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Women, sannyas and..ISKON

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Here is a cyber-exchange between an ISKON member and an "interfaith"

spiritual master, Har Tzion (Swami Ramakrishnananda). It shows how

modern Vaisnava "value" womens...


Hare Krsna!


I can't understand how you can call your woman disciples "Acharya"?

with all respect, we know that women can not take even Sanyas. How

can that be?

Enclosed is a quote by Shrila A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:


"A woman is not supposed to take sannyasa. So-called spiritual

societies concocted in modern times give sannyasa even to women,

although there is no sanction in the Vedic literature for a woman's

accepting sannyasa.


Otherwise, if it were sanctioned, Kardama Muni could have taken his

wife and given her sannyasa." (SB 3.24.40 purport)


Hari Bol




Har Tzion Posted on 02/19/03, 23:51

Hare Krishna!...




The quote you had included is what Mr. Bhaktivedanta thinks… So what





He says that "A woman is not supposed to take Sannyas"…

But the fact that she is "not supposed"… doesn't mean that it is





Things which are "supposed" are not prohibitions…


With all due respect, can you please indicate where in the scriptures

(in the Vedic Scriptures, not the interpretations of your honorable

Master) it says that women is absolutely prohibited of taking Sannyas

or becoming an Acharya?



Acharya is a Sanskrit word which signifies "He who teaches by his own

personal example"… why can't a lady teach by her own personal


And as for the gentlemen Kardama Muni; he can do as he pleases, that

has nothing to do with me…

We live in a world of men…

With Scriptures written by men… Too macho for our days…

Women were viewed always as an object…

As a possession…

How can an object become Sannyas?

How can an object become an Acharya?





Believe me, it is possible that you and many of your preachers have a

lot to learn from a few of my women disciples…

Maybe if there would have been more women Sannyas or Acharyas in your





They would have solved many of those terrible problems of the past

few years…

What a shame…

Sometimes I think that the ego is masculine… and that enlightenment

is feminine…

Every day I am more and more convinced that if there is a God… One

thing is certain… He cannot be masculine… And Satan cannot be a woman…





In any case, your question had surprised me… I thought that the macho

religious fanaticism has appeared only our through our heritage… I

mean only at the mid orient…

But I see that it had surpassed all boundaries and had managed to

fraternize without differences of creed or race…

It is the same simple disrespect towards women… The same cruelty…

Have you any idea what we Jews pray every day? Every morning?

"Thank you Lord for not making me a woman"…

According to your conclusion and that of your master's I believe that

you would be in total agreement with this... You might even adopt it

as your Mantra and do another daily 16 rounds with it…



Now… Can you please tell me what we men have done (except numerous

wars, destruction and vile deeds) that we might be merciful to obtain

the title of Sannyas or "religious"?...

Why only men can raise to the Torah?...

Yes… I know… You would say it is written in your little books…

In your Torah or Gita… What ever the case might be…

That's where any possibility of a sane discussion ends…

One thing I can assure you with,

Our Acharyas never had violated any children…

Never have they sexually molested anyone…

Never have they run away with the institution's money…

They are not homosexuals…

They never had any drugs deals…

And never have they been sent to jail…

Can you say the same about the Acharyas of your institution for the

past 20 years?...

I am sure you can, otherwise you wouldn't criticize with such

confidence other Acharyas just because they are woman…





I would put it loud and clear… Women before anything else are human

beings and should be respected and dignified as such… And I don't

accept that she would be disrespected even in the name of your

religions, pitiful books or your Guru's interpretations…

If your religion produced disrespect and humiliation of the feminine

sex, then your interpretation of your so called religion doesn't

deserve the most minimum respect…

That is not religion my dear friend…

That is "Chauvinism" disguised as spirituality…

Any offense towards a woman offends me personally as a human being…

You remember that the Gopis of Vrindavan are the exponents of the

most elevated form of Bhakti… And… what can we do… they…. Are --

Women… How horrible!!!!





Be careful not to offend Mother Durga or Mother Kali… They are very

close to Lord Krishna… and the Devi is extremely sensitive when it

comes to the feminine sex.

Have you read the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam?... especially the Devi

Gita?... obviously religious people only like to read those

scriptures which reinforce their interpretations or those of their



So, finally…

Go with God my friend…


(Forgive me for my impatience, but the disrespect towards women from

so called religious people, enlightenment or no-enlightenment, makes

me angry… Love and forgive me if I offended you.)


Hare Krishna?… Why not Jay Radha!?... Radha, Radha, even Lord Krishna

wished to enjoy your ecstatic Love and descended as Lord Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu for that purpose…




I would recommend reading the Sri Chaitanya Caritamrta which was

written by Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami…





Kunti Devi Posted on 02/20/03, 12:34

Shri Shri Radha Govindajiu ki jai!


