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Durga's system of worship with the navArNa mantra

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Inspired by the upcoming Navaratri celebration on September 26 and the

wonderful picture of Durga on the front page, here is the system of

worship with Durga's nine-lettered "navArNa" mantra. It includes the

necessary mudras, meditations, seers, kriyas, etc.


May She remove all your difficulties!



atha navArNa vidhiH

[And now, The System of Worship with the Nine Lettered Mantra]


shrI gaNapatir jayati

[May the Lord of Wisdom be victorious]


oM asya shrI navArNa mantrasya brahma viShNu rudrA

RShayaH gAyatryuShNig anuSTubhash chandAMsi shrI

mahAkAlI mahAlakShmI mahAsarasvatyo devatAH aiM

bIjam hrIM shaktiH klIM kIlakam shrI mahAkAlI

mahAlakshmI mahAsarasvatI prItyarthe navArNa siddharthe jape viniyogaH


[oM. Presenting the Highly Efficacious Mantra of Nine Letters. The

Lords of Creation, Preservation, and Destruction are the Seers;

gAyatrI, uShNig, and anuShtup (24, 28, and 32 syllables to the verse)

are the Metres; the Great Remover of Darkness, the Great Goddess of

True Wealth, and the Great Goddess of All-Pervading Knowledge are the

Deities; aiM is the Seed; hrIM is the Energy; KlIM is the Pin; for the

Satisafaction of the Great Remover of Darkness, the Great Goddess of

True Wealth, and the Great Goddess of All-Pervading Knowledge, this

System is applied in recitation.]


RShyAdi nyAsaH

[Establishment of the Seers]


oM brahma viShNu rudra RShibyho namaH


[i bow to the Seers, the Lords of Creation, Preservation, and



gAyatryuShNij anuShTup chandobhy namaH


[i bow to the Meters gAyatrI, uShNig, and anuShTup]


mahAkAlI mahAlakShmI mahAsarasvatI devatAbhyo namaH


[i bow to the Deities, the Remover of Darkness, the Great Goddess of

True Wealth, and the Great Goddess of All-Pervading Knowledge]


aiM bIjAya namaH


[i bow to the Seed aiM]


hrIM shaktaye namaH


[i bow to the Energy hrIM]


klIM kIlakAya namaH


[i bow to the Pin klIM]


oM aiM hrIM klIM cAmuNDAyai vicce


kara nyAsaH

[Establishment in the Hands]


oM aiM a^nguShTAbhyAM namaH


[oM. I bow to aiM in the thumb]


oM hrIM tarjanIbhyAM svAHA


[oM. I bow to hrIM in the forefinger, I Am One With God!]


oM klIM madhyamAbhyAM vaShat

(thumb-middle finger)

[oM. I bow to klIM in the middle finger, Purify!]


oM cAmuNDAyai anAmikAbhyAM huM

(thumb-ring finger)

[oM. I bow to cAmuNDA in the ring finger, Cut the Ego!]


oM vicce kaniShThikAbhyAM vauShat

(thumb-little finger)

[oM. I bow to vicce in the little finger, Ultimate Purity!]


oM aiM hrIM klIM cAmuNDAyai vicce karatalakara pRShThAbhyAM astrAya


(roll hand over front and back and clap)

[oM aiM hrIM klIM cAmuNDAyai vicce with the weapon of Virtue]


oM aiM hrIM klIM cAmuNDAyai vicce


hRdayAdi nyasaH

[Establishment in the Heart]


oM aiM hRdayAya namaH

(touch heart)

[oM I bow to aiM in the heart


oM hrIM shirase svAhA

(top of head)

oM I bow to hrIM on top[ of the head, I am One with God!


oM klIM shikhAyai vaShaT

(back of head)

[oM I bow to klIM on the back of the head, Purify!]


oM cAmuNDAyai kavacAya huM

(cross arms)

[oM I bow to cAmuNDA crossing both arms, Cut the Ego!]


