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Cone of Power, Wed

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Thou Art God / Goddess:


I am forwarding this ritual outline to everyone on my email address

book. The reason I am doing this is because I feel it's such a

great thing that we should all partake in this if possible. We've

already gotten four groups doing this in total, 2 groups that

consist of over 600 members, and two groups with 100 - 200 members

in them. We've about 1500 people in total that will be partaking in



Partaking in what? Well, World Wide Witches has come up with an

idea to try and create a worldwide "Cone of Power" effect. Below,

I've outlined a simple ritual that all will be able to do without

having problems or not knowing what exactly to do. This Cone of

Power will be started Wednesday worldwide, and will be released the

following day, Thursday. We are in hopes of helping stop the war,

and making a difference within our lives. So if you're able, please

partake in this event. You're more than welcome to forward this

along to all that you may know, but please keep the entire email as



If you'd like more information, please email

Bryce or go to



May You Never Thirst, and Together May We Be One!








Thou Art God / Goddess:


There seems to be some problems with the ritual that many of you

will be taking part in Wednesday sometime within your day. I've

received many emails from various members, saying that they'd like

to partake in our ritual "Cone of Power", but they've stated a few

problems that might consist for them. The most popular said, would

be "I cannot leave my circle open an entire day", for various

reasons, which all are completely understandable. However, do not

fret about that, within this announce, we'll be redoing some of the

ritual outline, and making a more in-depth explanation for you all

to follow along with. This should be easy for all to day, new or old.




Two Candles: You'll need two candles that will represent the Lord

and Lady, or whichever Divine Entity you're wishing to call upon.

There's no need for specific colors, but you can use them if that

helps you in visualization as well feel.



Two Candle Holders: Please get yourself two secure candle holders

that you will be able to burn a candle in for the remainder of the

day. You'll want something that will prevent tipping over, fires and

something that can be preferably placed out of reach from younger

children and pets.


An Athame: This is not required, but is useful should you use tools

to assist in your ritual visualizations and workings. You can use

your hand if you wish, you can use your Wand, Staff, or etc. Note

that your hand is also considered a tool within the craft, and

materialistic tools are not needed.


Additional Tools: Some might enjoy meditating to soft lyrics or

nature sounds, please know you're still more than welcome to do

this. Some also like to associate the quarters within your circle

with Candles, or various objects that represent that Quarter /

Guardian you are invoking to your circle. This is more than welcome,

you've no restrictions to what you can and cannot use in your ritual





This circle shouldn't take you more than an hour, and probably no

less then 30 minutes to do. Most of the ritual will be based on

meditation and visualization, since the main object from this, is to

project an imagine of what we desire life to be, what we wish of the

war to become, and adjust the energies around us through thought and

emotion to manifest into our desired Visualizations.


There's no specific time on Wednesday that you need to cast your

circle and perform your ritual. This is an old day event. So

whenever you've some free time, and are able to perform a ritual

without disturbances from other family members or friends, then that

would be the time you'd need to do this. Whether it be morning or

night. Like with all rituals, you'll want to find a secluded place

that you can perform without others walking in on you, or disturbing

you, so whether it be in your bedroom, outside in the woods,

backyard, or even within your bathroom, it's more than a perfect





After you've prepared your altar (if you're using one) and after

you've gathered your tools and supplies for the ritual (don't forget

your matches for the candles), go to east corner of you. Take up

your hands, reach them towards the Moon and Stars, and say:


"Lord and Lady, O' Divine Power, Enter Thy Soul, Thy Circle In

Whole. I Conjure Thee, O' Mighty Lord and Lady, Come To Thy Circle

In Love, Peace, Friendship and Power, So I May Cast This Magick



Now, begin to walk deosil (clockwise) around the outside of the

circle, while saying (it sometimes helps to actually have a set

boundary where your circle lies) and visualizing a fine blue Sphere

appearing as your hand reaches out to the outside of the Circle, and

goes around:


"I Conjure Three O Circle of Art, To Be A Temple Between The Worlds.

