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The mystery of Sri Aurobindo, physical immortality

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Actually Aurobindo's immortality is not just to make the body last

for ever. It is a specific technique called the light-body

meditation, whereby the body gradually disintegrates and is

substituted with a body of light(there is another great adept who was

nearly successful at this- Ramalinga of Vadavalur). When this

tranformation is complete, one exits from this world or can stay here

at conscious will. The term "physical immortality" is a misnomer in

that sense.





, Brianna Mosteller

<rubyrapunzel> wrote:

> Pranams,


> Forgive me, I'm new to Sri Aurobindo. He was trying to


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Okay, I'm having a really hard time with the cryonics

thing. It reminds me of "Vanilla Sky." What does this

to the soul on it's path? To me, death seems so

necessary, and yet, freewill is one of the most

beautiful aspects of creation.


It seems there are those ("immortalists") who devote

their whole lives trying to find a way to "live

forever," in this body, with this mind. It seems to me

such an attitude of vanity and fear, and to support

the immortalist's theories, I have to deny everything

I believe about God, or at least put it in the

hypothetical context of an atheist!


I realize this is a very metaphysical question, with

lots of implications and possibile outcomes, but I

wonder what is the Shakta take on it? Is there a vedic

explanation? A tantric? Is it "wrong?" Is it "good?"


Om Para Shaktyai Namaha



--- Brianna Mosteller <rubyrapunzel wrote:

> Pranams,


> Forgive me, I'm new to Sri Aurobindo. He was trying

> to

> (or did ?) achieve physical immortality? I am trying

> to understand the appeal of this. I actually just

> had

> lunch today with a friend who has signed up to be

> cryogenically (not sure about spelling) frozen, and

> reanimated later. The contract he signed said that

> they will unfreeze and "reanimate" him once they

> have

> to technology to reverse the aging process!


> So I was hearing this and banging my head against

> the

> table, lol, and wondering what could be so

> attractive

> about physical immortality? Why would anyone want to

> stay here on the physical plane? The maya around

> here

> is so thick we can't see our way home! We have to

> cry

> and demand God to come and get us! As least us

> bhaktas

> do....


> So my question is this, and it's a big one; After

> the

> physical body dies, if the soul knows the body will

> be

> "reanimated" later, what can it do? Surely it cannot

> reincarnate? Does it hang around the body waiting to

> see what happens? This sounds awful to me. I want to

> go home to Her. If I need to come back, I'll keep

> comin' until I have business elsewhere ;) but this

> freezing and reviving the body after death, is it

> messing with the plan? Is it the plan? What happens

> to

> the soul? If we could have physical immortality,

> would

> the desire for it make the possibility of moksha

> obsolete? I'm confused....


> love and pranams,

> Brianna


> --- Anil <anildivine wrote:

> >

> > I am glad to have discussion with you regarding

> > great seer Sri Aurobindo. Let me share few points

> I

> > have learnt about Sri Aurobindo. Hope other learnt

> > aspirants join for better insight.

> >

> > >>Aurobindo was a great genious as you are well

> > aware. His true inspiriation came from the

> prolonged

> > practice of pranayama(at one point he used to

> > practice non-stop for 8 hours the technique he had

> > learned from Lele).

> >

> > Sri Aurobindo started his yoga by himself without

> a

> > Guru, getting the rule from a friend, a disciple

> of

> > Brahmananda of Ganga Math, it was confined at

> first

> > to assiduous practice of pranayama (at one time

> for

> > 6 hours or more a day). This event took place

> during

> > 1904.

> >

> > He met a Maharashtrian yogi, Vishu Bhaskar Lele

> and

> > experienced the silent Brahman in the year 1908.

> > From the instructions of Lele in three days he

> > controlled his mind. After this radical changes

> have

> > occurred in his life. He experienced Narayana in

> > Alipore jail.

> >

> > >>I cannot recall of simple intructions for

> practice

> > anywhere. It is one thing to give a 10-volume

> manual

> > on a methodology, it is another thing to give a 5

> > page instruction manual for practice. It is likely

> > that in the I may have missed out on valuable

> > insights. Could you give me a 1-page description

> of

> > the practice of Integral Yoga(I am still somewhat

> > clueless as to what it is, though it was very nice

> > reading)??

> >

> > Letters on Yoga, The Mother, Synthesis of Yoga

> > detail with his principal work. Following are the

> > central secretes of his sadhana, self sufficient

> to

> > take the aspirant to higher spiritual realms

> >

> > In his own words about Integral Yoga

> >

> > By remaining psychically open to the Mother, all

> > that is necessary for work or Sadhana develops

> > progressively, that is one of the chief secrets,

> the

> > central secret of the Sadhana.

> >

> > 13-2-1933

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > But it is not by upadesha that this Sadhana is

> given

> > or carried on. It is only those who are capable by

> > aspiration and meditation on the Mother to open

> and

> > receive her action and working within that can

> > succeed in this Yoga.

