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The Chakra Series 5: VISHUDDHA CHAKRA

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28. In the throat is the Lotus called Vishuddha, which is pure and of

a smoky purple hue. All the 16 shining vowels on its 16 petals, of a

crimson hue, are distinctly visible to those whose minds [buddhi] are

illumined. In the pericarp of this lotus there is the Ethereal

Region, circular in shape, and white like the full Moon [ether is the

element governing this Chakra]. On an elephant white as snow is

seated the Biija of Ambara [i.e. "Ham"], who is white in color.


29. Of His [i.e. the Biija's] four arms, two hold the noose [paasha]

and goad [ankusha], and the other two make the gestures of granting

boons and dispelling fear [i.e. the vara and abhaya mudras]. These

add to His beauty. In his lap there ever dwells the great snow-white

Deva [shiva], three-eyed and five-faced, with ten beautiful arms, and

clothed in a tiger's skin. His body is united with that of Giriijaa

[Devi; i.e. the deity's form is the androgyne Ardhanareshwari], and

He is known by what His name, Sadaa-Shiva [i.e. "The Ever-Beneficent

One"], signifies.


30. Purer than the Ocean of Nectar is the Shakti Saakiinii, who

dwells in this Lotus. Her raiment is yellow, and in Her four lotus-

hands She carries the bow, the arrow, the noose and the goad. The

whole region of the Moon without the mark of the hare [i.e. the "Man

in the Moon"] is in the pericarp of this Lotus. This region is the

gateway of great Liberation for those who desire the wealth of Yoga

and whose senses are pure and controlled.


31. Those who have attained complete knowledge of the Aatmaa

[brahman] become great Sages [Kavi] -- eloquent and wise, enjoying

uninterrupted peace of mind -- by concentrating their minds [Citta]

upon this Lotus. They see the three periods [past, present and

future], and become the benefactors of all, free from disease and

sorrow and long-lived; and like Hamsa, the destroyer of endless



31(a). Yogis who fix their minds constantly on this Lotus, their

breath controlled by Kumbhaka, would in their wrath be able to move

all the three worlds. Neither Brahma nor Vishnu, neither Hari-Hara

[the combined form of Shiva and Vishnu] nor Surya[the Sun] nor Ganapa

[i.e., Ganesh, or Ganapati] would be able to resist them.


-- From the "Sat-Chakra-Nirupana"




"At the base of the throat [kantha-muule] is the Vishuddha Chakra,

with 16 petals of smoky purple hue. Its filaments are ruddy, and the

16 vowels -- which are red and have the Bindu above them -- are on

the petals. In its pericarp is the ethereal region [nabho-mandala],

circular and white. Inside it is the Candra-mandala, and above it is

the Biija 'Ham'. This Biija is white and garmented in white, eseated

on an elephant, and is four-armed. In his four hands he holds the

noose [paasha] and the goad [ankusha], and makes the vara-mudra and

the abhaya-mudra.


"In his lap is Sadaa-Shiva, seated on a great lion-seat, which is

placed on the back of a bull. He is in his form as Arddha-

naariishvara, and as such half his body is the color of snow, and the

other half the color of gold. He has five faces and ten arms, and in

his hands he holds the trident [shuula], battle-axe [tanka],

sacrificial sword [khagda], thunderbolt [vajra], dahana [agneya-

astra], the great snake [naagendra], bell [ghanta], goad [ankusha],

noose [paasha], and makes the abhaya mudra. He wears a tiger's skin,

his whole body is smeared with ashes, and he has a garland of snakes

round his neck. The nectar dripping from the downturned digit of the

Moon is on his forehead.


"Within the pericarp, in the Lunar Region and seated on bones, is the

Shakti SAKINI [saakinii], white in color, four-armed, five-faced and

three-eyed, clothed in yellow, and carrying in Her hand a bow, an

arrow, a noose and a goad."


-- From "The Serpent Power," by Sir John Woodroffe, 1919




"There are seven spinning wheels of energy in you. If you pay

attention to the actions given below carefully and remember them,

you will experience these spinning wheels. ...


"5. Visuddhi, the wheel of astral communication in space. There is a

16 petal wheel around the space in your neck. It has light and dark

blue colors like the sky. It spins to the sound of "Hang" ["Ham"],

which spreads to the crown. Utter this sound seven times. By placing

attention here, you will acquire powers like hearing at a distance,

seeing far away places, talking with spirits, Apsaras, Angels,

Goddesses and Gods. This is the wheel of communication in space

across immense distances. The ability to enter another person and

know the experiences as your own is obtained by prolonged practice of

paying attention to this wheel."


-- From "Seeing Goddess," by Sri Amritananda Natha Saraswati, 1998

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