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causes of kundalini raising

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I saw in http://www.kundalinicare.com the following

section, describing the causes of kundalini

raising. If someone can clarify whether

emotional intensity can influenze Kundalini

raising and if so how, it'd be very helpful.







The conditions of a life shock occur

spontaneously and unpredictably and

yield varying results. Risings

precipitated by these conditions are

more difficult to deal with, particularly

in a person who does not have a

well established spiritual life.


Physical intensity.



These catalysts include extreme physical

exertion, pain, injury, accident, torture,

trauma, withdrawal due to chemical

dependence, certain kinds of

ascetic, sexual, or herbal

experiences, childbirth, and

near death experience.


Emotional intensity.


These catalysts include intense excitement,

shock, deep loss, grief, terror,

hitting bottom, dramatic psychological

breakthrough, awesome beauty, and

intense romantic communion or yearning.






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I am reading a book called Yoga and Psychology by Swami

Rama, Swami Ajaya and Dr. Rudolph Ballantine that was

published in 1976 that I found in a used bookstore a few weeks

ago. Here's a passage on kundalini energy from the book that

you might find interesting:


"A great deal of energy is tied up in keeping repressed material

outside awareness. Work is involved in holding a memory or

impulse away from the conscious mind. This energy can be

released and made more accessible when the unconscious

material is brought into consciousness. The patient in

psychotherapy who is able to bring repressed material into

consciousness is usually found to have more energy available.

This reduces chronic fatigue and makes work more effective and

dynamic. This is usually a gradual process.


"Similarly, the person who successfully through the discipline of

meditation enters the unknown world and explores the

unconscious, bringing it gradually into awareness, experiences

an increasing amount of energy that "rises up" and becomes

available to him. In yoga psychology, this "raising of energy" is

symbolized by a rising serpent which is called "kundalini."

Kunda means a bowl or basin and the kundalini serpent is said

to be coiled up in the basin formed by the pelvis. Here it is

traditionally and metaphorically said to be "sleeping," intoxicated

on the energy it is sapping from one's potential supply. As the

process of meditation continues and the unconscious is

gradually made conscious, the kundalini "rises" : the energy it

was absorbing is released, and one feels an upsurge of vitality."


Of course, there are multitudinous cultural scripts and rules that

make the emotions wrong or bad or to be distrusted. Such an

authoritarian approach causes people to repress (and comes

from repression, no doubt). It's a matter of cultivating acceptance

and allowance in order to experience the awakening and

enlightening that emotion can facilitate. Also, art and music, the

making of these and the enjoyment of them, can do wonders to

free emotion, intellect, and spirit. I hope this was helpful!


Mary Ann


, "Prasad

Balasubramanian" <besprasad@l...> wrote:

> namasthe,


> I saw in http://www.kundalinicare.com the following

> section, describing the causes of kundalini

> raising. If someone can clarify whether

> emotional intensity can influenze Kundalini

> raising and if so how, it'd be very helpful.



> http://www.kundalinicare.com/causeskundalinirisings.htm



> ===========

> The conditions of a life shock occur

> spontaneously and unpredictably and

> yield varying results. Risings

> precipitated by these conditions are

> more difficult to deal with, particularly

> in a person who does not have a

> well established spiritual life.


> Physical intensity.

> ===================


> These catalysts include extreme physical

> exertion, pain, injury, accident, torture,

> trauma, withdrawal due to chemical

> dependence, certain kinds of

> ascetic, sexual, or herbal

> experiences, childbirth, and

> near death experience.


> Emotional intensity.

> ====================

> These catalysts include intense excitement,

> shock, deep loss, grief, terror,

> hitting bottom, dramatic psychological

> breakthrough, awesome beauty, and

> intense romantic communion or yearning.








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OM Prasad Balasubramanian


You asked whether emotional intensity as exemplified by intense

excitement, shock, deep loss, grief, terror, hitting bottom,

dramatic psychological breakthrough, awesome beauty, and

intense romantic communion or yearning, can contribute to

Kundalini rising.


Kundalini rises when the mind is concentrated and relatively

desireless and when the person is concerned with Truth, Love,

Absolute Good, God, Brahman, etc. That is, when the person

has let go of their ego and is mainly concerned with someone or

something else and has a mind that is relatively concentrated

and desireless.