> >

> > 21-6-1937

> >

> > If one can learn to open to the Mother by

> > aspiration and contemplate on Her it is sure to

> > experience greater transformation.

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Anil

> >

> > childofdevi <childofdevi wrote:--- In

> > , Anil

> > <anildivine> wrote:

> > >

> > > Greetings

> > >

> > > >>I feel Aurobindo is too theoretical- maybe

> this

> > is

> > > the reason for his being not too popular.

> > >

> > > I do not understand on what basis you have

> > concluded that his

> > teachings were theoretical and thus were not

> popular

> >

> >

> > Aurobindo was a great genious as you are well

> aware.

> > His true

> > inspiriation came from the prolonged practice of

> > pranayama(at one

> > point he used to practice non-stop for 8 hours the

> > technique he had

> > learned from Lele).

> >

> > As much as I have been looking for specific

> > techniques(on pranayama)

> > that Aurobindo may have used, this seems

> > non-existant except for

> > brief statements.

> >

> > When I call practical is this- do A B C.. and the

> > result will be X Y

> > Z. Perhaps the amount of work that an

> > individual(this is where most

> > people back off) may have to do could vary but the

> > results are

> > guaranteed to a mathematical precision. This is

> > yoga- scientific,

> > methodical and repeatable.

> >

> > I have read portions of Aurobindo's works- I must

> > say I was really

> > impressed with his writings; he is a greatly

> > prolific writer and it

> > is easy to be swamped by the sheer volume. I

> cannot

> > recall of simple

> > intructions for practice anywhere. It is one thing

> > to give a 10-

> > volume manual on a methodology, it is another

> thing

> > to give a 5 page

> > instruction manual for practice. It is likely that

> > in the I may have

> > missed out on valuable insights. Could you give me

> a

> > 1-page

> > description of the practice of Integral Yoga(I am

> > still somewhat

> > clueless as to what it is, though it was very nice

> > reading)??

> >

> > Regards

> > -yogaman

> >

> > Regards

> > -yogaman


=== message truncated ===





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OM Brianna


Excellent post. You said, "It seems there are those

("immortalists") who devote their whole lives trying to find a way

to "live forever," in this body, with this mind. It seems to me such

an attitude of vanity and fear, and to support the immortalist's

theories, I have to deny everything I believe about God, or at least

put it in the hypothetical context of an atheist!"


Yes, vanity, fear and Godlessness are the hallmarks of those

who seek to live forever.


Here is what Swami Sivananda has to say about death:


"Man is afraid of death. Man does not want ot die. He wants to

live forever.


"You cannot die, because you were never born. You are immortal

Atman. Birth and death are two false scenes in the unreal drama

of Maya. They concern the physical sheath only, a false product

formed by the combination of the five elements.


"Death is a door opening from one aspect of life to another.

Death is cessation o bodiy or physical activity, of physical and

organic function, of physical consciousness. Death is a

transition from one state of being to another, a change of the

form of consciousness to another plane, astral or mental.


"Death does not end your personality and self-consciousness. It

merely opens the door to a higher form of life. Death is the

gateway to a fuller life.


"Death is not the extinction of personality. It is merely the

cessation of an important individuality. It is only a change of

form. Life flows on to achieve its conquest of the universla, life

flows on till it merges in the Eternal.


"Death is not the end of life. It is an aspect of life. It is a natural

incident in the course of life. It is necessary for your evolution.


"Death is painful to worldly man. A Yogi or a sage, or even a real

aspirant, has no fear of death. A desireless man never weeps

when he dies. A full-blown Jnani never dies. His Prana never



"Your highest duty is to prepare for a peaceful life hereafter.

Conquer the fear of death. Conquest of the fear of death,

conquest of death, is the highest utility of all spiritual Sadhana.

The one aim of all Yoga sadhana is to meet death fearlessly and



OM Namah Sivaya





, Brianna Mosteller

<rubyrapunzel> wrote:

> Okay, I'm having a really hard time with the cryonics

> thing. It reminds me of "Vanilla Sky." What does this

> to the soul on it's path? To me, death seems so

> necessary, and yet, freewill is one of the most

> beautiful aspects of creation.


> It seems there are those ("immortalists") who devote

> their whole lives trying to find a way to "live

> forever," in this body, with this mind. It seems to me

> such an attitude of vanity and fear, and to support

> the immortalist's theories, I have to deny everything

> I believe about God, or at least put it in the

> hypothetical context of an atheist!


> I realize this is a very metaphysical question, with

> lots of implications and possibile outcomes, but I

> wonder what is the Shakta take on it? Is there a vedic

> explanation? A tantric? Is it "wrong?" Is it "good?"