Therefore I Do Consecrate Thee, and So Mote It Be."

~ The above is a snippet from the outlined "OMS Ritual



By the time you finished saying this, you should have by now,

greeted the East direction once again.


Now, if you're wishing to invoke the Quarters / Guardians, you may

wish to do that now. Each Quarter has a certain representation to

it, but can be changed to what you believe and feel is right for

that direction. Some correspondences are:


East: Yellow, Sky, Air

South: Red, Fire, Mars

West: Blue, Moon, Water

North: Green, Brown, Mercury, Earth


Not very in-depth, but they'll work. Now, to call upon a Guardian /

Quarter, walk from the East to the North Quarter, at each direction,

stating something to the following invocation:


"I Call Upon Thee, Guardian Of The East. Guardian Of Sky and Air,

Come To My Circle With Purity and Wholeness. Hail and Welcome."


"I Call Upon Thee, Guardian Of The South. Guardian Of Fire and Mars,

Come To My Circle With Strength, Love, and Wholeness. Hail and



"I Call Upon Thee, Guardian Of The West. Guardian Of Moon and Water,

Come To My Circle With Enchantment, Love and Meaning. Hail and




"I Call Upon Thee, Guardian Of The North. Guardian Of Earth and

Boundiness, Come To MY Circle With Fulfillment, Passion, Knowledge

and Strength. Hail and Welcome."


You may also wish to do some other things with casting your circle,

but that's entirely up to you to do. You do not have to use the

above outline for casting your circle, but because of the many whom

emailed me and told me they've not the experience to do this, I

figured I'd write up an easy to do outline for everyone to use. This

will work for both the experienced and non-experienced people of the





This is the most important part of this ritual. Our goal is to cause

change through "Thought, Emotion, Love and Energy." To build up this

energy, we visualize what we are seeking to achieve, and that we'll

be doing through some meditation. While you're meditating, review

all the things within your life that are going on right now, imagine

how you'd like them to be, what you'd like added and substituted. Do

not get greedy with your thoughts, this is only to help us a little,

we ourselves must contribute the biggest part of changing ourselves,

and that's through doing it ourselves in "Self Improvement and

Change". Our biggest visualization will be that of the current

Worldwide situations, such as War, and hunger, pain and suffering of

all kinds.


Sit down in the middle of your circle, and envision these things

within your mind. Sit down, or lay down, whichever is more

comfortable for you. Some of you may need to light a candle to help

with focusing and visualization, so make sure to bring along a third

candle into your ritual.



Take a deep breath in, imagine all the energies of life entering

into your body. Realize the many particles that are flowing into the

core of your soul, feel the energy build up within your chest, as

your stomach expands. Now, release that breath, let it all flow out,

and imagine a stream of blue light exiting, this blue light is your

energy now entering the World. Visualize the energy coming out now,

as well after your meditation is through. For those whom might have

troubles, breathe in and out counting down from 20, with each

breathe, take the next one in a little slower and longer, until the

last breathe when you realize, you really are here in whole no more,

but actually at a stage of Full Consciousness.


Picture all things in your life, picture the war, picture the pain

and hurt of all, imagine them changing, from a caterpillar, into a

beautiful butterfly. Watch them change and grow, from something that

was once horrifying, to something that is now filled with Mother

Nature's most beautiful passions.


Once you're done, imagine the blue light again. Take in a deep

breathe, and feel your lungs and stomach fill with energy, and as

your release that energy with your breathe, imagine that blue light

escaping into the circle. Open your eyes up, and not only shall you

feel the energy around you, you may also see it too. No worries if

you can see or feel it, just know it is there around you, and within



It might not be suggested to stand up just yet, as this exercise can

be a little draining at first. Take your candle, look up to the

heavens, and state:



"God O'Mighty, Father of the Heaven and Earth, Bless This Circle,

Bless These Thoughts, May They Become As Fulfilling As Your



Light your first candle. Repeat again, but this time for the Goddess:



"Goddess O'Mighty, Mother of the Heaven and Earth, Bless This

Circle, Bless These Thoughts, May They Become As Fulfilling As Your



Light your second candle.




