsa or flesh, Matsya or fish, Mudra or

symbolic acts and Maithuna or coitus.


In the Shati doctrine, Siva is the supreme unchanging eternal

consciousness and Shakti is His kinetic power. Universe is

Power. Universe is a manifestation of Devi's glory. This is the

affirmation of the Shakti doctrine. Shakti being the Power of God,

Shakta is one who possesses Shakti.


Sadakas are of three kinds, viz., Pasu, Veera and Divya. It is only

Pasu Sadhaks who practice the Pancha Makaras, viz., Matsys,

Mamsa, Madya, Mudra and Maithuna. The esoteric meaning of

these five Makaras is "kill egoism, control, flesh, drink the wind of

God-intoxication and union with Lord Siva." This is the divine

practice of Divya Sadhaks who lead the life Divine. Give up Pasu

Vritti, the tendency of animals and raise the Divya Vritti or the

divine nature.


Just the fruit is hidden in the seed, butter in milk, virility in

boyhood, so also various Shaktis remain latent in man, veiled by

ignorance. If you purify your mind and practice concentration and

meditation, all these powers will shine forth.


The highest fruit of meditaion or Upasana is the identity or

non-distinction with the object medtated upon. The meditator

and meditated becme one. The devotee of Devi attains

realisation of oneness with Devi through intense Upasana or




Shava Sadhana


The classification of aspirants is made thus: a Sattvic man is a

spiritual man. He is endowed with Divya or divine qualities. He

has Divya-Bhava. He is calm, pure, dispassionate, wise,

passionless, egoless, compassionate, kind, pious, devoted.

Sattva Guna predominates in him.


If Tamas predominates in a man, he has Pasu-bhava. He is

Pasu or animal. He is endowed with ignorance, error,

carelessness, intertia, sloth, etc.


If Rajas predominates in a man, he is Veera. He has



Divya-bhava is the best, the Veera is next best and the Pasu the

lowest. From being a Pasu a man raises in this or some other

birth to be a Veera. Divya-bhava or Devata-bhava is awakened

through Veera-bhava...



Lakassamastah Sukhino Bhavantu

(May peace and prosperity abide in you all)



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Hello Happy Sadhu,


It seems your spectacular long weekend with the 'love of your life'

has really done wonders for you. You should take such trips more



You quote Swami Sivananda ...


" It is only Pasu Sadhaks who practice the Pancha Makaras, viz.,

Matsys, Mamsa, Madya, Mudra and Maithuna."


This is not true.. In fact, those in the pashu bhava are not allowed

to practice the panca makaras as per tantrik scriptures.


" The esoteric meaning of these five Makaras is "kill egoism,

control, flesh, drink the wind of > God-intoxication and union with

Lord Siva."


True. I GuESS you meant 'WINE' of God-intoxication - 'Wind' must be

the error of the finger.


YES, There is a dark as well as a bright side to any sadhana,

including tantrik sadhana.


It is only with the extreme section of kaulas -called Uttara kaulas -

that all those abominations (black magic, occult powers, witch-craft)

which have given Tantrism a bad name , are associated.


Thank You.

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OM asimhavahini


"You quote Swami Sivananda ...


" It is only Pasu Sadhaks who practice the Pancha Makaras, viz.,

Matsys, Mamsa, Madya, Mudra and Maithuna."


This is not true.. In fact, those in the pashu bhava are not

allowed to practice the panca makaras as per tantrik scriptures."



Unless things have changed since Swami Sivananda wrote that,

I will go with what he said.


It seemed clear that Swami Sivananda was saying that in

everything there is a dark side, an active middle and a bright side

when he wrote about tamas, rajas and sattva. In this instance,

he was discussing those aspects as displayed in Tantrism and

its practitioners.


Jaya Guru




PS Thanks for the copy editing task.

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Namaste Ompremji,


This is absolutely correct- as per tantrik scriptures only veeras are

allowed to indulge in the panchamakara ritual. The reasoning being

that only people who have a good deal of self-control(which pasus

lack) can practice this in the proper perspective.


Undoubtably, there is no-one as knowledgeable as Swami Sivananda in

any field- most of Swamiji's attention was on yoga, so IMO the reason

why he may done so was to dissuade people from going into "spiritual


>From the perspective of a yogi, only a pasu indulges in sex and it is

better to give that impression to budding yogis.

On the other hand, Swamiji imparted a thorough tantric training to

his brilliant disciples- Satyananda and Omkarananda, who have written

extensively on tantra including the panchamakaras.


Aum Namasivaya




, "omprem <omprem>"

<omprem> wrote:

> OM asimhavahini


> "You quote Swami Sivananda ...


> " It is only Pasu Sadhaks who practice the Pancha Makaras, viz.,

> Matsys, Mamsa, Madya, Mudra and Maithuna."


> This is not true.. In fact, those in the pashu bhava are not

> allowed to practice the panca makaras as per tantrik scriptures."



> Unless things have changed since Swami Sivananda wrote that,

> I will go with what he said.


> It seemed clear that Swami Sivananda was saying that in

> everything there is a dark side, an active middle and a bright


> when he wrote about tamas, rajas and sattva. In this instance,

> he was discussing those aspects as displayed in Tantrism and

> its practitioners.


> Jaya Guru


> Omprem


> PS Thanks for the copy editing task.

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