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An In conversation: The American Idol show

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Had this interesting discussion with a Good friend of mine. And I

like to share it with everybody. Perhaps we can continue this

discussion with regards to our sadhana.


[AA ]

Do you guys watch this show over there? I've been such a fan for the

past 2 seasons and enjoying this new season too. I still can't

believe how some participants can be so ignorant about their lack of

talent - it's a singing contest so better have a great vocal ability.

Duh? On the other hand when I looked at some of the comments made by

the participants, I'm not surprised. Why? Because, from a young age,

they are nurtured to stand up for themselves, believe that they can

do whatever it takes and have really, really BIG dreams. However, I

still do think some of them make a fool of themselves.


[N] I think this is a good form of experience. I don't think so its

about being ignorant, but more of being daring and bold enough to go

up there to do it. I thought this is what American Dream is all

about? If you don't do it, how would you know?


Before I resigned from Mount Elizabeth, I was doing a research with

the Night Manger on : Patient Falls, a Comparative study in an Acute

Medical Ward [ Private hospital ] and we were being invited to

present out findings at the Asia Pacific Nursing conference. My role

as a research assistant was just to collection data and preparing the

presentations and it was my nursing manager who is supposed to

present the paper. On that day, she got cold feet, and said, she

couldn't do it. Eventually I have to do it. You could imagine how

terrified I was on that day, I thought I am going to make a fool out

of myself, but if I don't do it, who else. And so I did. I told

the audience [ it was in the main conference hall ] the truth and they

were very nice about it. Guided me along until the whole presentation

is over. During lunch, one of the conference participant [ a lecturer

from University of Australia Nursing Department ] came to me and

said : I salute you for your courage.


What I learnt from this experience is that : you must be brave to

take that first step. Should not listen to negative comments. There

are always people who will try to make you feel small and make you

feel terrible, but nobody can do that without your permission.


I did not have the opportunity to see the American idol show, but in

my opinion,everything comes with a dream big or small. And I think

teaching our children to stand up for themselves and believe that

they can do whatever it takes and have really, really BIG dreams has

its good points. Isn't this how the learning process is all about. As

they progress along, they came to the realization of their limitation

and learn to be practical.


[AA] N- your presentation is focus to the nursing community and not

the entire nation of the USA! That's hardly a fair comparison. It's

like comparing apples to oranges.


That great that you had the courage and you were applauded and I

think you did a super job on it - you stepped up to the plate.

That's not easy to do. Anyway, you have the

goods to deliver, you know what you're talking about because you

researched it, you know almost everything about the subject you about

to share.


I agree that the experience is good but don't you think if any

contestant is blasted on national TV and literally butchered by the

judges, then the self image/self esteem get injured and bruised. It's

terribly traumatic. I still remembered the poor guy named Keith who

sang a Madonna number and got pounded by the judges and I wonder what

happened to him now? The American Idol is a singing contest, they

have to sing and show their vocal talent. So, first criteria is -

they better have a singing voice good enough to show off.


The American Dream is not about being famous or being in the

entertainment industry. Basically, it is about making it and being

successful in America. It means different things to different

people. For those refugees who come here, to be able to hold down a

job or have a business and own a house is an American Dream. For

some people it is about acquiring wealth - fancy houses, boats,

luxury cars and vacationing several times a year. For others, it may

be about being Governor of California eg, Arnold Schwaggner - he said

in his speech that winning the election for Governor is his American

Dream. So, interpret the "American Dream" in a more wider and

personalized sense.


Yes, we need to encourage and nurture our children to speak their

minds. Nevertheless, I need to qualify that our children better have

the information and think creatively to defend whatever positions

that they are speaking up for ie, they should know their stuff first

even before opening their mouth to say something. We have a lot to

do for our children. I know all of us will do our best to guide,

protect and nurture our children to be independent thinkers.


[N] Yes! I agree with you. I am just using the nursing experience as

an example, instead of blabbing about other issue I have no or just a

superficial knowledge. But the main point I am saying is the Desire

to try it out. To be brave and be courageous. To be frank I was not

prepared and my inner fear is "making a fool of myself". But

the main idea that I always hold on to: be honest with yourself and

others. So what if I made a fool of myself. It is this ability to

laugh at oneself is inner strength.


It is traumatic for those who are weak and are not prepared. Nobody

can destroy your self-image or esteem with out your consent. When

these young uns undertake this quest are they not being made aware of

the risk they are taking? They have seen how others are being

question etc. So it's the risk takers. So what! That is them; I

might be different, as they would have said. It is the desire to take

the challenges that propel one to the higher plan.


Just like when you try to do mountain climbing. There are risks and

if you are not prepared or have the survival instinct you will not

make it. The ultimate end of the mountain climbing in my opinion is

not reaching the top, though that is the ultimate end. For every

beginning there are the end. So the top is just the end of the

journey, but what is taking place is the process or I would say the

transformation one undergoes as they journey through that mountain

trek, facing the problems, the risk and experiences the beauty of

mother nature. Along the way you might get injured, bruises for some,

but the main point is the desire to go on, to continue to prove that

you have made it and that you are not being cowed. Isn't this

the same desire that made people to continue to climb Mount Everest

even though they are aware of the no of deaths, the risk etc.


Eventually we come to the basic point: The Survival of the fittest.

>From my point of view these so called traumatic experiences would

strengthen the person, to look at their failures and try to improve

themselves. Perhaps this is what the concept of American Idol is all



So how does one make it and being successful in America? Isn't it

about-facing the tribulations and the desire to take risk? If you

fall, get up! And try again. Go on trying until you made it.


In the process of learning, Information does not come to you,

sometimes you have to seek it, to learn from experiences, learning

from mistakes and taking responsible for their own actions. This is

what we, as parents should teach our children. Taking responsibilies.

In my opinion self-realization is a very important aspect of any

learning process.


What is the difference between information and knowledge? In my

opinion information is just garbage with out an understanding.

Knowledge is information with an understanding. How does one get this

understanding? From personal experience. Books or words of our guru

can only take us to a certain juncture eventually we have to strike

it on our own.

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