We would like to recommend you to leave your circle open/ cast for

the remainder of the day until you close it the following day. This

reason is because there are over 600 members in this group, and

we're all in different time zones and areas of the world, so there's

no possible way of us all doing this at the exact same time as

another person is. So we'll leave the circle open the entire day for

Wednesday, and Thursday they'll be closed and released. So, you're

asking yourself "How do I get out of my circle without closing it?"

Also, "How do I go about my all day things without walking through



Well, that's something a lot of people asked, and a lot have stated

they can't leave their circles open all day for one reason or

another. So, I've done a little research to make sure I'm not wrong,

and I've come up with some answers to the not walking through it




It's a matter of belief, this depends on many people, but you can

leave your circle open, and still walk through it. As you know, a

circle is invisible to the eye of others, unless they're visioning

the circle at whole. Usually while within the circle, while casting

the circle, you can see it. So just pretend that circle is not

there. However, it's a smart idea to mark your circle's boundaries,

so you know where it is when you return the following day. Nothing

worse than casting a circle and not remembering where you did it at



So, no worries if you can't go about your day without walking

through your circle. There's no problem at all, as long as you don't

intentionally harm it, by saying "Oh hey guys, this area is where my

circle is. You guys can't walk through it though!" Don't do that,

just pretend it's not there. Don't even mention it to anyone else,

and if they do know you were doing a circle, don't let them know you

left it open. The Guardians will remain within your circle, although

I advice before you leave your circle (also state this to the Divine

Entity you've invoked as well), state:



"Guardians of the Quarters, I Thank You For Your Being Here. Go If

You Must, Stay If You Will."


This is a nice gesture to make, since you're calling upon an entity

that may not wish to remain. Be polite, let them know they're

welcomed to stay. More than likely, you'll not have to worry about

anything. I've been talking to a few people whom have done this, and

said they'll more than likely stand over your circle and remain as



Now, getting out of your circle. I suggest before you do this,

ground and center yourself. If you've no clue of how to do this,

there's lots of information on www.Google.com that will be able to

help you. It can be hard to explain, and this ritual is already at a

good long explanation, so I won't go further into that. If you need,

you can contact me for further assistance.


Now, time to use your Athame / Wand / Staff / Hand to cut yourself a

doorway. If you've never done this before, it's rather easy. Look at

it as a tent, you must reach down, pull up and over, and back down

to unzip your doorway in a tent, you need to do that for a circle as

well. When you get out, you'll need to close your circle, do the

same thing, but this time from where you ended to started. So if you

opened from the right side to the left side, close from the left

side to the right side. Easy eh?




Thursday, sometime when you've the time, about 15 minutes or so,

you'll need to enter your circle again. So, from where you left off,

open the circle again, close your doorway behind you. Sit down,

meditate once again on the above said Meditation and Visualization.

Do not go as into depth as before, but do a simple meditation to

refresh the memories of it all. Now, stand up within your circle,

look into the heavens and say aloud (or in your mind):



"I Release Thee, Conjured Power of Thought and Emotion. Together

With Others, I Release These Energies Into One Large Cone of Power.

Together We Will, Together We Must, Change The Bad For All The Good.

Let These Energies Manifest and Change the Desired. So Mote It Be."


Now, if your candles are not yet out from burning all day, leave

them be and allow them to continue to burn the remainder of the day.

These candles should be used on for this ritual, but that's entirely

up to you in the end. Snuff your candles, do not blow them out (Just

some good ol' folklore).


