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ThirumuRai Series - 262

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(Friday/ Saturday night is the much renowned

shivarAtri observance of Lord shiva. The glory of this

vrata from purANas and the mantras for performing puja

could be found at



namaH shivAya)


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thirunyAna camban^dhar thirukkaDaikkAppu

thalam thirukkEdhAram

paN cevvazi

iraNDAm thirumuRai




thoNDar anychu kaLiRum maDakki curumbAr malar

iNDaikkaTTi vazipADu ceyyum iDam enbarAl

vaNDu pADa mayil Ala mAn kanRu thuLLa vari

keNDai pAyach chunai n^Ila moTTu alarum kEdhAramE.





The devotees (servants) holding back the five


(senses), with the flowers on which the bees ring

around making garlands, worship there, they say !

Bees sing; peacocks dance; deer-cubs jump;

striped keNDai fishes zip through; in the tanks

blue buds bloom - such a place is thirukkEdhAram.



1. All the five senses - they are very immense and

powerful - so powerful that they can tramp the

individual held hostage to them - they are like the

gigantic elephants. By doing service to Lord shiva at

thirukkEdhAram, the wise devotees have their senses in

control - that they serve like the tamed elephants, as

the devotee converges in the Lord's feet.

c.f. patanjali yogasUtra - ways of achieving focus of


2. The floral worship is a great form of praying and


is praised across thirumuRai and other scriptures.

3. cambandhar physically did not go to kEdhAram when


sang this padhikam. From thirukkALaththi itself he


the Lord of thirukkEdhAram. Exclaiming the service the

devotees do even in the extreme terrain, as heard from

the fellow devotees, he sang. The word, "enbarAl" to

be noted in this context.

4. kaLiRu - male elephant; curumbu - bee;

iNDai - garland; Ala - dance; alarum - bloom.






Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org






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