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Universe a Tantrik View ! ( A repost )

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In the beginning was the word, the word was god and the word was

with god" the word of the Bible is the Sabdabrahman of the Hindu



Word, sound and Mantra are integral parts of Indian cosmology,

and cannnot be separated from it. Taking cosmological principles


of the realm of theory, japa or mantra repetition puts them to

work in

a pragmatic way. It is the path from microcosm to macrocosm; it is

the vehicle that carries the individual back to the source.


In the beginning, shakti, the unmanifested cosmos, floats like an


in the silent, motionless void. A mass of latent, undifferentiated

energy, it contains the seed power of all the universe. It rests

in the

void, alternately flowering as the manifest, evolved cosmos and


withdrawing itself in dissolution,(Pralaya). Throughout eternity,


day and night, the universe alternately expands into matter and

recedes into primal energy.


during the period of dissolution, shakti also known as the Divine

power or the Cosmic energy lies quiescent. Just as the tulip is


within the bulb, so this universe of names and forms, as we know


lies enfolded in shakti. Within its heart rests the three


Sattwa(purity), Rajas(activity)and tamas(inertia), whose

kaleidoscopic shifting permeates all aspects of the universe.




Cosmic evolution proceeds from the unconscious, unmoving,

unknowable and unmanifest to the conscious, moving knowable and

manifest microcosm.. On the other hand, human evolution is a return

journey from the gross physical plane of the microcosm back to the

absolute. In one case the force is centrifugal, in the other



In the tantrik view, sound as a vibration of undifferentiated

intelligence is the catalyst that sets into motion the unfolding

of the

manifest cosmos. A primal shudder disturbs the slumbering

equilibrium of shakti and arouses rajas, the active principle, to


out the creation of the manifold universes. The causal vibration,

Sabdabrahman, is undifferentiated, soundless Sound. It is the

wavelength experience as God.


This Great Cosmic Vibration splits Shakti into two fields of


force, and projects it as two aspect Nada and Bindu. As


positive male force, Bindu is the ground from which Nada operates.

As centripetal negative female force, Nada unfolds the manifest

universe. They are regarded as Father and Mother aspects of the

supreme Power. The bifurcation of Shakti is a duality in unity,

not a

separation. this duality of poles in the substratum of manifested

Shakti actually provides the magnetic force holding together in a

state of vibration of molecules of the physical world.


Through the medium of time-lapse photography, it is possible to

watch a rosebud explode into full flower. Like a rosebud, the

universe unfolds and expands. After the first diferentiation


the seed energies of the universe, the vibrating mass of energy

continues differentiating and expanding as wavelengths. By the


diffenrentiation, the energy is evolved on the gross plane, with


creation of fifty articulate sounds of Varnas. Varnas means color,

and all sounds have corresponding color vibrations in the invisible



From the combinations and permutations of these root sounds, the

universe of forms is created. Sounds, as physical vibrations, are


to produce predictable forms. Combinations of sounds produce

complicated shapes. Experiments have demonstrated that notes,

produced by certain instruments can trace out a on a bed of sand

deninite geometrical figures. In order to produce a particular

form, a

specific note at a particular pitch must be generated. Repetition


the exact note and pitch creates a duplication of the form.


Underlying all the forms of the physical world are the oscillating

wavelengths on the fifty primeval sounds in varying combinations.

Sounds is thus potential form, and form is sound made manifest.

Because of oscillatory nature of matter and of mind as perceiver,


world of manifest forms can only be experienced in distortion as

illusion or Maya.


Fragmented and fractured, the fifty basic sounds themselves have

faded down the corridor of time, and lost to human memory. the

Sanskrit language, however, is directly derived from them and of


languages it is the closest approximation. Mantras are sound powers

evolved from the varnas and revealed in sanskrit syllables to the

ancient sages.


(As told by Swami vishnudevananda)

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Hi Nora:


I really enjoyed the first part of this repost.The following parts are

where I begin to question, similar to my questions re Prisni's

post. The assignment of "positive" and "negative" with and to

"male" and "female" in this context of energy differentiation or

"bifurcation" is I think where humanity goes awry, and begins to

create the disparities in the treatment of women and men in



The image of the tulip in the tulip bulb is wonderful, and there's

no gender assignment there! It's freeing! I still feel that each

person, male and female, has all energies/qualities within, and

sadhana can develop and balance these qualities within the

individual, and thus, in the world as that individual then acts from

that development and balance in the world.


Can this view be in harmony with Shakta beliefs? That is, in

Shakta texts, are certain qualities assigned to specific genders?

I don't mean certain functions, such as producing sperm, or

giving childbirth, I mean qualities such as "positive" and

"negative" or "active" or "passive," etc. (Yes, I know I am again

showing my limits regarding knowledge of Shakta texts, but

knowledge takes time!)

> This Great Cosmic Vibration splits Shakti into two fields of

> magnetic

> force, and projects it as two aspect Nada and Bindu. As

> centrifugal,

> positive male force, Bindu is the ground from which Nada


> As centripetal negative female force, Nada unfolds the


> universe. They are regarded as Father and Mother aspects of


> supreme Power. The bifurcation of Shakti is a duality in unity,

> not a

> separation. this duality of poles in the substratum of


> Shakti actually provides the magnetic force holding together

in a

> state of vibration of molecules of the physical world.


> Through the medium of time-lapse photography, it is

possible to

> watch a rosebud explode into full flower. Like a rosebud, the

> universe unfolds and expands. After the first diferentiation

> containing

> the seed energies of the universe, the vibrating mass of


> continues differentiating and expanding as wavelengths. By


> fifth

> diffenrentiation, the energy is evolved on the gross plane,


> the

> creation of fifty articulate sounds of Varnas. Varnas means


> and all sounds have corresponding color vibrations in the


> world.

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Dear Mary Ann


This is an old message from the old club, which I have been keeping

in the archives. During the initial phase of the group, I have repost

several gradually and because of time constraint have stop

temporarily. I cant remember who actually post this message but

apparently it is an extraction from one of Swami Vishnudevananda

speech. I thought its timely to repost this article for discussion

purposes. I let the other experience sadhak to response first.


"Yes, I know I am again showing my limits regarding knowledge of

Shakta texts, but knowledge takes time!"


Theres an old saying which goes somelike this : What I know is just a

handful grain of hand, what I do not know is the whole lot out there.


Learning process is a continuous one, and from my personal opinion,

should not stop till the day we die. A true seeker of knowledge will

understand the virtues of patience, endurance and humility. I think

we are no difference, we both have limits to our understanding of the

Shaktas texts. And with DEVI's grace she will light up our heart and

mind to make us more receptive to learning as long as we are sincere

and honest to HER. And yes! I agree, knowledge do take time.



OM Parashaktiyei Namaha

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