Walk towards the North side of your circle, and reach out your hands

to the heavens, and state:


"Those Whom Have Entered, As Well Those Whom Have Left, I Thank You

For Your Watching and Partaking In This Circle. You're Welcomed Here

At Our Home and Circles Whenever Ye Might Wish."


Starting from there, start walking widdershin (counter-clockwise)

around the circle, from North to East, and state:



"Guardians / Quarters, Entities of All, I Thank Thee. Stay If You

Will, Go If You Must. So Mote It Be."


As you walk around the circle, have your arm / wand extended, and

visualize the circle coming down. If you wish, meditate and ground

afterwards. It's suggested to eat after both ritual workings, both

opening and closing, as that is a easy way of grounding. Although

other ways are suggested too.




This is only an example. You may use this if you wish, you may

reproduce it as well, but you're not required to do this if you wish

not too. There are many other ways to perform a ritual working, this

is just the simplest one I could come up with. I've grokked this

ritual all day now, trying to make sure it was just perfect and easy

enough for everyone to follow. I hope it has been easy to read and

understand, and if you've any questions about the Ritual or Event at

all, please feel free to contact Spiral Earth Dancer

(Bryce) for more information.



Shade & Sweet Water,


Serena Kara

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Oh my goodness, I never thought of 'witches' when I think of a Goddess. I am

God, where is my Goddess? Well, I know where, but I mean here too. There must be

some Goddess's for me here too, then we will get together.--- On Mon 02/17,

Serena Kara < Clolyndyn > wrote:

Serena Kara [ Clolyndyn]To:

: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:35:01 -0000Subject:

Cone of Power, WedThou Art God / Goddess:I am forwarding this

ritual outline to everyone on my email address book. The reason I am doing this

is because I feel it's such a great thing that we should all partake in this if

possible. We've already gotten four groups doing this in total, 2 groups that

consist of over 600 members, and two groups with 100 - 200 members in them.

We've about 1500 people in total that will be partaking in this.Partaking in

what? Well, World Wide Witches has come up with an idea to try and create a

worldwide "Cone of Power" effect. Below, I've outlined a simple ritual that all

will be able to do without having problems or not knowing what exactly to do.

This Cone of Power will be started Wednesday worldwide, and will be released the

following day, Thursday. We are in hopes of helping stop the war, and making a

difference within our lives. So if you're able, please partake in this event.

You're more than welcome to forward this along to all that you may know, but

please keep the entire email as is.If you'd like more information, please email

Bryce or go to http://groups.msn.com/WorldWideWitchesMay

You Never Thirst, and Together May We Be


----Thou Art God / Goddess:There seems to be some problems with the ritual that

many of you will be taking part in Wednesday sometime within your day. I've

received many emails from various members, saying that they'd like to partake in

our ritual "Cone of Power", but they've stated a few problems that might consist

for them. The most popular said, would be "I cannot leave my circle open an

entire day", for various reasons, which all are completely understandable.