oM vicce netratrayAya vauShaT

(touch three eyes)

[oM I bow to vicce on the three eyes, Ultimate Purity!]


oM aiM hrIM klIM cAmuNDAyai vicce karatalakara pRShThAbhyAM astrAya


(roll hand over front and back and clap)

[oM aiM hrIM klIM cAmuNDAyai vicce with the weapon of Virtue]


oM aiM hrIM klIM cAmuNDAyai vicce



[Establishment of the letters]


oM aiM namaH

(top of head)

[oM I bow to aiM]


oM hrIM namaH

(right eye)

[oM I bow to hrIM]


oM klIM namaH

(left eye)

[oM I bow to klIM]


oM cAM namaH

(right ear)

[oM I bow to cAM]


oM muM namaH

(left ear)

[oM I bow to muM]


oM DAM namaH

(right nostril)

[oM I bow to DAM]


oM yaiM namaH

(left nostril)

[oM I bow to yaiM]


oM viM namaH


[oM I bow to viM]


oM ceM namaH


[oM I bow to ceM}


oM aiM hrIM klIM cAmuNDAyai vicce


di^n nyAsaH

[Establishment in the Directions]


oM aiM udIcyai namaH


[oM I bow to aiM in the North]


oM hrIM prAcyai namaH


[oM I bow to hrIM in the East]


oM klIM dakShiNAyai namaH


[oM I bow to klIM in the South]


oM cAmuNDAyai pratIcyai namaH


[oM I bow to cAmuNDA in the West]


oM vicce vAyavyai namaH


[oM I bow to vicce in the Northwest]


oM aiM aishAnyai namaH


[oM I bow to aiM in the Northeast]


oM hrIM Agneyyai namaH


[oM I bow to hrIM in the Southeast]


oM klIM nairRtyai namaH


[oM I bow to klIM in the Southwest]


oM cAmuNDAyai UrdhvAyai namaH


[oM I bow to cAmuNDA, looking up]


oM vicce bhUmyai namaH


[oM I bow to vicce, looking down]


oM aiM hrIM klIM cAmuNDAyai vicce

(ten directions)





khaDgaM cakra gaeShu Capa

parighA~n chUlaM bhushuNDIM shiraH

sha^nkhaM saMdadhatIM karai

strinayanAM sarvA^nga bhUShAvRtAm |

nIlAshmadyutimAsya pAda

dashakAM seve mahAkalikAM

yAmastaut svapite harau kamalajo

hantuM madhuM kaiTabham ||

[bearing in Her ten hands the sword of worship, the discus of

revolving time, the club of articulation, the bow of determination,

the iron bar of restrain, the pike of attention, the sling, the head

of egotism, and the conch of vibrations, She has three eyes and

displays ornaments on all Her limbs. Shining like a blue gem, She has

ten faces. I worship that Great Remover of Darkness whom the

lotus-born Creative Capacity praised in order to slay Too Much and Too

little when the Supreme Consciousness was in sleep.]


akShasrak parashum gadeShu kulishaM

padmaM dhanuH kuNDikAM

daNDaM shaktim asiM ca carma

jalajaM ghaNTAM surAbhAjanam |

shUlaM pAsha sudarshane ca

shUlaM pAsha sudarshane ca

dadhatIM hastaiH prasannAnanAM

seve sairibha mardinImiha

mahAlakShmIM sarojasthitAM ||

[she with the Beautiful face, the Destroyer of the Great Ego, is

seated upon the lotus of peace. In Her hands She holds the rosary of

alphabets, the battle axe of good actions, the club of articulation,

the arrow of speech, the thunderbolt of illumination, the lotus of

peace, the bow of determination, the water pot of purification, the

staff of discipline, energy, the sword of worship, the shield of

faith, the conch of vibrations, the bell of continous tone, the wine

cup of joy, the pike of concentration, the net of unity, and the

discus of revolving time, named Excellent Intuitive Vision. I worship

the Great Goddess of True Wealth.]