All of the situations of your example share the idea of

overwhelming the ego; selflessness or at least temporarily

being more concerned with the well-being of someone else that

with oneself; appealling to or discovering the Higher Self; and

having a mind that is concentrated because of emergency, peril

or grandeur.


The real problem and test is whether the mind and psychic

apparatus, i.e. the chakras and nadis, have been purified

through sadhana so that Kundalini can rise unopposed up the

sushumna and through the seven main chakras. If this

apparatus has been purified, the result will be that Kundalini

rises easily and the person receives progressively higher

spiritual insights as Kundalini pierces the seven main chakras.

If, however, the person's psychic apparatus has not been

purified, the result may be disasterous as the irrestible force

meets the immovable object., and physical, mental, emotional

and psychic dislocation arise.


Western psychiatry has finally recognized this phenomenon of

unprepared people raising Kundalini unexpectedly. They have

labelled it 'spiritual emergence syndrome', The problem is that

most psychiatrysts do not know how to diagnose this situation

and usually misindentify it as depression, psychosis,

sociopathy, manic depression and even alzheimer's syndrome.

They then prescribe drugs that dull the perception, make the

person feel safer, and destroy the blessed opportunity of

kundalini rising.


I, along with a few others, form an informal network of people

who counsel people who are fortunate enough to have

experienced Kundalini rising but whom do not understand it and

are afraid of it.


OM Namah Sivaya




, "Prasad

Balasubramanian" <besprasad@l...> wrote:

> namasthe,


> I saw in http://www.kundalinicare.com the following

> section, describing the causes of kundalini

> raising. If someone can clarify whether

> emotional intensity can influenze Kundalini

> raising and if so how, it'd be very helpful.



> http://www.kundalinicare.com/causeskundalinirisings.htm



> ===========

> The conditions of a life shock occur

> spontaneously and unpredictably and

> yield varying results. Risings

> precipitated by these conditions are

> more difficult to deal with, particularly

> in a person who does not have a

> well established spiritual life.


> Physical intensity.

> ===================


> These catalysts include extreme physical

> exertion, pain, injury, accident, torture,

> trauma, withdrawal due to chemical

> dependence, certain kinds of

> ascetic, sexual, or herbal

> experiences, childbirth, and

> near death experience.


> Emotional intensity.

> ====================

> These catalysts include intense excitement,

> shock, deep loss, grief, terror,

> hitting bottom, dramatic psychological

> breakthrough, awesome beauty, and

> intense romantic communion or yearning.








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Shri OmPrem,


Thanks for a beautiful explanation.

What are the things that should happen physically in the body (along with such

mental influenzes), that results in the release of Kundalini from Muladhara into

Sushumna ? Are there any specific conditions that the body should be in, so

that it helps this process of release ?


namO devyai.

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Aum Prasad Balasubramanian


You asked about the things that should happen in the body and

mind in order for Kundalini rise.


As I mentioned in my last post, Kundalini arises when the mind

is focused internally, is desireless and the aspirant is selflessly

absorbed in Truth, Brahman, Cosmic Consciousness. For

Kundalini to arise and flow effortlessly, the aspirant needs to be

egoless and desireless and have a pure heart, a pure mind, and

pure intent. This can be summed up as Sadhana Chatushtaya,




Discrimination between Nitya and Anitya (eternal and

non-eternal), Sat and Asat (real and unreal), Tattwa and Atattwa

(element and non-element).



Dispassion, detachment, indifference to sensual enjoyment.

The opposite of Raga or attachment.


Shadsampat (six-fold virtues)

1. Shama

Serenity of mind through the constant eradication of Vasanas

or desires. Don't fulfil desires, reject them through

discrimination, right enquiry and dispassion. The mind thins out

and is checked from wandering. The mind is detached from the

sense-objects by continuously observing their defects and is

fixed on Brahman. The five Jnana Indriyas, the sense organs or

organs of knowledge-ear, skin, eye, tongue and nose-are

controlled through Shama.


2. Dama

Restraint of the external or motor organs (the organs or action

or the five Karma Indriyas-speech, hands, feet, genitals and the

anus-the external instruments. Corresponds to the the Raja

Yoga practice of pratyahara. Indriyas are withdrawn by calming or

restraining the mind. Raja Yogis withdraw indriyas by restraining

prana. Withdrawal most effective by withdrawing both the mind

and the prana.