Frankly speaking, I am shocked that anyone could consider such an

idea that women are fit for accepting sannyas. If a man feels that

women are fit to take the renounced order of life then it appears to

me that such a man knows very little or possibly nothing about the

real nature of women. Possibly he may also not know about the

qualifications and difficulties in living the life of a sannyasi.


If a woman thinks that she is fit for sannyas, or that other women

are fit for sannyas, then honestly speaking from the perspective of a

woman, I myself think that she is lying to herself.


According to shastra, acharyas and Vaishnava tradition since the

Vedic times when people were much more qualified than they are today,

women never took the renounced order of life. Particularly in our

modern times, when Prabhupad Shri Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarawati

Thakur introduced tridandi sannyas into the Gaudiya Vaishnava

sampradaya, we see no trend for women to enter the sannyas ashram and

he had many qualified women disciples (my thakur-ma amongst them).


Some persons may argue that women are equal to men and if a woman is

renounced enough and intelligent enough she is a fit candidate to

take sannyas. My opinion on this is that men and women are not equal

they are distinctly different in their qualifications, in their

character, in their thinking and in their necessities.


According to shastra a woman has two exalted qualities shyness and

chastity. A woman who has intelligence as well as shyness and

chastity is respected by all classes of people throughout the world.

Such a woman would never wish to take sannyas but would remain

satisfied in her natural position. But if a woman has intelligence

but lacks these two important qualities of shyness and chastity, then

she is never satisfied in her natural position and always wants to

occupy the position of others. This is the negative side of the

nature of women, (matsarja). Such women cannot make spiritual



What I find disturbing about the issue of women and sannyas is that

according to the law of averages, if three men and three women of

western dissent were to discuss this matter of women's fitness for

sannyas, it would be doubtful if any of the six had ever lived a

strictly moral life before or even after having become an initiated

Vaishnava or Vaishnavi. This is a well-known fact from the rate of

divorce, open promiscuity and even child-abuse prevalent in western

societies. In my humble opinion, the western Vaishnava devotees

should first try to live up to the normal standard of morality before

they attempt to restructure the whole Vaishnava culture.


We humbly suggest to our western devotee brothers and sisters that

they should take heed of our Vaishnava culture in Bengal and not try

to thrust their Americanized version of Vaishnavism and women's

liberation upon the rest of the world.




Kunti Devi




Har Tzion Posted on 02/20/03, 23:51

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga !


"Frankly speaking, I am shocked that anyone could consider such an

idea that women are fit for accepting sannyas."

I am sure, that every fanatic believer is shocked that someone

displays a contradicting opinion to his own.

For example, up to this day, there are orthodox Vaishnav devotees in

India who are shocked due to Srila Prabhupada's brahmana initiation

to women. There are many very-orthodox Vaishnavas who are shocked

that Srila Prabhupada even taught westerners.

I was in Vrindavan, several times, and I had the chance of speaking

with a few very respectable Swamis, Krishna devotees, for many

generations, who are shocked by the fact that there are western

Vaishnava Gurus...

For me, a shock from advanced spiritual approaches, always comes from

the old. In this reaction, there is something of the religious

staleness. I can even remember that in Srila Prabhupada's first days

in the USA, there were even a few who didn't want to help him.

Because they were shocked by his will to install temples for Krishna,

with Deities, in a place that wasn't built in that intention -- in

rented houses. In general, I think that the world and the mediocre

human society, is still shocked by any sage, any enlightened being,

by his actions in regarding the time and place.


I believe that both of you have a certain misunderstanding. the two

Lady disciples, who are Gurus in our institution... are NOT nuns...

they are not Sannyas, I am against celibacy. For me celibacy, for men

and women, is nothing but a type of repression...

Repression, turns us into being obsessive, after that which we

repress. Kali Devi Ma, and Shanti Devi Ma, are "Acharyas", meaning

that with their own example, many others can be inspired. No one does

not receive Sannyas in our organization... and more then that, no

because they do not deserve... but simply because no one is

interested... we love life, enjoy it, and are not after escaping...

because we have learned a long time ago, that life, like Krishna, is

found everywhere, and it is impossible to run away from.


With Alot of Love.






Dasa Posted on 02/22/03, 14:24

I find it strange that he use the lack of a Vedic connection in the

argument against women Krishna was not given Vedic connection until

the writing of the Bhagavad Gita a few centuries BC, and then as an

avatar of Vishnu. He was a tribal cheiftain of the monotheistic

Satvata clan who did not worship in a Vedic manner. Where is

reference Krishna in the Vedas? Thousnads of males have no problem

accepting Krishna- sans Vedic mention- yet struggle with the idea of

a female Acharya?

Now that's interesting.


Two of the direct disciples of Avatar, Sri Kalki Bhagavan are female

enlightened before the age of 18 they conduct retreats for 10's of

thousands in India and are widely accepted and respected in India and

Russian. You can see a photo of Acharya Sri Samadarshini at

http://skyboom1.tripod.com/index38.html and interviews of the 2

female acharyas of Kalki there. The following of Sri Kalki grew from

0-over 16 million in less than a decade without publicity or media.


