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The mystery of Sri Aurobindo.

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I was reading "Beyond psychology" by Rajaneesh, In that book he refers to Sri

Aurobindo,and say Aurobindo was working on the methods which help people to

achieve physical Immortality. I have read some of his work,and have a great

respect for him so I can't agree with Osho.

Here is a link about that and regarding Aurobindo, He had a unique style of

writing poetry, I feel that many of our "modern mystics" are imitating

his style.But few acknowledge this and most of them avoid talking about him,

Its like P.D Ouspensky avoiding any reference to Gurdjieff !?

Earlier I thought Sri Aurobindo created integral Yoga. but a search on the

internet reveal that there are many masters teaching Integral yoga,and there is

no reference to Sri Auro, one of these master has named his ashram as

Yogaville!,(remember Auroville).

If we go by the words of Osho, many of his disciples are disappointed when he

died, because they were waiting for the revelation of the methods of

Immortality. Could it be the reason why we dont find any disciples of Sri

Aurobindo publicising his Yoga or dominating the spiritual scene?

I don't think so, what do you think? I think His "Savitri" is a good inspiration

to shaki sadhakas.

I hope you will be able to throw more light about it.


With best wishes

Kesava prasaad

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(AT) (DOT)

> Its like P.D Ouspensky avoiding any reference to Gurdjieff !?

> Earlier I thought Sri Aurobindo created integral Yoga. but a search

on the internet reveal that there are many masters teaching Integral

yoga,and there is no reference to Sri Auro, one of these master has

named his ashram as Yogaville!,(remember Auroville).

> If we go by the words of Osho, many of his disciples are

disappointed when he died, because they were waiting for the

revelation of the methods of Immortality. Could it be the reason why

we dont find any disciples of Sri

> Aurobindo publicising his Yoga or dominating the spiritual scene?


According to Sri Siva(www.srisiva.com), Aurobindo had indeed found

out the method of immortality and could make himself immortal if he

wanted to(the technique is called the light body meditation) but he

was not able to transmit this teaching to somebody else; hence he

chose to be reborn to be able to transmit it to mankind.


The "Integral Yoga" of Sacchidananda Saraswati is very a practical-

oriented teaching and somewhat different from Aurobindo's teachings

by the same name; I feel Aurobindo is too theoretical- maybe this is

the reason for his being not too popular. His Savitri is of course

superb to say the least.



> I don't think so, what do you think? I think His "Savitri" is a

good inspiration to shaki sadhakas.

> I hope you will be able to throw more light about it.


> With best wishes

> Kesava prasaad

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, kesava prasaad

<keshavaprasadkh> wrote:


<I was reading "Beyond psychology" by Rajaneesh, In that book he

refers to Sri Aurobindo,and say Aurobindo was working on the methods

which help people to achieve physical Immortality. I have read some

of his work,and have a great respect for him so I can't agree with



Is there reason to lose respect for someone's Life Work if he (or

she) *was* actually seeking to achieve physical Immortality?


Has it been proven that such is *impossible* -- or is the belief that

it isn't possible a human *theory*?


i believe Rajneesh was *correct* in what he said there.


i cannot point you to *where* -- in the 30 volumes of Aurobindo's

Works (of the Centenary Library) material relating to that might be;

and there *is* futher material from him that isn't *in* those 30



Seems to me that it was somewhere in the MOTHER'S AGENDA (13 volumes

of her discussions with Satprem, Sujata often there, too) that Mother

Mirra said Sri Aurobindo had said he would *not* be returning into

incarnation *until* he came in a supramental body that *would* be



i can't tell you what volume, what page (i've read about half

of 'em... truly *fascinating* -- & i recommend them most highly...

but anyone who may check into them -- might be best to leave the

first 2 & the 13th til *last* ;) ).


Looking on-line to see where theirs (& some of Satprem's volumes)

might be bought, to provide the URL -- i made a *delightful*



A couple years ago the *entirety* of the 13 volumes of the MOTHER'S

AGENDA *was* online (from some Russian devotee's website) -- but the

copyright holders forced him to take 'em off.


The latter part of Mother Mirra's life, her "work" was at a cellular

level, trying to *mutate* those cells, from within, so that *her*

body would be immortal.