ghaNTA shUla halAni sha^nkha

musale cakraM dhanuH sAyakaM

hastAbjair dadhatIM ghanAnta

vilasacchItAshutulya prabhAm |

gaurIdeha samudbhavAM

trijagatAm AdhArabhUtAM mahA-

pUrvAmatra sarasvatIm anubhaje

shumbhAdi daityArdinIm ||

[bearing in Her lotus hands the bell of continuous tone, the pike of

concentration, the plow sowing the sees of the Way of Truth to Wisdom,

the conch of vibrations, the pestle of refinement, the discus of

revolving time, the bow of determination, and the arrow of speech;

whose radiance is like the moon in autumn; whose appearance is most

beautiful; who is manifested from the body of She Who is Rays of

Light; and is the support of the three worlds, that Great Goddess of

All-Pervading Knowledge, who destroyed Self-Conceit and other

thoughts, I worship.]


oM aiM hrIM akSha mAlikAyai namaH

[oM aiM hrIM I bow to the Rosary of Letters]


oM mAM mAle mahAmAye sarva Shakti svarUpiNi |

catur vargas tvayi nyastas

tasmAn me siddhidA bhava ||

[oM My Rosary, the Great Measurement of Consciousness, containing all

energy within as your intrinsic nature, give to me the attainment of

your Perfection, fulfilling the four objectives of life.]


oM avighnam kuru Male tvaM gRhNAmi dakShine kare |

japakAle ca siddhyarthaM prasIda mama siddhaye ||

[oM Rosary, You please remove all obstacles. I hold you in my right

hand. At the time of recitation be pleased with me. Allow me to attain

the Highest Perfection.]


oM akSha mAlA dhipataye susiddhim dehi dehi sarva mantrArtha sAdhini

Sadhaya sAdhaya sarva siddhiM parikalpaya parikalpaya me svAhA ||

[oM Rosary of rudraksha seeds, my Lord, give to me excellent

attainment. Give to me, give to me. Illuminate the meanings of all

mantras, illuminate, illuminate! Fashion me with all excellent

attainments, fashion me! I am One with God!]


oM aiM hrIM klIM cAmuNDAyai vicce

(108 times)


oM guhyAtiguhyagoptrI tvaM

gRhANAs matkRtaM japam |

siddhir bhavatu me devi tvat prasAdAn maheshvari ||

[Oh Goddess, You are the Protector of the most secret of mystical

secrets. Please accept the recitation that I have offered and grant to

me the attainment of Perfection.]





oM vidyud dAmasamaprabhAM

mRgapati skandhasthitAM bhIShaNAM

kanyAbhiH karavAlakheTa

vilasaddhastAbhirA sevitAm |

hastaishcakra gadAsi kheTa

vishikhAMschApaM guNaM tarjanIM

bibhrANAmanalAtmikAM shashidharAM

durgAM trinertrAM bhaje ||

[i meditate upon the three-eyed Goddess, durgA, the Reliever of

Difficulties; the luster of Her beautiful body is like lightning. She

sits upon the shoulders of a lion and appears very fierce. Many

maidens holding the double-edged sword and shield in their hands are

standing at readiness to serve Her. She holds in Her hands the discus,

club, double-edged sword, shield, arrow, bow, net, and the mudrA

connecting thumb and the pointer finger, with the other three fingers

extending upwards, indicating the granting of wisdom. Her intrinsic

nature is fire, and upon her head She wears the moon as a crown.







Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. (2001).

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Thank you.


, "freyachilde"

<freyachilde> wrote:


Inspired by the upcoming Navaratri celebration on September 26 and the wonderful

picture of Durga on the front page, here is the system of worship with Durga's

nine-lettered "navArNa" mantra. It includes the necessary mudras, meditations,

seers, kriyas, etc.


May She remove all your difficulties!

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