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Sister Usha Devi ?Fwd: Indian caste system

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Sister Usha Devi ?This is one of the knowledge base I am referring too. With

kind regards<Sir Patrick Ganesh






In whose image was The Adam – the prototype of modern humans, Homo sapiens –



The Bible asserts that the Elohim said: “Let us fashion the Adam in our image

and after our likeness.†But if one is to accept a tentative explanation for

enigmatic genes that humans possess, offered when the deciphering of the

human genome was announced in mid-February, the feat was decided upon by a group

of bacteria!


“Humbling†was the prevalent adjective used by the scientific teams and the

media to describe the principal finding – that the human genome contains not

the anticipated 100,000 - 140,000 genes (the stretches of DNA that direct the

production of amino-acids and proteins) but only some 30,000+ -- little more

than double the 13,601 genes of a fruit fly and barely fifty percent more than

the roundworm’s 19,098. What a comedown from the pinnacle of the genomic Tree

of Life!


Moreover, there was hardly any uniqueness to the human genes. They are

comparative to not the presumed 95 percent but to almost 99 percent of the

chimpanzees, and 70 percent of the mouse. Human genes, with the same

functions, were

found to be identical to genes of other vertebrates, as well as

invertebrates, plants, fungi, even yeast. The findings not only confirmed that

there was

one source of DNA for all life on Earth, but also enabled the scientists to

trace the evolutionary process – how more complex organisms evolved,


from simpler ones, adopting at each stage the genes of a lower life form to

create a more complex higher life form – culminating with Homo sapiens.



The “Head-scratching†Discovery


It was here, in tracing the vertical evolutionary record contained in the

human and the other analyzed genomes, that the scientists ran into an enigma.


“head-scratching discovery by the public consortium,†as Science termed it,

was that the human genome contains 223 genes that do not have the required

predecessors on the genomic evolutionary tree.


How did Man acquire such a bunch of enigmatic genes?


In the evolutionary progression from bacteria to invertebrates (such as the

lineages of yeast, worms, flies or mustard weed – which have been deciphered)

to vertebrates (mice, chimpanzees) and finally modern humans, these 223 genes

are completely missing in the invertebrate phase. Therefore, the scientists can

explain their presence in the human genome by a “rather recent†(in

evolutionary time scales) “probable horizontal transfer from bacteria.â€


In other words: At a relatively recent time as Evolution goes, modern humans

acquired an extra 223 genes not through gradual evolution, not vertically on

the Tree of Life, but horizontally, as a sideways insertion of genetic material

from bacteria…



An Immense Difference


Now, at first glance it would seem that 223 genes is no big deal. In fact,

while every single gene makes a great difference to every individual, 223 genes

make an immense difference to a species such as ours.


The human genome is made up of about three billion neucleotides (the

“letters†A-C-G-T which stand for the initials of the four nucleic acids

that spell

out all life on Earth); of them, just a little more than one percent are grouped

into functioning genes (each gene consists of thousands of "letters"). The

difference between one individual person and another amounts to about one

“letter†in a thousand in the DNA “alphabet.†The difference between Man


Chimpanzee is less than one percent as genes go; and one percent of 30,000 genes




So, 223 genes is more than two thirds of the difference between me, you and a



An analysis of the functions of these genes through the proteins that they

spell out, conducted by the Public Consortium team and published in the journal

Nature, shows that they include not only proteins involved in important

physiological but also psychiatric functions. Moreover, they are responsible


important neurological enzymes that stem only from the mitochondrial portion of

the DNA – the so-called “Eve†DNA that humankind inherited only through


mother-line, all the way back to a single “Eve.†That finding alone raises

doubt regarding that the "bacterial insertion" explanation.



A Shaky Theory


How sure are the scientists that such important and complex genes, such an

immense human advantage, was obtained by us --“rather recentlyâ€-- through


courtesy of infecting bacteria?


“It is a jump that does not follow current evolutionary theories,†said

Steven Scherer, director of mapping of the Human Genome Sequencing Center,


College of Medicine.


“We did not identify a strongly preferred bacterial source for the putative

horizontally transferred genes,†states the report in Nature. The Public

Consortium team, conducting a detailed search, found that some 113 genes (out of

the 223) “are widespread among bacteria†– though they are entirely absent


in invertebrates. An analysis of the proteins which the enigmatic genes

express showed that out of 35 identified, only ten had counterparts in


(ranging from cows to rodents to fish); 25 of the 35 were unique to humans.


“It is not clear whether the transfer was from bacteria to human or from

human to bacteria,†Science quoted Robert Waterson, co-director of Washington

University’s Genome Sequencing Center, as saying.


But if Man gave those genes to bacteria, where did Man acquire those genes to

begin with?



The Role of the Anunnaki


Readers of my books must be smiling by now, for they know the answer.


They know that the biblical verses dealing with the fashioning of The Adam

are condensed renderings of much much more detailed Sumerian and Akkadian texts,

found inscribed on clay tablets, in which the role of the Elohim in Genesis

is performed by the Anunnaki – “Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came.â€


As detailed in my books, beginning with The 12th Planet (1976) and even more

so in Genesis Revisited and The Cosmic Code, the Anunnaki came to Earth some

450,000 years ago from the planet Nibiru – a member of our own solar system

whose great orbit brings it to our part of the heavens once every 3,600 years.

They came here in need of gold, with which to protect their dwindling

atmosphere. Exhausted and in need of help in mining the gold, their chief


Enki suggested that they use their genetic knowledge to create the needed

Primitive Workers. When the other leaders of the Anunnaki asked: How can you


a new being? He answered:


"The being that we need already exists;

all that we have to do is put our mark on it.â€


The time was some 300,000 years ago.


What he had in mind was to upgrade genetically the existing hominids, who

were already on Earth through Evolution, by adding some of the genes of the more

advanced Anunnaki. That the Anunnaki, who could already travel in space

450,000 years ago, possessed the genomic science (whose threshold we have now

reached) is clear not only from the actual texts but also from numerous


in which the double-helix of the DNA is rendered as Entwined Serpents (a

symbol still used for medicine and healing) -- see illustration ‘A’ below.


When the leaders of the Anunnaki approved the project (as echoed in the

biblical â€Let us fashion the Adamâ€), Enki with the help of Ninharsag, the


Medical Officer of the Anunnaki, embarked on a process of genetic engineering,

by adding and combining genes of the Anunnaki with those of the

already-existing hominids.


When, after much trial and error breathtakingly described and recorded in

antiquity, a “perfect model†was attained, Ninharsag held him up and


“My hands have made it!†An ancient artist depicted the scene on a cylinder


(illustration ‘B’).


And that, I suggest, is how we had come to possess the unique extra genes.

It was in the image of the Anunnaki, not of bacteria, that Adam and Eve were




A Matter of Extreme Significance


Unless further scientific research can establish, beyond any doubt, that the

only possible source of the extra genes are indeed bacteria, and unless it is

then also determined that the infection (“horizontal transferâ€) went from

bacteria to Man and not from Man to bacteria, the only other available solution

will be that offered by the Sumerian texts millennia ago.


Until then, the enigmatic 223 alien genes will remain as an alternative – and

as a corroboration by modern science of the Anunnaki and their genetic feats

on Earth.





illustration A

illustration B



© Z. Sitchin 2001


Permission to reprint is hereby

granted on condition that the

following is prominently stated:


© Z. Sitchin

Reprinted with permission. <A HREF="http://www.sitchin.com/adam.htm">Adam</A>






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