Not to mention the enlightened monastic order at Satyaloka Monastery

where most of the jiva mukti are females. All adhere to sanyasi

tradition. All with one exception are Indian.





Kurma Das Posted on 03/03/03, 21:05

Hare Krsna


Even though you don't accept Srila Prabhupad opinion on this matter,

and you seem to have a very open-minded view on this subject. I can't

understand how you dont see the problem in this matter. I attached a

few qoutes just to show you how dengerous and difficult realtionship

with women can be. Dont you think that a spiritual aspirant should at

least be more carefull with himslef?


Srila Prabhupada says in the SB 9.19.17 purport: "Learning the

etiquette of how to deal with women does not free one from sexual





varjayet pramada-gatham, agrhastho brhad-vratah;

indriyani pramathini, haranty api yater manah.


A brahmacari, or one who has not accepted the grhastha-asrama [family

life], must rigidly avoid talking with women or about women, for the

senses are so powerful that they may agitate even the mind of a

sannyasi, a member of the renounced order of life.




strinam niriksana-sparsa-samlapa-ksvelanadikam;

pranino mithuni-bhutan agrhastho 'gratas tyajet.


Those who are not married - sannyasis, vanaprasthas and brahmacaris-

should never associate with women by glancing, touching, conversing,

joking or sporting. Neither should they ever associate with any

living entity engaged in sexual activities.










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> Acharya is a Sanskrit word which signifies "He who

> teaches by his own personal example". why can't a

> lady teach by her own personal example?...


Obviously a lady can and does, just like a gentleman does.

> We live in a world of men.


As far as I noticed, there was a roughly equal number of


> With Scriptures written by men.


I understand the above as "the Scriptures were not

transmitted or `conceived' by Supreme Power, but

merely written by men"? I.e. like Michael Crighton

wrote "Airframe", somebody more talented wrote

"Bhagavad Gita"? That's it?

> Women were viewed always as an object.


Not so. According to the Bible, a woman could have

possessions and inherit in place of man. That's the

record from 3000 years ago. As a Jew, you are supposed

to know that. [recall the daughters of Tzlavhad story]

> As a possession.


Depends on the culture - though I suspect that I'm not familiar enough

with enough cultures to really state so. But probably neither are you?

I'm not going to evaluate your expertise - it's not my business. Do it

yourself and for yourself, not for me.


> Believe me, it is possible that you and many of your

> preachers have a lot to learn from a few of my women

> disciples.


I for one have learned a lot from some women, probably not your disciples.



"No human is your friend, no human is your enemy - but every human

is your teacher."

> Sometimes I think that the ego is masculine. and that

> enlightenment is feminine.


This doesn't require comments.

> Every day I am more and more convinced that if there is a God.

> One thing is certain. He cannot be masculine. And Satan cannot

> be a woman.


Neither does this.


> Have you any idea what we Jews pray every day? Every

> morning? "Thank you Lord for not making me a woman".


And the women pray every morning: "Thank you Lord for making me according

to Your Will".


Instead of approaching this with prejudice, it might be instructive to try to

understand - what if the author indeed had greater comprehension? What

then does the text mean? Why would a man who doesn't believe himself

to be "higher" than a woman, thank the Lord for not being a woman?

Rather than judging, try to understand.


> Now. Can you please tell me what we men have done (except

> numerous wars, destruction and vile deeds) that we might

> be merciful to obtain the title of Sannyas or "religious"?...


Yes. Good deeds, among those - defending those weaker from the violence

brought upon them. But are you listening, or the question is merely a


> Why only men can raise to the Torah?...


Why only women can give birth?


[Though perhaps the raising to the Torah rules can be changed now. Everything

evolves, perhaps this too? I simply don't know.]

> Yes. I know. You would say it is written in your little

> books.In your Torah or Gita.


With disrespect for those "little books" - Torah and Gita, with so much anger

inside that spills over so visibly, with being filled with yourself to the


Running around blindly, trying to break anything you're bumping on...


> (Forgive me for my impatience


Your impatience hurts yourself only.

> but the disrespect towards women from so called religious

> people, enlightenment or no-enlightenment, makes me angry.


That anger is very noticeable. And again, it hurts you.

> Love and forgive me if I offended you.)


Hopefully you'll be forgiven by whoever you asked. I'm not offended,

but I forgive, if there's anything that touched me negatively in there.


> Hare Krishna?. Why not Jay Radha!?...


How is your approach different from what you're criticizing?

> Radha, Radha, even Lord Krishna wished to enjoy your

> ecstatic Love and descended as Lord Chaitanya

> Mahaprabhu for that purpose.


Yes he did.


> I would recommend reading the Sri Chaitanya Caritamrta

> which was written by Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami.


I would recommend [in addition] anything written by Gopinath Kaviraj...



