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Avadhuta Gita

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The Avadhuta Gita is ascribed to Dattatreya, another name for Shiva itself.

Historical data concerning when or where he was born, how long he lived, is



On this day of Shivaratri, an avadhuta dancing .........



Avadhuta means a liberated soul, one who has "passed away from" or "shaken off"

all worldly attachments and cares and has attained a spiritual state equivalent

to the existence of God.

Though avadhuta naturally implies renunciation, it includes an additional and

yet higher state which is neither attachment nor detachment but beyond both.


For an avadhuta both secularism or religiousness, both have no relevance any



An avadhuta seeks nothing, avoids nothing, has neither knowledge nor ignorance.


In the apperception of the infinite there is a living


Some of the prattlings in the Avadhuta Gita and some commentary, in between.....


1. Through the grace of God alone, the desire for nonduality arises in wise men

to save them from great fear.






Seeking itself is acausal, non-volitional)



2. How shall I salute the formless Being, indivisible, auspicious, and

immutable, who fills all this with His Self and also fills the self with His






(S: If all is "that", who is "not-that" to venerate "that"?)




3. The universe composed of the five elements is like water in a mirage. Oh, to

whom shall I make obeisance -- I who am one and taintless?



4. All is verily the absolute Self. Distinction and nondistinction do not

exist. How can I say, "It exists; it does not exist"? I am filled with wonder!





(S:Pursuit of the proof of existence, and pursuit of the dis-proving of that

proof, both have a meaning so long there is "one" to whom either holds a

meaning.This game can be only played within phenomenality)





5. The essence and the whole of Vedanta is this Knowledge, this supreme

Knowledge: that I am by nature the formless, all-pervasive Self.



6. There is no doubt that I am that God who is the Self of all, pure,

indivisible, like the sky, naturally stainless.



7. I indeed am immutable and infinite and of the form of pure Intelligence. I

do not know how or in relation to whom Joy and sorrow exist.





(S:The construct of duality is the very construct of phenomenality.Each pole of

the duality lends a meaning to the other. If the relative is an illusion, can

anything at all be said about the Absolute, including the word "Absolute"?)






8. I have no mental activity, good or bad; I have no bodily function, good or

bad; I have no verbal action, good or bad. I am the nectar of Knowledge, beyond

the senses, pure.





(S:I am that I am.)



9. The mind indeed is of the from of space. The mind indeed is omnifaced. The

mind is the past. The mind is all. But in reality there is no mind.





(S: Mind, no-mind, all movements within phenomenality)



10. I, the One only, am all this, beyond space and continuous. How can I see the

Self as visible or hidden?






(S:Noumenal awareness, not even aware of it's awareness)








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