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Triupra Rahasya - 3rd time

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I posted the same message long ago in another Group dedicated to

Devi but did not get any replies and recently I have posted the same

in a different group and I am waiting for replies.

I hope I would get valuable replies from this group. I hope

Devi_Bhakta would have something significant to convey.


In the Jnana Kanda of Tripura Rahasya, there is converstion

between Datattreya and Parusarama about the Self and the illusory

nature of the world.

Parusaram is said to have been initiated into Bala mantra and

after doing sadhana for some number years he goes to back Datattreya

to clarify his doubts.

This text has been highly referred by Sri Ramana Maharshi.

I have some doubts regarding this text.

1.Has Parusarama practiced Self-enquiry after listening to Datattreya

or has be become enligtened immediately after getting his doubts

clarified or has he further practiced his sadhana in Sri Vidya?

2. I believe Datattreya is originally Sakthi Upasaka (as I read from

other books) became enlightened after doing austereties - has he

practiced Self-enquiry or has he practiced Sadhana in Sri Vidya?

3. In general does any sadhaka of Sri Vidya carry out Self-enquiry

after some years of mantra sadhana or does he realize Self with

mantra sadhana alone. If the latter is true then what was the

necessity of Datattreya explaining how Self can be realized by Self-

enquiry (eg. concentrating on the state when the mind switches from

one object to another), He would have simply told Parusarama to

continue his sadhana which would result in Self-realization and get

all his doubts cleared henceforth.

What I mean the by the appraoch 'Self-enquiry' is how Hemachuda

realised the Self after analysing his own mind and plunging within

according to the instructions of Hemalekha.



Thanks a lot,


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Pranam Sai:


Thank you for for thoughtful enquiry on Tripura Rahasya. You note

there, "I hope Devi_Bhakta would have something significant to

convey." Unfortunately, I probably do not; there are much more

learned members in the Group than myself, and I hope they will

contribute their thoughts on your questions. My own immediate

responses are as follows:


*** Parusaram is said to have been initiated into Bala mantra and

after doing sadhana for some number years he goes to back Datattreya

to clarify his doubts. ****


Let's start by looking at the exact words (as rendered into English

in 1938 by Sri Ramanananda Saraswati) of the scripture: Dattatreya

as guru is said to have "satisfied himself as to the fitness of

Parasurama, whose zeal for and devotion to Tripura worship were

intense; and he duly inititated him into the method of Her worship.

After initiation into the right method, which is more sacred than

all others and leads directly to realization, Parasurama learned

from the sweet lips of Sri Guru all the details regarding recitation

figures for worship and different meditations." (TR, I.19-22)


Does that mean that he was inititated into Bala, as you suggest --

or further? The "method which is more sacred than all others and

leads directly to realization" sure sounds like Shodashi to me. I

would argue that, in that initiation meting, Parasurama received ALL

(the passage above does say ALL) of the basic "tools and techniques"

of SriVidya. Whatever the case, though, Tripura Rahasya states that

Parasurama practiced this method for 12 years, very happily immersed

in bhakti and the technicalities of Her formal worship ... until on

day he is struck by the doubts you mention -- not as to Tripura

Herself, I think, but as to the efficacy of ritual alone, without



So I don't think Parasurama receives anything new in the way of

mantras or rituals, when he returns to Dattatreya. Rather, the Guru

simply helps Parasurama remove intellectual and emotional blockages

that are hindering his progress; his ability to experience the full

effectiveness of the techniques he has learned. Don't most of us

human beings need at least a little such help every now and then?


Having said all that, I'll quickly move on to your specific queries:


*** Has Parusarama practiced Self-enquiry after listening to

Datattreya ***


I would say yes, certainly. The account of Tripura Rahasya describes

a process of self-inquiry.


*** or has be become enlightened immediately after getting his

doubts clarified or has he further practiced his sadhana in Sri

Vidya? ***


I would say no. I think the idea of becoming "enlightened

immediately" is a fantasy, except in those very rarest of cases in

which the shishya is just karmically overripe for Self-realization.

For most sadhakas, SriVidya is an ongoing process.


*** I believe Dattatreya is originally a Sakthi Upasaka (as I read

from other books), who became enlightened after doing austereties -

has he practiced Self-enquiry or has he practiced Sadhana in Sri

Vidya? ***


I really don't know what he "originally" was; you will have to rely

on your "other books" for that. He is certainly a Shakti Upasaka

when he delivers the Tripura Rahasya. In the text itself, we are

told that Dattatreya is in fact Sri Narayana, born to the virtuous

Anasuya, who also bore Brahman as the Moon, and Siva as Dhurvasa. In

his earlier response, Rudra Joe rightly pointed out that

Parasurama's name suggests he is to be considered something of a

prototype sadhaka; likewise, I think Sri Dattatreya, as Narayana

incarnate, is to be understood as a prototype Guru.


*** In general does any sadhaka of Sri Vidya carry out Self-enquiry

after some years of mantra sadhana or does he realize Self with

mantra sadhana alone? ***


SriVidya is a comprehensive worldview; not just a set of techniques

and mantras. While mantra sadhana is quite certainly the most

important part of the package, but it does not enable the sadhaka to

avoid Self-inquiry where needed.


*** If the latter is true, then what was the necessity of Datattreya

explaining how Self can be realized by Self-enquiry? He would have

simply told Parusarama to continue his sadhana which would result in

Self-realization and get all his doubts cleared henceforth. ***


I'd repeat what I just said above. In case it may assist your

understanding of my viewpoint, allow me also to quote from Sri

Amritananda Natha Saraswati, speaking just last autumn:


"When I switch on a computer and its monitor, the programs come

alive. I interact and work on new programs. The computer and power

switch are the way to my experience of the programs (or whatever).

The guru is like that. It is just an enabling device. Without it

there is no experience of the program. With it, it is not

guaranteed. However the conditions are (1) having the computer,

electricity and programs; and (2) your willingness to sit in front

of it and work. Given these two, results are not guaranteed, but

conditions have been met for them to occur. Finally, you are the

architect of your realization."


I hope this is in some way useful?


Aum Maatangyai Namahe

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