However, do not fret about that, within this announce, we'll be redoing some of

the ritual outline, and making a more in-depth explanation for you all to follow

along with. This should be easy for all to day, new or old.MATERIALS NEEDEDTwo

Candles: You'll need two candles that will represent the Lord and Lady, or

whichever Divine Entity you're wishing to call upon. There's no need for

specific colors, but you can use them if that helps you in visualization as well

feel. Two Candle Holders: Please get yourself two secure candle holders that you

will be able to burn a candle in for the remainder of the day. You'll want

something that will prevent tipping over, fires and something that can be

preferably placed out of reach from younger children and pets.An Athame: This is

not required, but is useful should you use tools to assist in your ritual

visualizations and workings. You can use your hand if you wish, you can use your

Wand, Staff, or etc. Note that your hand is also considered a tool within the

craft, and materialistic tools are not needed.Additional Tools: Some might enjoy

meditating to soft lyrics or nature sounds, please know you're still more than

welcome to do this. Some also like to associate the quarters within your circle

with Candles, or various objects that represent that Quarter / Guardian you are

invoking to your circle. This is more than welcome, you've no restrictions to

what you can and cannot use in your ritual workings.RITUAL OUTLINEThis circle

shouldn't take you more than an hour, and probably no less then 30 minutes to

do. Most of the ritual will be based on meditation and visualization, since the

main object from this, is to project an imagine of what we desire life to be,

what we wish of the war to become, and adjust the energies around us through

thought and emotion to manifest into our desired Visualizations.There's no

specific time on Wednesday that you need to cast your circle and perform your

ritual. This is an old day event. So whenever you've some free time, and are

able to perform a ritual without disturbances from other family members or

friends, then that would be the time you'd need to do this. Whether it be

morning or night. Like with all rituals, you'll want to find a secluded place

that you can perform without others walking in on you, or disturbing you, so

whether it be in your bedroom, outside in the woods, backyard, or even within

your bathroom, it's more than a perfect place.CASTING YOUR CIRCLEAfter you've

prepared your altar (if you're using one) and after you've gathered your tools

and supplies for the ritual (don't forget your matches for the candles), go to

east corner of you. Take up your hands, reach them towards the Moon and Stars,

and say:"Lord and Lady, O' Divine Power, Enter Thy Soul, Thy Circle In Whole. I

Conjure Thee, O' Mighty Lord and Lady, Come To Thy Circle In Love, Peace,

Friendship and Power, So I May Cast This Magick Circle."Now, begin to walk

deosil (clockwise) around the outside of the circle, while saying (it sometimes

helps to actually have a set boundary where your circle lies) and visualizing a

fine blue Sphere appearing as your hand reaches out to the outside of the

Circle, and goes around:"I Conjure Three O Circle of Art, To Be A Temple Between

The Worlds. Therefore I Do Consecrate Thee, and So Mote It Be." ~ The

above is a snippet from the outlined "OMS Ritual Format".By the time you

finished saying this, you should have by now, greeted the East direction once

again.Now, if you're wishing to invoke the Quarters / Guardians, you may wish to

do that now. Each Quarter has a certain representation to it, but can be changed

to what you believe and feel is right for that direction. Some correspondences

are:East: Yellow, Sky, AirSouth: Red, Fire, MarsWest: Blue, Moon, WaterNorth:

Green, Brown, Mercury, EarthNot very in-depth, but they'll work. Now, to call

upon a Guardian / Quarter, walk from the East to the North Quarter, at each

direction, stating something to the following invocation:"I Call Upon Thee,

Guardian Of The East. Guardian Of Sky and Air, Come To My Circle With Purity and

Wholeness. Hail and Welcome.""I Call Upon Thee, Guardian Of The South. Guardian

Of Fire and Mars, Come To My Circle With Strength, Love, and Wholeness. Hail and

Welcome.""I Call Upon Thee, Guardian Of The West. Guardian Of Moon and Water,

Come To My Circle With Enchantment, Love and Meaning. Hail and Welcome.""I Call

Upon Thee, Guardian Of The North. Guardian Of Earth and Boundiness, Come To MY

Circle With Fulfillment, Passion, Knowledge and Strength. Hail and Welcome."You

may also wish to do some other things with casting your circle, but that's

entirely up to you to do. You do not have to use the above outline for casting

your circle, but because of the many whom emailed me and told me they've not the

experience to do this, I figured I'd write up an easy to do outline for everyone

to use. This will work for both the experienced and non-experienced people of

the Craft.MEDITATION and VISUALIZATIONThis is the most important part of this

ritual. Our goal is to cause change through "Thought, Emotion, Love and Energy."