--and from somebody else:

> Frankly speaking, I am shocked that anyone could consider such an

>idea that women are fit for accepting sannyas. If a man feels that

>women are fit to take the renounced order of life then it appears

>to me that such a man knows very little or possibly nothing about

>the real nature of women.


I for one know too little of "the real nature of women" (or of men) to judge.

> Possibly he may also not know about the qualifications and

> difficulties in living the life of a sannyasi.


A true sannyasi? Haven't seen too many of them, and indeed - cannot truly "know"

until and unless I experience it myself. But all in good time.

>If a woman thinks that she is fit for sannyas, or that other women

>are fit for sannyas, then honestly speaking from the perspective

>of a woman, I myself think that she is lying to herself.


Perhaps, perhaps not. In every tradition there were women who managed the Path.

Whether this applies to majority - I don't know. But so it is with the men too -


many are fit for sannyasa?


>Some persons may argue that women are equal to men and if a woman

>is renounced enough and intelligent enough she is a fit candidate

>to take sannyas. My opinion on this is that men and women are not

>equal they are distinctly different in their qualifications, in

>their character, in their thinking and in their necessities.


This "equality" thing is a Western product (with negative connotation). In what

sense is

any person "equal" to another person? How do you compare?


Regarding being different "in their qualifications, character, thinking and

necessities" - that

is clear and should be obvious enough.


Whether these differences preclude a woman from becoming a sannyasini - I don't



>We humbly suggest to our western devotee brothers and sisters that

>they should take heed of our Vaishnava culture in Bengal and not try

>to thrust their Americanized version of Vaishnavism and women's

>liberation upon the rest of the world.


Perhaps an advice that should be heeded?


Rather than finding flaws with other teachings, teachers and Gurus, perhaps it's

better to find a Guru you can follow, and do so? Don't bother with where and how

somebody else is wrong - just get yourself illuminated first.




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Dear Mouse,


You didn't understand my point. I didn't wrote these things nor had

the cyber-exchanges... It was taken from a forum. I wanted to show

how much bigotry still prevails in some religious people.


You wrote:

> Rather than finding flaws with other teachings, teachers and Gurus,

perhaps it's

> better to find a Guru you can follow, and do so? Don't bother with

where and how

> somebody else is wrong - just get yourself illuminated first.



I am sorry but I don't agree with you. Should Catholics stop to put

pressure on their church for accepting women's ordination or the

birth control pill? It's not about being wrong, but about being of

it'sown time. Srila Prabhupada told us to live according to "time and

circumstance". We are in the Kali-Yuga and not much of us live in

Vrindavan or Varanasi. He gave brahmin initiation, pujari jobs,

e.t.c,.. to women.

Two weeks ago, a lady politician came to our temple. When it was time

to take prasad, I was asked by a young brahmachari what I thought of

her discourse. I told him that although I don't believe in the

politic/religious mix, she had good ideas. He then told me that it

was wrong for a women to work outside and that if she had a higher

salary than her husband, he would come back as a poor women in his

next life (according to "Scriptures"...which one, I don't know).


When you hear things as stupid as this, you get angry...


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Dear Mouse: What makes you assume Maxime is not

illuminated? As Gurutej Kaur says, emotions are meant to

deliver the mail. I'd say Maxime got the message. Some

teachings and teachers are wrong without anyone having to

make them wrong. Are you making Maxime wrong for sharing

her views?


, Mouse <uri@o...>


Rather than finding flaws with other teachings, teachers and

Gurus, perhaps it's

better to find a Guru you can follow, and do so? Don't bother with

where and how

somebody else is wrong - just get yourself illuminated first.

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> Dear Mouse: What makes you assume Maxime is not



I'm not discussing Maxime's level of advancement.

Neither am I discussing my impressions - just

share them occasionally.

> As Gurutej Kaur says, emotions are meant to

> deliver the mail. I'd say Maxime got the message.


No comment. Except that it depends on emotions. And

the mail - there are so many varieties: great mail,

awaited mail, hate mail, junk mail...

> Some teachings and teachers are wrong without anyone

> having to make them wrong.


Regardless of whether something is "right" or "wrong",

our reaction-to/perception-of "it" is what determines

how evolved we are and which way we're moving.

> Are you making Maxime wrong for sharing her views?


She shared hers - so did I. Are you making me wrong

for sharing mine? :-)



, Mouse <uri@o...>


Rather than finding flaws with other teachings, teachers and

Gurus, perhaps it's better to find a Guru you can follow,

and do so? Don't bother with where and how somebody else

is wrong - just get yourself illuminated first.




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> Dear Mouse,

>You didn't understand my point. I didn't wrote

>these things nor had the cyber-exchanges...

>It was taken from a forum.


:-) :-)


[i'm not arguing with you personally, just commenting

on some points.]

>I wanted to show how much bigotry still prevails in some

>religious people.


Oh well, since when was bigotry scarce anywhere? :-)


But my point stays - it is not healthy to pay too much attention to other's

bigotry (unless it affects people directly: i.e. if I'm a bigot - it's OK, but


a country leader is - it may be a problem). But in any case, the attitude

towards the bigotry itself and its carriers is very imporant. Sometimes we

are forced to take actions. Our attitude in those defines our karma.