Satprem, too, was totally convinced it could be done.


So the "work" she was involved in (& she speaks, frequently, of her

still communing with Aurobindo, after he passed-on) along that

line... is spoken of, by her, *extensively* in several of the volumes



Satprem extracted & wrote up these matters in his THE MIND OF THE



What i (delightfully!) discovered, looking for places online selling

Aurobindo's/ The Mother's/ Satprem's books was the following:


Satprem's LIFE WITHOUT DEATH is *here*!




(If that URL is too long, & wraps onto a 2nd line, as the link i

provided with my owne last post did, you'll have to be sure to add-in

what's on the 2nd line, in the Address URL box to make it work.)


Satprem's ON THE WAY TO SUPERMANHOOD is *here*!




Other volumes are accessible here:




including Sujata Nahar's -- Mothers Chronicles. Book 3: Mirra The

Occultist, which is a *fascinating* volume (i've managed to purchase

Sujata's first 3 in this series).


< Here is a link about that and regarding Aurobindo, He had a unique

style of writing poetry, I feel that many of our "modern mystics" are

imitating his style. >


Not that i am intentionally imitating him, but his style has

*certainly* had some impact upon my own, in *some* poems, these

lattermost years...




Bride of Light




The Lover of the Bride of Light speaks to his Beloved:



My spirit sang a melody in the Light of the Heavens shining upon us.

The stars, in chorus, harmonized -- with mystic intimations to their

twinklings like the kindly eyes of infinity, secretly knowing the


we would share, together -- on the edge of Forever, Beloved.


Sweet Bride of Light, you *are* my temple of Love Divine,

numinous in time, blazing into Eternity.

In You i have wakened out of Time & come to know what Eternity really




Seeing You, being *with* You, Beloved, is a blessedness beyond


You are the treasure of treasures. You are my cup of joy -- & my joy


Embosomed in you, you provide a soft swathing of Love

around the infinite Hope that is my heartbeat in you,

my breath, my breathlessness, my deathlessness.



And the Ocean of Eternity billowing endlessly towards the

shorelessness of Infinity

is the amorousness of Divinity that wraps us warm -- nestled into the

arms of Grace.




~~from The Canticle of Eternity

~~wynn manners




<But few acknowledge this and most of them avoid talking about him,>


Quite frankly, i don't believe he's very widely known! It was like a

Gift of Grace that i even discovered his existence, thru the

McDermott collection, THE ESSENTIAL AUROBINDO -- the *only* volume (i

know of) that has gotten broader publication & distribution. From an

address, therein, i contacted an ashram-extension distributor of all

the books in this country.


<If we go by the words of Osho, many of his disciples are

disappointed when he died, because they were waiting for the

revelation of the methods of Immortality. Could it be the reason why

we dont find any disciples of Sri Aurobindo publicising his Yoga or

dominating the spiritual scene?>


Mirra, the Mother, was downright *furious* with Aurobindo, when he

died! -- leaving *her* to handle that whole shebang *alone*!


Their movement has never been a proseltyzing movement. It's one you

have to *find* -- thru the seeking thereof.


And... for whatever reason, Aurobindo & the Mother do not seem to

have *had* -- among their disciples, people close to their own

caliber of spiritual *gnosis* -- with the exception of Satprem.


Frequently (to my view) dull scholarly fuddy-duddy sorts (who *do* do

things of value, certainly... but...) -- from the extent *i've*

explored them. People who can repeat what they've been taught -- but

not on any "cutting edge" of Living Gnosis, *themselves*.


The "power structure" that took over (& pretty well held the

Mother "prisoner" her latter years, according to Satprem -- &,

indeed, according to Mother, *herself* -- in MOTHER'S AGENDA) was no

more of the spiritually *advanced* consciousnesses than was Ma Sheela

of the Rajneesh ashram in Oregon. (& how in the world could Rajneesh

have *blundered* so *seriously* as to have put someone like *her* as

next-in-power, there!? You read volumes by people who were on that

scene, then, "spilling the beans" about what Sheela was really

*doing* there & it's pretty horrifying!)


Satprem -- the *only* one with Aurobindo's & the Mother's spiritual

Vision (as best i know) was *ostracized* & *cast out* by the power

structure of the Aurobindo ashram.


