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Merry Meet! & Greetings to you Silver and to all new.

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Namaste Silver ...


You ask, "Will someone tell me the exact principals of this ... I am not very

familar with it. Merry Part, Silver"


Thank you for your message, and welcome to Shakti Sadhana. We are

glad that you have accepted our invitation to join. Here is the brief

introduction to our group [ the same information that was

automatically distributed to all new members when they join us ]


We are an online community dedicated to the worship and glorification

of Devi, the Goddess, the Divine Feminine!


"Shakti Sadhana" -- also called Shaktism, or Shakta -- is a Hindu

spiritual discipline (usually some combination of Vedic and Tantric

practice) that focuses worship upon Devi (the Goddess, in Her various

forms), who both creates and embodies all the Universe. Many devotees

conceive Devi as the Supreme Energy (Shakti) of Shiva (Supreme

Consciousness); both identical to and inseparable from Him. Others,

the "pure Shaktas," worship Her as nothing less than ParaBrahman (the

Ultimate Divine Principle) Itself, the One Without a Second, holding

that all other forms of Divinity, female or male, are but Her diverse



Shakti Sadhana encompasses asana of all shakthis but not paisaachi

and kshudra shakthis. Pauishachi is evil foces of ghosty origin and

kshudra is evil devine forces. Both have nothing in common with

shakthi sadhana. Shakti Sadhana main aim is to attain saarupya

(looks) and sayujya (merger) with Adi Paraa Shakthi whose

manifestations are lalita etc.


There are various path in Shakti Sadhana. There is Durga -Durga and

her manifestations, Lashmi, Kali , Tara, The Dasa Maha Vidyas in

short. Essentially in each path THAT Mahaa Vidya is treated as

supreme and rest as subordinate.


Everyone who loves Goddess is welcome here -- as well as those who

are not practicing devotees, but who are curious to learn more about

our path. Although the Group's orientation is primarily Hindu, we

welcome ALL who adore Her through any tradition. Thus we count among

our members Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, Native Americans, Pagans,

Wiccan, and more -- we are a very diverse group, but all united in

our love and worship of Goddess.


What can Shaktism offer these other Goddess traditions? Something

very great indeed: It is the only religion on Earth to have

maintained a continuous, uninterrupted initiatory tradition of

Goddess Worship since the Stone Age. In India, the birthplace of

Shaktism, there were no schisms or breaks in the tradition; there was

no systematic persecution of Goddess worshipers. It is true that

Shaktism often had (and still has) a lower profile than the more

patriarchal forms of Hinduism -- but its flame was never extinguished

or even dampened, and therefore no "revival" or "reconstruction" of

forgotten practice and lore has ever been necessary. As a result,

Shakta philosophy, theology, cosmogony and ritual constitutes the

most profound, beautiful and complete feminine theology on Earth, and

has attained over the centuries a tremendous depth and diversity of




It is all here for you to discover and learn -- and, we hope,



Jai Maa!!!

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