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GEMS OF PRAYERS by Sri Swami Sivananda ( A Repost )

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Salutations to the Divine Mother who exists in all beings in the form

of intelligence, mercy and beauty.


"Salutations, O Sweet Mother, the consort of Lord Siva. O Mother

Parvati! Thou art Lakshmi, Thou art Sarasvati. Thou

art Kali, Durga and Kundalini Shakti. Thou art in the form of all

objects. Thou art the sole refuge of all. Thou hast

enchanted the whole world. The whole universe is the play of Thy

three Gunas. How can I praise Thee? Thy glory is

indescribable. Thy splendour is ineffable. Protect me. Guide me, O

Loving Mother!


"O Adorable Mother! Thou hast generated this great illusion by

which all people walk deluded in this world. All sciences

have come from Thee. Without Thy grace, no one can get success in

spiritual Sadhana and salvation in the end. Thou art

the seed for this world. Thou hast two aspects, viz., the


aspect or Avyaktam and the manifested aspect or

the gross universe. The whole world gets dissolved in Avyaktam

during Pralaya. Give me the divine eye. Let me behold

Thy real majestic form. Help me to cross over this illusion, O Kind



"O Compassionate Mother! I bow to Thee. Thou art my saviour.

Thou art my goal. Thou art my sole support. Thou art

my guide and the remover of all afflictions, troubles and miseries.

Thou art the embodiment of auspiciousness. Thou

pervadest the whole universe. The whole universe is filled with


Thou art the store-house of all qualities. Do Thou

protect me. I again and again salute Thee. O Glorious Mother!

Salutations to Thee. All women are Thy parts. Mind,

egoism, intellect, body, Prana, senses, are Thy forms. Thou art


Shakti and Apara Prakriti. Thou art electricity,

magnetism, force, energy, power and will. All forms are Thy forms

only. Reveal to me the mystery of creation. Bestow on

me the divine knowledge.


O Loving Mother! Thou art the primal energy. Thou hast two

aspects, the terrible and peaceful. Thou art modesty,

gentleness, shyness, generosity, courage, forbearance and patience.

Thou art faith in the heart of devotees and generosity

in noble people, chivalry in warriors and ferocity in tigers. Give


strength to control the mind and the Indriyas. Make

me worthy to dwell in Thee. Salutations unto Thee.


O Mother Supreme! When shall I have equal vision and placid state

of mind? When shall I be established in Ahimsa,

Satyam and Brahmacharya? When shall I have Thy cosmic vision?

When shall I get deep abiding peace and perennial

joy? When shall I enter into deep meditation and Samadhi?


O Radiant Mother! I have not done any spiritual Sadhana or service

of teachers. I have not practised any Vrata,

pilgrimage, charity, Japa and meditation or worship. I have not

studied religious scriptures. I have neither discrimination

nor dispassion. I have neither purity nor burning desire for


Thou art my sole refuge. Thou art my only support.

My silent adorations unto Thee. I am Thy meek suppliant. Remove

the veil of ignorance.


O Gracious Mother! Prostrations unto Thee. Where art Thou? Do

not forsake me. I am Thy child. Take me to the other

shore of fearlessness and joy. When shall I behold Thy lotus feet

with my own eyes? Thou art the boundless ocean of

mercy. When philosopher's stone turns iron into gold by


when the Ganges turns impure water into pure water,

can'st Thou not turn me, O Divine Mother, into a pure soul? May

my tongue repeat Thy Name always!

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