You wrote:

>> Rather than finding flaws with other teachings, teachers

>> and Gurus, perhaps it's better to find a Guru you can

>> follow, and do so? Don't bother with where and how

>> somebody else is wrong - just get yourself illuminated first.


>I am sorry but I don't agree with you. Should Catholics stop to

>put pressure on their church for accepting women's ordination or

>the birth control pill? It's not about being wrong, but about

>being of it's own time.


You want my opinion? I would say yes - they should stop. If there's a club, a


a group that does not want me - for whatever reason - why would I insist and


to force that group to accept me? Do you perceive some psycholigical issues



Seems to be an attempt to change somebody else, to force somebody to

conform to (presumably "better" and "more progressive") standard. Doesn't

sound right.



My personal example: I was associated with a religious group. When I found that

it is too restrictive for me, I disassociated myself from them. I'm not trying

to "put

pressure on them" to change them, to accomodate my views - I found a different

group that conforms to my views better. If there were no such group - I'd create

it or stay religiously alone. What's so big a deal about it?


That's my opinion.


>Srila Prabhupada told us to live according to "time and



OK. I agree, assuming it doesn't invalidate Ahimsa.

>We are in the Kali-Yuga and not much of us live in Vrindavan

>or Varanasi.


Some would argue that Kali-Yuga is over by now - but it's s small nit.

> He gave brahmin initiation, pujari jobs, e.t.c,.. to women.



So those who like it, would follow him. Those who don't - won't. The more


ones would criticize him loudly, perhaps try to assault him... Quite normal,


you think?


>...[young brahmacharin]...then told me that it

>was wrong for a women to work outside and that if she had

>a higher salary than her husband, he would come back as a

>poor women in his next life (according to "Scriptures"...

>which one, I don't know).


A woman balances her family life and her "outside" life as she sees fit. If she

and her husband are both comfortable with this balance - there's a happy

family. If not - then not. Whether the husband would come back as a

poor woman - would depend on his attitude towards his wife's salary.


>When you hear things as stupid as this, you get angry...


No I'm not. Get feeling pity - perhaps...




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Hi Mouse: No; did you feel made wrong?


, Mouse <uri@o...>



> > Are you making Maxime wrong for sharing her views?


> She shared hers - so did I. Are you making me wrong

> for sharing mine? :-)



> , Mouse <uri@o...>

> wrote:

> Rather than finding flaws with other teachings, teachers and

> Gurus, perhaps it's better to find a Guru you can follow,

> and do so? Don't bother with where and how somebody else

> is wrong - just get yourself illuminated first.




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torsdagen den 5 juni 2003 13.33 skrev Maxime Lapointe:

> Here is a cyber-exchange between an ISKON member and an "interfaith"

> spiritual master, Har Tzion (Swami Ramakrishnananda). It shows how

> modern Vaisnava "value" womens...


This always becomes kind of tireing. Someone want to fanatically prove their

point with all means, and can find all kinds of scriptures to support that



My view on this is different. The Gaudiya Vaisnava lineage is to a big part a

lineage of "female" souls having taken birth in India in male bodies. They

are not normal persons, or normal men. Now, why would anyone prefer a male

body? Because in India, women were and are repressed when it comes to freely

take up a spiritual lifestyle. Girls often get married at an early age,

without anyone asking them, and very soon get children and involved in family

affairs, while boys have much more freedom to take up spiritual practices.

Much of the Indian spiritual tradition is also oriented towards the male

bodied person. India was and is a patriarchic society, where men have much

more freedom than women. So for various circumstancial reasons, those persons

took male bodies, instead of female.


And still, their philosophy makes it very clear, their goal is to become

"females" in respect to the supreme. Their highest goal is to become a

cowherd girl, (gopi), in relationship to Radha and Krishna. Actually, the

Gaudia Vaisnava lineage has a preferred relationship with Radha, and Krishna

comes second.


In the west, nowadays, this male supremacy cultural idea is getting more and

more dissolved. Women can take up spiritual practices in the same degree as

men. Thus there is no more any need to prefer a male body, just for the sake

of cultural freedom. And we will thus also see that more and more persons

that are aimed for spiritual development will take up female bodies, when

they take rebirth. And in particular, we will see in lineages like the

Gaudiya Vaisnava lineage, that women will take it up. After all, since the

goal is to have a female relationship with the female supreme, the women body

have its advantages.


ISKCON instead appears to have branched out into another spiritual tradition.

That of the male cowherd boy (gopa) in relationship to Krishna. They also

call themselves international society for Krishna consciousness, not the

international society for Radha consciousness. So in one way of seeing it, it

makes sense that they primarly want male persons in their leadership, and for

them Sannyasa is a position in their leadership. The end result is that the

female lineage have to break out from the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition and make

their own tradition in these modern times.