We have that Special Treasure of MOTHER'S AGENDA because Satprem

*snuck* out all the tapes & published it, independently AGAINST THE

ASHRAM'S POWER STRUCTURE'S REAL DESIRES -- & in absolute *defiance*

of them. The power structure would probably have *prevented* that

publication til *i* was long-dead -- if Satprem hadn't made that move.


< I don't think so, what do you think? I think His "Savitri" is a

good inspiration to shaki sadhakas. >


i think Aurobindo's SAVITRI is *the* most stupendous Spiritual Work

of the twentieth century.


< I hope you will be able to throw more light about it. >


MOTHER'S AGENDA is where you'll find "more light" thrown upon it -- &

in Satprem's own books -- of which you can access 3 of them, totally,

on-line -- at the links i've provided -- at least *still*.


But, personally, i think anyone is better off to read Aurobindo,

*himself* rather than Satprem's book *about* Aurobindo. Go to the

Source, Himself, Sri Aurobindo, rather than getting it "second hand"

thru *anyone* else, even the one Mother Mirra was encouraging, so

steadily, to *complete* his book on Aurobindo.


i continue putzing away at Vol. 16 of the Centenary Library,


THE IDEAL OF HUMAN UNITY, currently. (Haven't read any more volumes

of Rajneesh's discourses in about a decade, now... but have at least

20 of 'em i've bought TO read, yet!) ;)


*Might* be some things worth sharing, here, extracted from Aurobindo

(& from MOTHER'S AGENDA) if & when i get around to it.




~~wynn manners

> With best wishes

> Kesava prasaad

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>>I feel Aurobindo is too theoretical- maybe this is

the reason for his being not too popular.


I do not understand on what basis you have concluded that his teachings were

theoretical and thus were not popular


Sri Aurobinod Yoga embraces all the salient features of ancient methods and

their essences. He himself has said his method is not new, but philosophy in its



His yoga and teachings are very practical. His philosophy includes the teachings

of Gita. How can one say his yoga is theoretical?


Sri Aurobindo and Mother have dedicated their life experimenting on Integral

Yoga till their last day of Mahasamadhi. Before promoting their concept Sri

Aurobindo and Mother have tired Intergral Yoga on themselves for transformation

He voluntarily left his mortal coil to work form astral plane for the upliftment

of earth from false hood and ignorance.


All his spiritual writings were based on his own experience and his cognizance.

One such is magnum opus is Savitri. Indeed it is a recommended book for all

Shakthi upasakas. If one can comprehend and meditate of Savitri his life

transforms into Divine Life. Let us pray Mother to shower her grace on us for

transformation to lead a divine life.

Further thoughts on Sri Aurobidno are appreciated














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OM Kesava Prasaad


You said, "one of these master has named his ashram as

Yogaville!,(remember Auroville)."


The Swami who started the Yogaville Ashram and created an

approach to Yoga that he called Intregral Yoga is Swami

Satchitananda. He was a direct disciple of Swami Sivananda.

He had nothing to do with Aurobindo or Rajneesh.


Om Namah Sivaya




, kesava prasaad

<keshavaprasadkh> wrote:

> I was reading "Beyond psychology" by Rajaneesh, In that book

he refers to Sri Aurobindo,and say Aurobindo was working on the

methods which help people to achieve physical Immortality. I

have read some of his work,and have a great respect for him so I

can't agree with Osho.

> Here is a link about that and regarding Aurobindo, He had a

unique style of

> writing poetry, I feel that many of our "modern mystics" are


> his style.But few acknowledge this and most of them avoid

talking about him,

> Its like P.D Ouspensky avoiding any reference to Gurdjieff !?

> Earlier I thought Sri Aurobindo created integral Yoga. but a

search on the internet reveal that there are many masters

teaching Integral yoga,and there is no reference to Sri Auro, one

of these master has named his ashram as

Yogaville!,(remember Auroville).

> If we go by the words of Osho, many of his disciples are

disappointed when he died, because they were waiting for the

revelation of the methods of Immortality. Could it be the reason

why we dont find any disciples of Sri

> Aurobindo publicising his Yoga or dominating the spiritual


> I don't think so, what do you think? I think His "Savitri" is a good

inspiration to shaki sadhakas.