3. Uparati

Self-withdrawal, extreme abstention, the turning of the mind

from objects of enjoyment.. The mind-function ceases to act by

means of external objects. No agitation or attraction when one

sees a beautiful object due to the strength of mind developed by

the practice of viveka, vairagya, shama and dama. Cessation

from wrong or unnecessary action.


4. Titiksha

Power of endurance. The ability to bear pain, insult, heat and

cold and other extremes free from anxiety or distraction, without

care to redress them and without lament. Patience and

equanimity during suffering.


5. Sraddha Unshakable faith in the existence of Brahman, in

the teachings of the Guru and scriptures, and faith in own's own



6. Samadhana

One-pointedness or collectedness. Samadhi




Strong yearning for Liberation or Emancipation or Release




If the ego is present, if the aspirant identifies in any way with the

phenomenal world, then Kundalini will meet obstacles as she

rises up the Sushumna.


The whole intent behind Sadhana of any type is to purify, purify,

purify. Purify to remove ego traces in one's actions, thoughts,

words. Purify to burn off Karma because Karma is ego-based.

Purify to bring one's consciousness closer to Brahman and

make the Consciousness fit to present to Brahman and to

receive awareness of Brahman.


The Gita tells us many ways to purify ourselves. Patanjali's Raja

Yoga Sutras tell us many ways to purity ourselves. The main

jobs of a Guru are crack our ego and bring us closer to

Brahman. With an attitude of devotion seek out the Scriptures

and a Guru. But remember always the answer lies within.


At all times, we must consciously align ourselves with the

Inifinite and not align ourselves with the mundane.


Aum Namah Sivaya




, "Prasad

Balasubramanian" <besprasad@l...> wrote:

> Shri OmPrem,


> Thanks for a beautiful explanation.

> What are the things that should happen physically in the body

(along with such mental influenzes), that results in the release of

Kundalini from Muladhara into Sushumna ? Are there any

specific conditions that the body should be in, so that it helps

this process of release ?


> namO devyai.

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> The whole intent behind Sadhana of any type is to purify, purify,

> purify. Purify to remove ego traces in one's actions, thoughts,

> words. Purify to burn off Karma because Karma is ego-based.

> Purify to bring one's consciousness closer to Brahman and

> make the Consciousness fit to present to Brahman and to

> receive awareness of Brahman.


Omprem Sir -


Would you please expand on this for me: how is karma ego based?


Thank you.



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OM Eric


You asked how karma is ego-based.


It is your own ego-based actions and responses that result in

karmic consequences. If your actions, are selfless, without ego,

if you are not attached in any way to the results of any action,

thought, or word of yours, then there is no karma incurred. If you

are not emotionally reactive to the words, thoughts, or actions of

someone else, then you incur no karma.


If you have desires, emotionally judge situations or people, then

you are attached to the phenomenal world and incur karma. The

consciousness that forces you to see the world as phenomenal

with separate objects in time and space, is the same

consciousness that generates the actions that incur karma and

keeps you reincarnating to follow your desires.


The solution is to develop a consciousness that is not rooted in

space and time, is not rooted in the phenomenal world.

Sadhana develops this consciousness by removing the

obstacles, that is, your tendency to rely on the 'evidence of the

senses and your tendency to allow the ego to dictate how you

live. Sadhana reconnects you with your Divine Self. Sadhana

allows you reclaim your true identity. Sadhana enables you to

see others as manifestations of the Divine.


Think of those figure-ground puzzles. If you orient your mind in

one way, you see one thing; if you change your orientation while

looking at the same scene, you see something else.


The choice is always yours. The ability to make that choice is

always yours.


The obstacles to spiritual awareness are ego, fear, doubt,

depression, wasting time, lack of vigilance. These can all be

overcome by developing the qualites mentioned in Sadhana



Aum Namah Sivaya





, "Eric Otto"

<mkultra@f...> wrote:


> > The whole intent behind Sadhana of any type is to purify,


> > purify. Purify to remove ego traces in one's actions, thoughts,

> > words. Purify to burn off Karma because Karma is


> > Purify to bring one's consciousness closer to Brahman and

> > make the Consciousness fit to present to Brahman and to

> > receive awareness of Brahman.


> Omprem Sir -


> Would you please expand on this for me: how is karma ego



> Thank you.


> Eric

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