Times are changing. Times have always changed. Even in that quote, Kunti says

that sannyasa was introduced in their tradition just recently, about 100

years ago. The founder of ISKCON introduced the same rights for women as for

men, in his tradition, less than 50 years ago. So there is certainly big

changes going on. And there will be more big changes in the future. It is

just a matter of seeing what is coming and be flexible to follow with it,

without compromising the real important points of the philosophy.


Anyway, the Gaudiya Vaisnava lineage is a bhakti tradition, where the

important point is the individual's relationship with the supreme. That

relationship has no rules. Thus the tradition also changes according to the

individuals who participate in it and brings the tradition forward. The

question about female sannyasis is a cultural and social question, and not a




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Dear Mouse: I'm not sure what your smiley face icon means in

this context. I think I'm understanding that, if you feel made wrong

when someone expresses their intense feelings over

mistreatment or harsh judgment that hurts them, you may want

to silence that person's expression of their upset. In your post to

Maxime, I felt you were discouraging her from expressing

herself. Your need to advise her to get herself illuminated

seemed self-inflated, and oppressive. But maybe it's a cover for

feeling made wrong or responsible for others' mistakes? :-)


, Mouse <uri@o...>


> > Hi Mouse: No; did you feel made wrong?


> :-)




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Hi Mouse: So, what was your experience of the smiley face icon

at the end of my message? To me, coming at the end of the

statement I made, it seems smug, indicating that I think I know

something about you that you might not know. But that's not what

I feel; it's just the effect of a smiley face icon placed that way. I am

not sure why Maxime's post caused you to respond the way you

did, but I know that to me, your response seemed self-inflated

and oppressive, and as Maxime said, it missed her point.


, "Mary Ann"

<maryann@m...> wrote:

> Dear Mouse: I'm not sure what your smiley face icon means in

> this context. I think I'm understanding that, if you feel made


> when someone expresses their intense feelings over

> mistreatment or harsh judgment that hurts them, you may want

> to silence that person's expression of their upset. In your post


> Maxime, I felt you were discouraging her from expressing

> herself. Your need to advise her to get herself illuminated

> seemed self-inflated, and oppressive. But maybe it's a cover


> feeling made wrong or responsible for others' mistakes? :-)


> , Mouse <uri@o...>

> wrote:

> > > Hi Mouse: No; did you feel made wrong?

> >

> > :-)

> >

> >

> >

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OM Maxime


Swami Sivananda was one of the first authentic Gurus to admit

women into Sannyasa in the 1950's. Even he faced a lot of flack

over this. Some of his own disciples disagreed with that

decision and there was some antagonism between some of the

male and female disciples.


Swami Sivananada Radha was, I believe, the first woman that

Swami Sivananda initiated into Sannyasa.


Those who say that women cannot become swamis are merely

living in the past and are afraid of change. They are

traditionalists and as they become more strident about this point

they become fundamentalists. We all know how much death,

destruction, and human misery fundamentalists cause with their



OM Namah Sivaya




, "Maxime Lapointe"

<tulasi3@w...> wrote:


> Here is a cyber-exchange between an ISKON member and an


> spiritual master, Har Tzion (Swami Ramakrishnananda). It

shows how

> modern Vaisnava "value" womens...


> Hare Krsna!


> I can't understand how you can call your woman disciples


> with all respect, we know that women can not take even

Sanyas. How

> can that be?

> Enclosed is a quote by Shrila A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami



> "A woman is not supposed to take sannyasa. So-called


> societies concocted in modern times give sannyasa even to


> although there is no sanction in the Vedic literature for a


> accepting sannyasa.


> Otherwise, if it were sanctioned, Kardama Muni could have

taken his

> wife and given her sannyasa." (SB 3.24.40 purport)


> Hari Bol




> Har Tzion Posted on 02/19/03, 23:51

> Hare Krishna!...




> The quote you had included is what Mr. Bhaktivedanta thinks…

So what

> (?)…




> He says that "A woman is not supposed to take Sannyas"…

> But the fact that she is "not supposed"… doesn't mean that it is

> prohibited…




> Things which are "supposed" are not prohibitions…


> With all due respect, can you please indicate where in the


> (in the Vedic Scriptures, not the interpretations of your


> Master) it says that women is absolutely prohibited of taking


> or becoming an Acharya?



> Acharya is a Sanskrit word which signifies "He who teaches by

his own

> personal example"… why can't a lady teach by her own


> example?...

> And as for the gentlemen Kardama Muni; he can do as he

pleases, that

> has nothing to do with me…

> We live in a world of men…

> With Scriptures written by men… Too macho for our days…

> Women were viewed always as an object…

> As a possession…

> How can an object become Sannyas?

> How can an object become an Acharya?