> I hope you will be able to throw more light about it.


> With best wishes

> Kesava prasaad

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, Anil <anildivine> wrote:


> Greetings


> >>I feel Aurobindo is too theoretical- maybe this is

> the reason for his being not too popular.


> I do not understand on what basis you have concluded that his

teachings were theoretical and thus were not popular



Aurobindo was a great genious as you are well aware. His true

inspiriation came from the prolonged practice of pranayama(at one

point he used to practice non-stop for 8 hours the technique he had

learned from Lele).


As much as I have been looking for specific techniques(on pranayama)

that Aurobindo may have used, this seems non-existant except for

brief statements.


When I call practical is this- do A B C.. and the result will be X Y

Z. Perhaps the amount of work that an individual(this is where most

people back off) may have to do could vary but the results are

guaranteed to a mathematical precision. This is yoga- scientific,

methodical and repeatable.


I have read portions of Aurobindo's works- I must say I was really

impressed with his writings; he is a greatly prolific writer and it

is easy to be swamped by the sheer volume. I cannot recall of simple

intructions for practice anywhere. It is one thing to give a 10-

volume manual on a methodology, it is another thing to give a 5 page

instruction manual for practice. It is likely that in the I may have

missed out on valuable insights. Could you give me a 1-page

description of the practice of Integral Yoga(I am still somewhat

clueless as to what it is, though it was very nice reading)??








> Sri Aurobindo and Mother have dedicated their life experimenting on

Integral Yoga till their last day of Mahasamadhi. Before promoting

their concept Sri Aurobindo and Mother have tired Intergral Yoga on

themselves for transformation He voluntarily left his mortal coil to

work form astral plane for the upliftment of earth from false hood

and ignorance.


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I am glad to have discussion with you regarding great seer Sri Aurobindo. Let

me share few points I have learnt about Sri Aurobindo. Hope other learnt

aspirants join for better insight.

>>Aurobindo was a great genious as you are well aware. His true inspiriation

came from the prolonged practice of pranayama(at one point he used to practice

non-stop for 8 hours the technique he had learned from Lele).


Sri Aurobindo started his yoga by himself without a Guru, getting the rule from

a friend, a disciple of Brahmananda of Ganga Math, it was confined at first to

assiduous practice of pranayama (at one time for 6 hours or more a day). This

event took place during 1904.


He met a Maharashtrian yogi, Vishu Bhaskar Lele and experienced the silent

Brahman in the year 1908. From the instructions of Lele in three days he

controlled his mind. After this radical changes have occurred in his life. He

experienced Narayana in Alipore jail.

>>I cannot recall of simple intructions for practice anywhere. It is one thing

to give a 10-volume manual on a methodology, it is another thing to give a 5

page instruction manual for practice. It is likely that in the I may have missed

out on valuable insights. Could you give me a 1-page description of the practice

of Integral Yoga(I am still somewhat clueless as to what it is, though it was

very nice reading)??


Letters on Yoga, The Mother, Synthesis of Yoga detail with his principal work.

Following are the central secretes of his sadhana, self sufficient to take the

aspirant to higher spiritual realms


In his own words about Integral Yoga


By remaining psychically open to the Mother, all that is necessary for work or

Sadhana develops progressively, that is one of the chief secrets, the central

secret of the Sadhana.




* * *


But it is not by upadesha that this Sadhana is given or carried on. It is only

those who are capable by aspiration and meditation on the Mother to open and

receive her action and working within that can succeed in this Yoga.




If one can learn to open to the Mother by aspiration and contemplate on Her it

is sure to experience greater transformation.






childofdevi <childofdevi wrote:,

Anil <anildivine> wrote:


> Greetings


> >>I feel Aurobindo is too theoretical- maybe this is

> the reason for his being not too popular.


> I do not understand on what basis you have concluded that his

teachings were theoretical and thus were not popular



Aurobindo was a great genious as you are well aware. His true

inspiriation came from the prolonged practice of pranayama(at one

point he used to practice non-stop for 8 hours the technique he had

learned from Lele).


As much as I have been looking for specific techniques(on pranayama)

that Aurobindo may have used, this seems non-existant except for

brief statements.


