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To kochu1tz: Gayatri Sadhana?

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Dear Mary Ann:

You misunderstood my intent and purpose of the post.

Every one cannot follow the rules set not in this clime and time.

so simplify. There are provisions for that. I did not discard rules completly

but simplified it (as sanctioned). Hence I said

" Just recite gayatri as many times as you can COMFORTABLY per day. Fix the

number and keep to it and keep the time same and the place same."

I said "Forget Rules" because if one keep thinking of rules one will not get

concentration which is the be all and end all of sadhana.


Another sine qua non for proper results is complete faith.

I meant by "Tell devi this is what i know and this is how I do it. You bloody

well accept it." that be confident that its OK, this is all I can do may devi

accept it.


There are various bhavas of sadhana as the Empress when you approach her with

the due reverence due to the EMPRESS; as a Teacher when you approach HER with

the reverence due to a Guru; when as a friend or lover with the appropriate



and the ultimate aim is internalisation. when you internalise you merge. Thats

why all sadhana is based on the 4 aphorisms:


aham brahmaasmi - I AM BRAHMA

tatvamasi - THOU ART THAT




in order to achive this state confidence of a warrior is required. It is this

that was indicated by the statement"You bloody well accept it."


I am sorry if I casused misunderstanding


Mary Ann <maryann wrote:

Dear Sankara Menon:


Was it devi that wrote the rules you say to forget? (I don't think so.) Must a

man insist that devi accept his offering? (Is she non-responsive without his

force?) Or do you actually mean to say that if a devotee is devoted in practice,

devi will respond regardless of adherence to "rules"? If that is so, then there

is no need to order devi around, man! She's already there in your



, sankara menon

<kochu1tz> wrote:

> Just recite gayatri as many times as you can COMFORTABLY per day. Fix the

number and keep to it and keep the time same and the place same. Forget about



> Just do it man!! Tell devi this is what i know and this is how I do it. You

bloody well accept it.



> She WILL.

> Kochu


> SURESH S IYER <sureshsiyer> wrote:

> I would like to do GAYATRI SADHANA.


> Can anybody help me to do this ....?


> Suresh



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“If that is so, then there is no need to order devi around, man!”

I don’t think so that it is meant to order DEVI, because DEVI cant be order

around. But If you are close and passionate about DEVI she becomes sometimes

more like a friend and we talk to Her like we talk to a good friend. We joke

with HER, We tease HER, We get angry with HER, We demand from HER. Some may not

understand this but I do not see it as “ordering”. I thought it is funny.


I have personally done the same many times. I told DEVI I this is what I know

and this is how I will do [ take it or leave it ] and I know she will somehow

accept it. The main point is the sincerity and honesty in doing the sadhana and

not the no of times you recite or doing it correctly according to rules. I

think what Sankara Menon meant is to make the sadhana simple as a starting

point. Like my previous comments, if you cant recite anything, just sit there,

stare and smile at DEVI. Nothing wrong with that.


“She's already there in your corner.”


Nope Mary Ann, She is not just at the corner, SHE is everywhere.







".. you may shoot me with your words... you may cut me with your eyes ... you

may kill me with your hatefulness, but still like air, I will rise ..."


Maya Angelou


" Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and

leave foot prints on our heart and we are never ever the same again "


Shakti Sadhana Homepage at http://www.shaktisadhana.org




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