> Believe me, it is possible that you and many of your preachers

have a

> lot to learn from a few of my women disciples…

> Maybe if there would have been more women Sannyas or

Acharyas in your

> institution…




> They would have solved many of those terrible problems of the


> few years…

> What a shame…

> Sometimes I think that the ego is masculine… and that


> is feminine…

> Every day I am more and more convinced that if there is a

God… One

> thing is certain… He cannot be masculine… And Satan cannot

be a woman…





> In any case, your question had surprised me… I thought that

the macho

> religious fanaticism has appeared only our through our

heritage… I

> mean only at the mid orient…

> But I see that it had surpassed all boundaries and had

managed to

> fraternize without differences of creed or race…

> It is the same simple disrespect towards women… The same


> Have you any idea what we Jews pray every day? Every


> "Thank you Lord for not making me a woman"…

> According to your conclusion and that of your master's I believe


> you would be in total agreement with this... You might even

adopt it

> as your Mantra and do another daily 16 rounds with it…



> Now… Can you please tell me what we men have done

(except numerous

> wars, destruction and vile deeds) that we might be merciful to


> the title of Sannyas or "religious"?...

> Why only men can raise to the Torah?...

> Yes… I know… You would say it is written in your little books…

> In your Torah or Gita… What ever the case might be…

> That's where any possibility of a sane discussion ends…

> One thing I can assure you with,

> Our Acharyas never had violated any children…

> Never have they sexually molested anyone…

> Never have they run away with the institution's money…

> They are not homosexuals…

> They never had any drugs deals…

> And never have they been sent to jail…

> Can you say the same about the Acharyas of your institution for


> past 20 years?...

> I am sure you can, otherwise you wouldn't criticize with such

> confidence other Acharyas just because they are woman…





> I would put it loud and clear… Women before anything else are


> beings and should be respected and dignified as such… And I


> accept that she would be disrespected even in the name of


> religions, pitiful books or your Guru's interpretations…

> If your religion produced disrespect and humiliation of the


> sex, then your interpretation of your so called religion doesn't

> deserve the most minimum respect…

> That is not religion my dear friend…

> That is "Chauvinism" disguised as spirituality…

> Any offense towards a woman offends me personally as a

human being…

> You remember that the Gopis of Vrindavan are the exponents

of the

> most elevated form of Bhakti… And… what can we do… they….

Are --

> Women… How horrible!!!!





> Be careful not to offend Mother Durga or Mother Kali… They are


> close to Lord Krishna… and the Devi is extremely sensitive

when it

> comes to the feminine sex.

> Have you read the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam?... especially the


> Gita?... obviously religious people only like to read those

> scriptures which reinforce their interpretations or those of their

> Guru…


> So, finally…

> Go with God my friend…


> (Forgive me for my impatience, but the disrespect towards

women from

> so called religious people, enlightenment or

no-enlightenment, makes

> me angry… Love and forgive me if I offended you.)


> Hare Krishna?… Why not Jay Radha!?... Radha, Radha, even

Lord Krishna

> wished to enjoy your ecstatic Love and descended as Lord


> Mahaprabhu for that purpose…




> I would recommend reading the Sri Chaitanya Caritamrta

which was

> written by Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami…





> Kunti Devi Posted on 02/20/03, 12:34

> Shri Shri Radha Govindajiu ki jai!


> Frankly speaking, I am shocked that anyone could consider

such an

> idea that women are fit for accepting sannyas. If a man feels


> women are fit to take the renounced order of life then it

appears to

> me that such a man knows very little or possibly nothing about


> real nature of women. Possibly he may also not know about


> qualifications and difficulties in living the life of a sannyasi.


> If a woman thinks that she is fit for sannyas, or that other


> are fit for sannyas, then honestly speaking from the

perspective of a

> woman, I myself think that she is lying to herself.


> According to shastra, acharyas and Vaishnava tradition since


> Vedic times when people were much more qualified than they

are today,

> women never took the renounced order of life. Particularly in


> modern times, when Prabhupad Shri Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta


> Thakur introduced tridandi sannyas into the Gaudiya


> sampradaya, we see no trend for women to enter the sannyas

ashram and

> he had many qualified women disciples (my thakur-ma

amongst them).


> Some persons may argue that women are equal to men and if

a woman is

> renounced enough and intelligent enough she is a fit

candidate to

> take sannyas. My opinion on this is that men and women are

not equal

> they are distinctly different in their qualifications, in their

> character, in their thinking and in their necessities.


> According to shastra a woman has two exalted qualities

shyness and

> chastity. A woman who has intelligence as well as shyness


> chastity is respected by all classes of people throughout the


> Such a woman would never wish to take sannyas but would


> satisfied in her natural position. But if a woman has


> but lacks these two important qualities of shyness and

chastity, then

> she is never satisfied in her natural position and always wants


> occupy the position of others. This is the negative side of the

> nature of women, (matsarja). Such women cannot make


> advancement.