To build up this energy, we visualize what we are seeking to achieve, and that

we'll be doing through some meditation. While you're meditating, review all the

things within your life that are going on right now, imagine how you'd like them

to be, what you'd like added and substituted. Do not get greedy with your

thoughts, this is only to help us a little, we ourselves must contribute the

biggest part of changing ourselves, and that's through doing it ourselves in

"Self Improvement and Change". Our biggest visualization will be that of the

current Worldwide situations, such as War, and hunger, pain and suffering of all

kinds.Sit down in the middle of your circle, and envision these things within

your mind. Sit down, or lay down, whichever is more comfortable for you. Some of

you may need to light a candle to help with focusing and visualization, so make

sure to bring along a third candle into your ritual.Take a deep breath in,

imagine all the energies of life entering into your body. Realize the many

particles that are flowing into the core of your soul, feel the energy build up

within your chest, as your stomach expands. Now, release that breath, let it all

flow out, and imagine a stream of blue light exiting, this blue light is your

energy now entering the World. Visualize the energy coming out now, as well

after your meditation is through. For those whom might have troubles, breathe in

and out counting down from 20, with each breathe, take the next one in a little

slower and longer, until the last breathe when you realize, you really are here

in whole no more, but actually at a stage of Full Consciousness.Picture all

things in your life, picture the war, picture the pain and hurt of all, imagine

them changing, from a caterpillar, into a beautiful butterfly. Watch them change

and grow, from something that was once horrifying, to something that is now

filled with Mother Nature's most beautiful passions.Once you're done, imagine

the blue light again. Take in a deep breathe, and feel your lungs and stomach

fill with energy, and as your release that energy with your breathe, imagine

that blue light escaping into the circle. Open your eyes up, and not only shall

you feel the energy around you, you may also see it too. No worries if you can

see or feel it, just know it is there around you, and within you.It might not be

suggested to stand up just yet, as this exercise can be a little draining at

first. Take your candle, look up to the heavens, and state:"God O'Mighty, Father

of the Heaven and Earth, Bless This Circle, Bless These Thoughts, May They

Become As Fulfilling As Your Boundiness."Light your first candle. Repeat again,

but this time for the Goddess:"Goddess O'Mighty, Mother of the Heaven and Earth,

Bless This Circle, Bless These Thoughts, May They Become As Fulfilling As Your

Boundiness."Light your second candle.RITUAL ENDING / CONCLUSIONWe would like to

recommend you to leave your circle open/ cast for the remainder of the day until

you close it the following day. This reason is because there are over 600

members in this group, and we're all in different time zones and areas of the

world, so there's no possible way of us all doing this at the exact same time as

another person is. So we'll leave the circle open the entire day for Wednesday,

and Thursday they'll be closed and released. So, you're asking yourself "How do

I get out of my circle without closing it?" Also, "How do I go about my all day

things without walking through it?"Well, that's something a lot of people asked,

and a lot have stated they can't leave their circles open all day for one reason

or another. So, I've done a little research to make sure I'm not wrong, and I've

come up with some answers to the not walking through it question.It's a matter

of belief, this depends on many people, but you can leave your circle open, and

still walk through it. As you know, a circle is invisible to the eye of others,

unless they're visioning the circle at whole. Usually while within the circle,

while casting the circle, you can see it. So just pretend that circle is not

there. However, it's a smart idea to mark your circle's boundaries, so you know

where it is when you return the following day. Nothing worse than casting a

circle and not remembering where you did it at *grins*.So, no worries if you

can't go about your day without walking through your circle. There's no problem

at all, as long as you don't intentionally harm it, by saying "Oh hey guys, this

area is where my circle is. You guys can't walk through it though!" Don't do

that, just pretend it's not there. Don't even mention it to anyone else, and if

they do know you were doing a circle, don't let them know you left it open. The

Guardians will remain within your circle, although I advice before you leave

your circle (also state this to the Divine Entity you've invoked as well),

state:"Guardians of the Quarters, I Thank You For Your Being Here. Go If You

Must, Stay If You Will."This is a nice gesture to make, since you're calling

upon an entity that may not wish to remain. Be polite, let them know they're

welcomed to stay. More than likely, you'll not have to worry about anything.