When I call practical is this- do A B C.. and the result will be X Y

Z. Perhaps the amount of work that an individual(this is where most

people back off) may have to do could vary but the results are

guaranteed to a mathematical precision. This is yoga- scientific,

methodical and repeatable.


I have read portions of Aurobindo's works- I must say I was really

impressed with his writings; he is a greatly prolific writer and it

is easy to be swamped by the sheer volume. I cannot recall of simple

intructions for practice anywhere. It is one thing to give a 10-

volume manual on a methodology, it is another thing to give a 5 page

instruction manual for practice. It is likely that in the I may have

missed out on valuable insights. Could you give me a 1-page

description of the practice of Integral Yoga(I am still somewhat

clueless as to what it is, though it was very nice reading)??








> Sri Aurobindo and Mother have dedicated their life experimenting on

Integral Yoga till their last day of Mahasamadhi. Before promoting

their concept Sri Aurobindo and Mother have tired Intergral Yoga on

themselves for transformation He voluntarily left his mortal coil to

work form astral plane for the upliftment of earth from false hood

and ignorance.















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>> Let us pray Mother to shower her grace on us for transformation to lead a

divine life.


Greetings to All,


The prayer is:


Om Sri Aurobindo Mira

Open my mind, my heart, my life

To your love, to your light, to your power

In all things may I see the Divine!


Om Namo Bagavate Sri Aurobindaya!




Subhashish Das


Anil <anildivine wrote:



>>I feel Aurobindo is too theoretical- maybe this is

the reason for his being not too popular.


I do not understand on what basis you have concluded that his teachings were

theoretical and thus were not popular


Sri Aurobinod Yoga embraces all the salient features of ancient methods and

their essences. He himself has said his method is not new, but philosophy in its



His yoga and teachings are very practical. His philosophy includes the teachings

of Gita. How can one say his yoga is theoretical?


Sri Aurobindo and Mother have dedicated their life experimenting on Integral

Yoga till their last day of Mahasamadhi. Before promoting their concept Sri

Aurobindo and Mother have tired Intergral Yoga on themselves for transformation

He voluntarily left his mortal coil to work form astral plane for the upliftment

of earth from false hood and ignorance.


All his spiritual writings were based on his own experience and his cognizance.

One such is magnum opus is Savitri. Indeed it is a recommended book for all

Shakthi upasakas. If one can comprehend and meditate of Savitri his life

transforms into Divine Life. Let us pray Mother to shower her grace on us for

transformation to lead a divine life.

Further thoughts on Sri Aurobidno are appreciated














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Subhashish Das



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thanks for your consecrating prayer for benefit of all




Subhashish Das <editor4educomp wrote:

>> Let us pray Mother to shower her grace on us for transformation to lead a

divine life.


Greetings to All,


The prayer is:


Om Sri Aurobindo Mira

Open my mind, my heart, my life

To your love, to your light, to your power

In all things may I see the Divine!


Om Namo Bagavate Sri Aurobindaya!




Subhashish Das


Anil <anildivine wrote:



>>I feel Aurobindo is too theoretical- maybe this is

the reason for his being not too popular.


I do not understand on what basis you have concluded that his teachings were

theoretical and thus were not popular


Sri Aurobinod Yoga embraces all the salient features of ancient methods and

their essences. He himself has said his method is not new, but philosophy in its



His yoga and teachings are very practical. His philosophy includes the teachings

of Gita. How can one say his yoga is theoretical?


Sri Aurobindo and Mother have dedicated their life experimenting on Integral

Yoga till their last day of Mahasamadhi. Before promoting their concept Sri

Aurobindo and Mother have tired Intergral Yoga on themselves for transformation

He voluntarily left his mortal coil to work form astral plane for the upliftment

of earth from false hood and ignorance.


All his spiritual writings were based on his own experience and his cognizance.

One such is magnum opus is Savitri. Indeed it is a recommended book for all

Shakthi upasakas. If one can comprehend and meditate of Savitri his life

transforms into Divine Life. Let us pray Mother to shower her grace on us for

transformation to lead a divine life.

Further thoughts on Sri Aurobidno are appreciated














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Subhashish Das



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