> What I find disturbing about the issue of women and sannyas

is that

> according to the law of averages, if three men and three

women of

> western dissent were to discuss this matter of women's

fitness for

> sannyas, it would be doubtful if any of the six had ever lived a

> strictly moral life before or even after having become an


> Vaishnava or Vaishnavi. This is a well-known fact from the rate


> divorce, open promiscuity and even child-abuse prevalent in


> societies. In my humble opinion, the western Vaishnava


> should first try to live up to the normal standard of morality


> they attempt to restructure the whole Vaishnava culture.


> We humbly suggest to our western devotee brothers and

sisters that

> they should take heed of our Vaishnava culture in Bengal and

not try

> to thrust their Americanized version of Vaishnavism and


> liberation upon the rest of the world.


> Humbly


> Kunti Devi




> Har Tzion Posted on 02/20/03, 23:51

> All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga !


> "Frankly speaking, I am shocked that anyone could consider

such an

> idea that women are fit for accepting sannyas."

> I am sure, that every fanatic believer is shocked that someone

> displays a contradicting opinion to his own.

> For example, up to this day, there are orthodox Vaishnav

devotees in

> India who are shocked due to Srila Prabhupada's brahmana


> to women. There are many very-orthodox Vaishnavas who are


> that Srila Prabhupada even taught westerners.

> I was in Vrindavan, several times, and I had the chance of


> with a few very respectable Swamis, Krishna devotees, for


> generations, who are shocked by the fact that there are


> Vaishnava Gurus...

> For me, a shock from advanced spiritual approaches, always

comes from

> the old. In this reaction, there is something of the religious

> staleness. I can even remember that in Srila Prabhupada's

first days

> in the USA, there were even a few who didn't want to help him.

> Because they were shocked by his will to install temples for


> with Deities, in a place that wasn't built in that intention -- in

> rented houses. In general, I think that the world and the


> human society, is still shocked by any sage, any enlightened


> by his actions in regarding the time and place.


> I believe that both of you have a certain misunderstanding. the


> Lady disciples, who are Gurus in our institution... are NOT


> they are not Sannyas, I am against celibacy. For me celibacy,

for men

> and women, is nothing but a type of repression...

> Repression, turns us into being obsessive, after that which we

> repress. Kali Devi Ma, and Shanti Devi Ma, are "Acharyas",


> that with their own example, many others can be inspired. No

one does

> not receive Sannyas in our organization... and more then that,


> because they do not deserve... but simply because no one is

> interested... we love life, enjoy it, and are not after escaping...

> because we have learned a long time ago, that life, like

Krishna, is

> found everywhere, and it is impossible to run away from.


> With Alot of Love.






> Dasa Posted on 02/22/03, 14:24

> I find it strange that he use the lack of a Vedic connection in


> argument against women Krishna was not given Vedic

connection until

> the writing of the Bhagavad Gita a few centuries BC, and then

as an

> avatar of Vishnu. He was a tribal cheiftain of the monotheistic

> Satvata clan who did not worship in a Vedic manner. Where is

> reference Krishna in the Vedas? Thousnads of males have no


> accepting Krishna- sans Vedic mention- yet struggle with the

idea of

> a female Acharya?

> Now that's interesting.


> Two of the direct disciples of Avatar, Sri Kalki Bhagavan are


> enlightened before the age of 18 they conduct retreats for 10's


> thousands in India and are widely accepted and respected in

India and

> Russian. You can see a photo of Acharya Sri Samadarshini at

> http://skyboom1.tripod.com/index38.html and interviews of the


> female acharyas of Kalki there. The following of Sri Kalki grew


> 0-over 16 million in less than a decade without publicity or



> Not to mention the enlightened monastic order at Satyaloka


> where most of the jiva mukti are females. All adhere to


> tradition. All with one exception are Indian.





> Kurma Das Posted on 03/03/03, 21:05

> Hare Krsna


> Even though you don't accept Srila Prabhupad opinion on this


> and you seem to have a very open-minded view on this

subject. I can't

> understand how you dont see the problem in this matter. I

attached a

> few qoutes just to show you how dengerous and difficult


> with women can be. Dont you think that a spiritual aspirant

should at

> least be more carefull with himslef?


> Srila Prabhupada says in the SB 9.19.17 purport: "Learning the

> etiquette of how to deal with women does not free one from


> attraction."




> varjayet pramada-gatham, agrhastho brhad-vratah;

> indriyani pramathini, haranty api yater manah.


> A brahmacari, or one who has not accepted the

grhastha-asrama [family

> life], must rigidly avoid talking with women or about women, for


> senses are so powerful that they may agitate even the mind of


> sannyasi, a member of the renounced order of life.





> strinam niriksana-sparsa-samlapa-ksvelanadikam;

> pranino mithuni-bhutan agrhastho 'gratas tyajet.


> Those who are not married - sannyasis, vanaprasthas and


> should never associate with women by glancing, touching,


> joking or sporting. Neither should they ever associate with any

> living entity engaged in sexual activities.


> SB 6.18.41, purport: NEVER HEAR A WOMAN'S VOICE OR SEE













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