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The Chakra Series 4: ANAHATA CHAKRA

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22. Above [the Manipura Chakra], in the heart, is the charming

[Anaahata] Lotus, of the shining color of the Bandhuka flower, with

the twelve letters beginning with Ka, of the color of vermilion,

placed therein. It is known by its name of Anaahata, and is like the

celestial wishing-tree [kalpa-taru], bestowing even more than the

supplicant's desire. The region of Vayu, beautiful and with six

corners, which is like smoke in color, is here.


23. Meditate within it on the sweet and excellent Pavana Biija [i.e.

Vaayu, whose Biija is "Yam"], gray as a mass of smoke, with four

arms, and seated on a black antelope. And within it also meditate

upon the Abode of Mercy, the Stainless Lord who is lustrous like the

Sun [Hamsa], and whose two hands make the gestures which grant boons

and dispel the fears of the three worlds [i.e. they form the vara

and abhaya mudras].


24. Here dwells Kakini, who in color is yellow like new lightning

[i.e. nava-tadit-piitaa, where there is more thunder than rain, and

the lightning shows itself very vividly], exhilerated and

auspicious; three-eyed and the benefactress of all. She wears all

kinds of ornaments, and in Her four hands She carries the noose and

the skull, and makes the sign of blessing and the sign which dispels

fear. Her heart is softened with the drinking of nectar.


25. The Shakti whose tender body is like ten million flashes of

lightning is in the pericarp of this Lotus in the form of a triangle

[Trikona]. Inside the triangle is the Shiva-Linga known by the name

of Baana. This Linga is like shining gold, and on his head is an

orifice minute as that in a gem. He is the resplendent abode of



26. Those who meditate on this Heart Lotus become like the Lord of

Speech, and like Ishvara are able to protect and destroy the worlds.

This Lotus is like the celestial wishing tree [sura-taru = kalpa-

taru], the abode and seat of Sarva [shiva]. It is beautified by the

Hamsa [here referring to the Jiivaatma rather than the Sun], which

is like the steady tapering flame of a lamp in a windless place. The

filaments which surround and adorn its pericarp, illumined by the

solar region, charm.


27. [The male meditator upon the Anahata Chakra], foremost among

Yogis, is ever more beloved to women than those who are most beloved

to them. [All who meditate upon Anahata become] preeminently wise

and full of noble deeds. Their senses are completely under control.

Their mind in its intense concentration is engrossed in thoughts of

the Brahman. Their inspired speech flows like a stream of clear

water. They are like the Diety who is the beloved of Lakshmi and are

able at will to enter another's body [parapure].


-- From the "Sat-Chakra-Nirupana"


"The Heart Lotus is of the color of the Bandhuka flower [i.e

scarlet], and on its twelve petals are the letters Ka to Tha [ka kha

ga gha nga ja jha Cha cCha nja ta tha], with the Bindu above them of

the color vermilion. In its pericarp is the hexagonal Vaayu-Mandala,

of a smoky color, and above it Suurya-Mandala, with the Trikona

lustrous as ten million flashes of lightning within it.


"Above it, the Vaaya-Biija, of a smoky hue, is seated on a black

antelope, four-armed and carrying the goad [ankusa]. In his [Vaayu-

Biija's] lap is three-eyed Iisha.Like Hamsa (Hamsaabha], His two

arms extended in the gestures of granting boons and dispelling fear.

"In the pericarp of this Lotus, seated on a red lotus, is the Shakti

KAKINI [Kaakinii]. She is four-armed and carries the noose [paasha],

the skull [kapaala], and makes the boon [vara] and fear-dispelling

[abhaya] signs. She is of a golden hue, is dressed in yellow

raiment, and wears every variety of jewel and a garland of bones.

Her heart is softened by nectar.


"In the middle of the Trikona is Shiva in the form of a Baana-linga,

with the crescent moon and Bindu on his head. He is of a golden

color. He looks joyous with a rush of desire [kaamodgamollasita].

Below him is the Jiivaatma like Hamsa. It is like the steady

tapering flame of a lamp. Below the pericarp of this Lotus is the

red lotus of eight petals, with its head upturned. It is in this red

lotus that there are the Kalpa Tree, [and a] jewelled altar

surmounted by an awning and decorated by flags and the like, which

is the place of mental worship."


-- From "The Serpent Power," by Sir John Woodroffe, 1919




"There are seven spinning wheels of energy in you. If you pay

attention to the actions given below carefully and remember them,

you will experience these spinning wheels. ...


"4. Anahata, the wheel of unconditional love. There is a 12 petal

wheel circulating in the air around the chest. It has yellows and

greens, the colors of vegetation.


"From here to the crown, the sound of "Yang" [Yam] spreads; say it

seven times. By sharing our powers with others, we enter this wheel

of unconditional love. We give because it is our nature to share; we

give without expecting any returns whatsoever. This wheel brings

unbounded prosperity to you, which grows more and more by giving."


-- From "Seeing Goddess," by Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati, 1998

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What brilliant artwork!


I notice a form of Devi wearing (lunar?) horns/crescent. Is this

correct, please?




