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ThirumuRai Series - 337

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(Wednesday is the gurupUjai of kulachchiRai nAyanAr.

An account of his service in rejuvenating Shaivism

could be found at http://www.shaivam.org/nakulach.html



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thirumALigaiththEvar thiruvicaippA

thalam kOyil

paN panycamam

onbadhAm thirumuRai




thiRambiya piRavic cila theyva n^eRikkE

thikaikkinREn thanaith thikaiyAmE

n^iRam ponnum minnum n^iRain^tha cEvaDikkIz

n^ikazviththa n^ikarilA maNiyE

aRam pala thiRaN^kaNDu arun^thavarkku aracAy

Alin kIz irun^tha ambalavA

puRany camaN buththar poykaL kaNDAyaith

thoNDanEn puNarumA puNarE.





In the births that have gone off the track, I am

bewildered by the various divines' paths. Oh the

Matchless Gem that made me not get disoriented

so, and stay firmly under the Perfect Feet that is

colorful like the gold and lightning ! Oh the Lord of

common hall Who under the banyan tree as the King

of the great ascetics expounded the virtues !

Oh the One, Who has seen the incorrectness of

the arguments of the outsiders - Jains and Buddists -

unite so that I, the servant, could get union (with




1. People get so much worried in propitiating various

deities, more out of fear of antagonizing that deity

or "to be safe". Instead of being a safe bet it would

actually indicate the confused state of the person and

the lack of understanding the concept of God. The

devotee who has got the realization does not get

disoriented by the varied forms but focuses firmly on

Lord shiva.

(The idea here is not to say that hailing the various

aspects of the Supreme Being is wrong. But the issue

is the baseless fear of deity or even humans deified.

This could undermine the concept of God itself and

could easily disorient the seeker.)






Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org







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