I've been talking to a few people whom have done this, and said they'll more

than likely stand over your circle and remain as protectors.Now, getting out of

your circle. I suggest before you do this, ground and center yourself. If you've

no clue of how to do this, there's lots of information on www.Google.com that

will be able to help you. It can be hard to explain, and this ritual is already

at a good long explanation, so I won't go further into that. If you need, you

can contact me for further assistance.Now, time to use your Athame / Wand /

Staff / Hand to cut yourself a doorway. If you've never done this before, it's

rather easy. Look at it as a tent, you must reach down, pull up and over, and

back down to unzip your doorway in a tent, you need to do that for a circle as

well. When you get out, you'll need to close your circle, do the same thing, but

this time from where you ended to started. So if you opened from the right side

to the left side, close from the left side to the right side. Easy eh?CLOSING

DOWN YOUR CIRCLE THURSDAYThursday, sometime when you've the time, about 15

minutes or so, you'll need to enter your circle again. So, from where you left

off, open the circle again, close your doorway behind you. Sit down, meditate

once again on the above said Meditation and Visualization. Do not go as into

depth as before, but do a simple meditation to refresh the memories of it all.

Now, stand up within your circle, look into the heavens and say aloud (or in

your mind):"I Release Thee, Conjured Power of Thought and Emotion. Together With

Others, I Release These Energies Into One Large Cone of Power. Together We Will,

Together We Must, Change The Bad For All The Good. Let These Energies Manifest

and Change the Desired. So Mote It Be."Now, if your candles are not yet out from

burning all day, leave them be and allow them to continue to burn the remainder

of the day. These candles should be used on for this ritual, but that's entirely

up to you in the end. Snuff your candles, do not blow them out (Just some good

ol' folklore).Walk towards the North side of your circle, and reach out your

hands to the heavens, and state:"Those Whom Have Entered, As Well Those Whom

Have Left, I Thank You For Your Watching and Partaking In This Circle. You're

Welcomed Here At Our Home and Circles Whenever Ye Might Wish."Starting from

there, start walking widdershin (counter-clockwise) around the circle, from

North to East, and state:"Guardians / Quarters, Entities of All, I Thank Thee.

Stay If You Will, Go If You Must. So Mote It Be."As you walk around the circle,

have your arm / wand extended, and visualize the circle coming down. If you

wish, meditate and ground afterwards. It's suggested to eat after both ritual

workings, both opening and closing, as that is a easy way of grounding. Although

other ways are suggested too.---This is only an example. You may use this if you

wish, you may reproduce it as well, but you're not required to do this if you

wish not too. There are many other ways to perform a ritual working, this is

just the simplest one I could come up with. I've grokked this ritual all day

now, trying to make sure it was just perfect and easy enough for everyone to

follow. I hope it has been easy to read and understand, and if you've any

questions about the Ritual or Event at all, please feel free to contact Spiral

Earth Dancer (Bryce) for more information.Shade & Sweet

Water,Serena Kara









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Bright Blessings Serena Kara,


As another member of the wiccan community on this list I am glad to

see you here.


I am a member of other, specifically Wiccan and Pagan lists.


I am here because the Hindu Goddess tradition is so very rich and I

am interested in learning more about it. I feel that it in many ways

parallels my own practices.


However, although I have shared some of my personal practices and

beliefs on this list. I see myself as a Wiccan guest on a Hindu list.

I do try to relate my experiences when I post them to the overarching

Hindu purpose here.


I wonder if your ritual posting might be bookmarked here for

interested parties, but find a fuller home on a Wiccan list?


As a fellow practicioner I am interested in your feelings about this.

Are you here to learn about the Hindu Goddess tradition, or to share

in that?


Please do not take an offense as none is intended, but I would like

to open up a dialog on this.


Blessed be,




> Shade & Sweet Water,


> Serena Kara

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