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Sadhana to Devi

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Greetings to all,



This is something which has been in my mind and ive

decided to ask today what is Sadhana to Devi all about???...



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A member asked the other day on this list, "what is Sadhana to Devi

all about???"


It can be many things, from simple pooja, to recitation of Her names

or hymns of praise, to silent japa, to complex Srividya ritual, with

infinite gradations in between. Whatever the approach, it is "all

about" wisely enjoying the gift of this temporal world while

striving toward transcendent realization of what lies beyond.


One of the most commeon queries we receive here (often in the form

of offline, personal notes to the moderators) is: How do I begin

Shakti Sadhana. As with almost everything else in life, it's smart

to start small -- don't immediately plunge in, trying elaborate

ritual worship and three-hour japas and so on; but simply start

conditioning your mind for an encounter with Her.


Perhaps the finest, most simple and wonderful example I've seen is

the following prayer (in English), composed by the great spiritual

leader and Shakta guru, Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati (Guruji),

who is just wrapping up a long visit to the U.S., and preparing to

return to the temple at Devipuram.


In my personal opinion (and I do not claim to speak for anyone else,

or for the other Shakti Sadhana moderators), if you read (*and*

assimilate) all of the material on Guruji's site (linked below), you

will come an extremely long way toward an accurate understanding

of "what Sadhana to Devi all about" ...


I urge any of our members who are searching for an entry point

through which to approach Shakti Sadhana to learn and use this

simple prayer, as described below. It will set you on your way:




Try this. It works. Spare 1 hour a day. Recite for 40 days in a row,

3 times daily. Repeat 3 times, stay silent for 20 minutes each time.

All ye who tried speak of the result to me, positive or negative:


"I ask for my Guru Devi's blessings. They are with me here and now.


1. Oh Devi, I have removed all my masks: anger, doubt, fear, shame,

aversion, family, race and expectations of my conduct.


2. I have kept a fresh soft lotus in my heart for you to come and



3. I entreat you, please come, and enter it with your refreshingly

cool and lotus-golden-white lights.


4. Fill me from head to toe with your glorious love, beauty,

pleasure, wisdom, light, music, dance, poetry and compassion.


5. Let me enjoy wave after wave of these qualities in an unending



6. Protect me from evil.


7. I am open to your direction from within and without. Bless me in

a crystal clear voice. Let me see your divine vision constantly in

the lake of my clear mind and with my physical eyes.


8. Never leave me even for a moment.


9. I will not live without you. When my time comes, take me into

your heart.


10. Let me be useful to all living beings; to help them realize your

beauty and love. This is my constant prayer, aspiration and the goal

of my life."


NOTES: Notice that this prayer has several important components:


* Removing masks. Being your true self.

* Setting apart a lovely place for your divine presence.

* Entreaty to divine to come with healing colors of lotus lights.

* Let every nook and corner be filled with divine qualities.

* This invocation is like a series of waves building up energy.

* Seeking protection against false entities trying to lead you


* Surrender and opening up to divine presence and guidance.

* Determination not to live without divine presence.

* Preparedness for ultimate merger without limits.

* Helping others is your nature. Therefore you help.


Source: http://gurujiamrita.tripod.com/see_goddess_fast.htm


Aum Maatangyai Namahe

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My goodness! There is so much erudition on this list I feel like I should be

mailing in a per hour fee for it all! : )


The members may appreciate the information on Tara Sadhana in the Buddhist

tradition which is found at this link:




An internal link to the article "Shri Tara Devi" is also worth a look re: the

connection between the Tara of Tibetan Buddhism and the Tara of the Indian



"O compassionate and venerable subduing goddess,

May the infinite beings, including myself,

Soon purify the two obscurations and complete both collections

So that we may gain full enlightenment."





Devi Bhakta

Thursday, July 31, 2003 1:03 PM

Re: Sadhana to Devi



A member asked the other day on this list, "what is Sadhana to Devi

all about???"


It can be many things, from simple pooja, to recitation of Her names

or hymns of praise, to silent japa, to complex Srividya ritual, with

infinite gradations in between. Whatever the approach, it is "all

about" wisely enjoying the gift of this temporal world while

striving toward transcendent realization of what lies beyond.






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Can you kindly explain the line










DATE: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 15:21:38

"Interested Inquirer" <intinquirer

>"O compassionate and venerable subduing goddess,

>May the infinite beings, including myself,

>Soon purify the two obscurations and complete both collections

>So that we may gain full enlightenment."







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I'll do my best. The closest thing to a literal translation into English would

be: "O My Terror Do Hurry To Rays Sower." Tara the Dharma Goddess, Mother of the

Buddhas ("the Terrible"), frees us from our fears, and we "hurry" to


(praise) Her. She is the "seed sower" of the "rays" of the Buddha nature.


This mantra is expressed in a condensed version of the "Praises to Tara" as



"OM to the transcendent subduer, Arya Tara, I prostrate.

Homage to the glorious one who frees with TARE;

With TUTTARE you calm all fears;

You bestow all success with TURE;

To the sound SOHA I pay great homage."


The full version, from Venerable Thubten Chodron's Pearl of Wisdom, consists of

twenty-one stanzas.


This is the Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche's explanation of the mantra's meaning:


"OM represents Tara's holy body, speech and mind. [in contrast to the impure

body, speech and mind of the practitioner -- I. I.]


"TARE means liberating from true suffering, the sufferings of samsara, our

aggregates being under the control of delusion and karma.


"TUTTARE means liberating from the 8 fears, the external dangers, but mainly

from the internal dangers, the delusions, and also karma.


"TURE means liberating from the ignorance of the absolute nature of the I; it

shows the true cessation of suffering.


"SOHA means 'may the meaning of the mantra take root in my mind.'"


(from Tara the Liberator by Ven. Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Wisdom Publications.)


Thank you for asking and, in my ignorance, I hope that I have been of some

assistance to you.

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Thank you Devi Bhakta.

>From a personal experience, this does lead one to a spiritual bliss.

Feel it and experience the joy. Sometimes tears naturally began to

flow, let it be. Let it flow !

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