, "Devi Bhakta"

<devi_bhakta> wrote:

> 22. Above [the Manipura Chakra], in the heart, is the charming

> [Anaahata] Lotus, of the shining color of the Bandhuka flower, with

> the twelve letters beginning with Ka, of the color of vermilion,

> placed therein. It is known by its name of Anaahata, and is like


> celestial wishing-tree [kalpa-taru], bestowing even more than the

> supplicant's desire. The region of Vayu, beautiful and with six

> corners, which is like smoke in color, is here.


> 23. Meditate within it on the sweet and excellent Pavana Biija


> Vaayu, whose Biija is "Yam"], gray as a mass of smoke, with four

> arms, and seated on a black antelope. And within it also meditate

> upon the Abode of Mercy, the Stainless Lord who is lustrous like


> Sun [Hamsa], and whose two hands make the gestures which grant


> and dispel the fears of the three worlds [i.e. they form the vara

> and abhaya mudras].


> 24. Here dwells Kakini, who in color is yellow like new lightning

> [i.e. nava-tadit-piitaa, where there is more thunder than rain, and

> the lightning shows itself very vividly], exhilerated and

> auspicious; three-eyed and the benefactress of all. She wears all

> kinds of ornaments, and in Her four hands She carries the noose and

> the skull, and makes the sign of blessing and the sign which


> fear. Her heart is softened with the drinking of nectar.


> 25. The Shakti whose tender body is like ten million flashes of

> lightning is in the pericarp of this Lotus in the form of a


> [Trikona]. Inside the triangle is the Shiva-Linga known by the name

> of Baana. This Linga is like shining gold, and on his head is an

> orifice minute as that in a gem. He is the resplendent abode of

> Lakshmi.


> 26. Those who meditate on this Heart Lotus become like the Lord of

> Speech, and like Ishvara are able to protect and destroy the


> This Lotus is like the celestial wishing tree [sura-taru = kalpa-

> taru], the abode and seat of Sarva [shiva]. It is beautified by the

> Hamsa [here referring to the Jiivaatma rather than the Sun], which

> is like the steady tapering flame of a lamp in a windless place.


> filaments which surround and adorn its pericarp, illumined by the

> solar region, charm.


> 27. [The male meditator upon the Anahata Chakra], foremost among

> Yogis, is ever more beloved to women than those who are most


> to them. [All who meditate upon Anahata become] preeminently wise

> and full of noble deeds. Their senses are completely under control.

> Their mind in its intense concentration is engrossed in thoughts of

> the Brahman. Their inspired speech flows like a stream of clear

> water. They are like the Diety who is the beloved of Lakshmi and


> able at will to enter another's body [parapure].


> -- From the "Sat-Chakra-Nirupana"


> "The Heart Lotus is of the color of the Bandhuka flower [i.e

> scarlet], and on its twelve petals are the letters Ka to Tha [ka


> ga gha nga ja jha Cha cCha nja ta tha], with the Bindu above them


> the color vermilion. In its pericarp is the hexagonal Vaayu-


> of a smoky color, and above it Suurya-Mandala, with the Trikona

> lustrous as ten million flashes of lightning within it.


> "Above it, the Vaaya-Biija, of a smoky hue, is seated on a black

> antelope, four-armed and carrying the goad [ankusa]. In his [Vaayu-

> Biija's] lap is three-eyed Iisha.Like Hamsa (Hamsaabha], His two

> arms extended in the gestures of granting boons and dispelling


> "In the pericarp of this Lotus, seated on a red lotus, is the


> KAKINI [Kaakinii]. She is four-armed and carries the noose


> the skull [kapaala], and makes the boon [vara] and fear-dispelling

> [abhaya] signs. She is of a golden hue, is dressed in yellow

> raiment, and wears every variety of jewel and a garland of bones.

> Her heart is softened by nectar.


> "In the middle of the Trikona is Shiva in the form of a Baana-


> with the crescent moon and Bindu on his head. He is of a golden

> color. He looks joyous with a rush of desire [kaamodgamollasita].

> Below him is the Jiivaatma like Hamsa. It is like the steady

> tapering flame of a lamp. Below the pericarp of this Lotus is the

> red lotus of eight petals, with its head upturned. It is in this


> lotus that there are the Kalpa Tree, [and a] jewelled altar

> surmounted by an awning and decorated by flags and the like, which

> is the place of mental worship."


> -- From "The Serpent Power," by Sir John Woodroffe, 1919


> ************************


> "There are seven spinning wheels of energy in you. If you pay

> attention to the actions given below carefully and remember them,

> you will experience these spinning wheels. ...


> "4. Anahata, the wheel of unconditional love. There is a 12 petal

> wheel circulating in the air around the chest. It has yellows and

> greens, the colors of vegetation.


> "From here to the crown, the sound of "Yang" [Yam] spreads; say it

> seven times. By sharing our powers with others, we enter this wheel

> of unconditional love. We give because it is our nature to share;


> give without expecting any returns whatsoever. This wheel brings

> unbounded prosperity to you, which grows more and more by giving."


> -- From "Seeing Goddess," by Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati, 1998

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