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A Tibetan story

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In the monasteries of Tibet, goes a story thus


Randy was the king of Mosquitoes.


It so happened that once his fellow subject mosquitoes were searching for a

place for their king Randy to reside.


Nothing less would do, as after it was Randy the mosquito and hence place after

place were rejected on one ground or the other.


Till they arrived at the ear of an elephant and all agreed that this was indeed

"the" palatial residence fit for their King Randy.


Randy inspected the premises and approved to move in.


Just before Randy moved his stuff, family etc, he thought it fit to announce to

the elephant his arrival.

After all guest should at least inform the host, thought Randy.


"Hey Elephant, I am Randy King of the Mosquitoes. I come from across those

mountains. After a lot of search, it has been decided that your ear is suitable

for me to reside.

You must be honoured that I, Randy the III, King of Striped Mosquitoes have come

to reside in your ear.

I along with my family and followers will stay here.

For how long, I cannot say now"


Randy waited for a response.


None came.


Thinking that the elephant must be overwhelmed with the occasion, Randy moved



Being the randy goat that Randy was, soon his family grew by leaps and bounds.


Some friends dropped in over the months, stayed back (as usually guests of

guests do) and soon it was a buzz of activity.


Getting a bit squeezed for space (Randy liked a bit of space to contemplate on

the concepts of Life which he kept picking from the Bridge through his Web

connection), he soon called his council of ministers and announced that this

would no longer do and they better find another place for the King.


"We need space" decreed Randy (speaking in the royal plural for himself)


Soon the search located another suitable place and Randy was ready to leave.


Thinking it was not good manners not to say few words to the elephant whose ear

he had occupied for so long, Randy said


"Hey Elephant. I know you will be heartbroken but I am leaving.

Stayed here for a good 6 months, good pad you got here, little cramped, but

generally comfortable."


No answer from the elephant.


Randy getting a bit pissed off (nobody ignores Randy not even those humans),

Randy shouted

"Hey Elephant, I am leaving"


Again no response.


And so Randy fairly screamed and hollered as it was now a question of pride for

the striped Mosquito kingdom that he Randy the III be heard.


And finally the elephant turned around and looked around here and there and

espied a tiny wisp of a mosquito, making a song and dance about something.


"Yes?", asked the elephant.


"I am leaving" screamed the rapidly turning purple King of Mosquitoes.


"Oh you were there" said the astonished elephant.

"Forgive me, I never knew when you came, when you stayed, when you are leaving.


Just who are you" replied the elephant.




The Tibetan Masters go on and explain


A dialogue between an elephant and a Mosquito may well be possible.

After all an elephant is a big mosquito and a mosquito is a small elephant.

The difference is in dimensions, not of essence.


But a dialogue between the empty sky and the man filled with concepts, ideas,

notions about the sky is impossible.


For it is not a question of dimensions.


Man stands in front of the empty sky and screams

God IS,


Truth is so and so,

Religion is thus,

Visions are of this nature.


And the empty sky does not answer.


A dialogue between an elephant and the mosquito.


And the conceptual man's concepts like signatures on flowing water,..... getting

erased within the very process of the signing.







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