> Om Para Shaktyai Namaha


> Brianna

> --- Brianna Mosteller <rubyrapunzel> wrote:

> > Pranams,

> >

> > Forgive me, I'm new to Sri Aurobindo. He was trying

> > to

> > (or did ?) achieve physical immortality? I am trying

> > to understand the appeal of this. I actually just

> > had

> > lunch today with a friend who has signed up to be

> > cryogenically (not sure about spelling) frozen, and

> > reanimated later. The contract he signed said that

> > they will unfreeze and "reanimate" him once they

> > have

> > to technology to reverse the aging process!

> >

> > So I was hearing this and banging my head against

> > the

> > table, lol, and wondering what could be so

> > attractive

> > about physical immortality? Why would anyone want to

> > stay here on the physical plane? The maya around

> > here

> > is so thick we can't see our way home! We have to

> > cry

> > and demand God to come and get us! As least us

> > bhaktas

> > do....

> >

> > So my question is this, and it's a big one; After

> > the

> > physical body dies, if the soul knows the body will

> > be

> > "reanimated" later, what can it do? Surely it cannot

> > reincarnate? Does it hang around the body waiting to

> > see what happens? This sounds awful to me. I want to

> > go home to Her. If I need to come back, I'll keep

> > comin' until I have business elsewhere ;) but this

> > freezing and reviving the body after death, is it

> > messing with the plan? Is it the plan? What happens

> > to

> > the soul? If we could have physical immortality,

> > would

> > the desire for it make the possibility of moksha

> > obsolete? I'm confused....

> >

> > love and pranams,

> > Brianna

> >

> > --- Anil <anildivine> wrote:

> > >

> > > I am glad to have discussion with you regarding

> > > great seer Sri Aurobindo. Let me share few points

> > I

> > > have learnt about Sri Aurobindo. Hope other learnt

> > > aspirants join for better insight.

> > >

> > > >>Aurobindo was a great genious as you are well

> > > aware. His true inspiriation came from the

> > prolonged

> > > practice of pranayama(at one point he used to

> > > practice non-stop for 8 hours the technique he had

> > > learned from Lele).

> > >

> > > Sri Aurobindo started his yoga by himself without

> > a

> > > Guru, getting the rule from a friend, a disciple

> > of

> > > Brahmananda of Ganga Math, it was confined at

> > first

> > > to assiduous practice of pranayama (at one time

> > for

> > > 6 hours or more a day). This event took place

> > during

> > > 1904.

> > >

> > > He met a Maharashtrian yogi, Vishu Bhaskar Lele

> > and

> > > experienced the silent Brahman in the year 1908.

> > > From the instructions of Lele in three days he

> > > controlled his mind. After this radical changes

> > have

> > > occurred in his life. He experienced Narayana in

> > > Alipore jail.

> > >

> > > >>I cannot recall of simple intructions for

> > practice

> > > anywhere. It is one thing to give a 10-volume

> > manual

> > > on a methodology, it is another thing to give a 5

> > > page instruction manual for practice. It is likely

> > > that in the I may have missed out on valuable

> > > insights. Could you give me a 1-page description

> > of

> > > the practice of Integral Yoga(I am still somewhat

> > > clueless as to what it is, though it was very nice

> > > reading)??

> > >

> > > Letters on Yoga, The Mother, Synthesis of Yoga

> > > detail with his principal work. Following are the

> > > central secretes of his sadhana, self sufficient

> > to

> > > take the aspirant to higher spiritual realms

> > >

> > > In his own words about Integral Yoga

> > >

> > > By remaining psychically open to the Mother, all

> > > that is necessary for work or Sadhana develops

> > > progressively, that is one of the chief secrets,

> > the

> > > central secret of the Sadhana.

> > >

> > > 13-2-1933

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > But it is not by upadesha that this Sadhana is

> > given

> > > or carried on. It is only those who are capable by

> > > aspiration and meditation on the Mother to open

> > and

> > > receive her action and working within that can

> > > succeed in this Yoga.

> > >

> > > 21-6-1937

> > >

> > > If one can learn to open to the Mother by

> > > aspiration and contemplate on Her it is sure to

> > > experience greater transformation.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > >

> > > Anil

> > >

> > > childofdevi <childofdevi> wrote:--- In

> > > , Anil

> > > <anildivine> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Greetings

> > > >

> > > > >>I feel Aurobindo is too theoretical- maybe

> > this

> > > is

> > > > the reason for his being not too popular.

> > > >

> > > > I do not understand on what basis you have

> > > concluded that his

> > > teachings were theoretical and thus were not

> > popular

> > >

> > >

> > > Aurobindo was a great genious as you are well

> > aware.

> > > His true

> > > inspiriation came from the prolonged practice of

> > > pranayama(at one

> > > point he used to practice non-stop for 8 hours the

> > > technique he had

> > > learned from Lele).

> > >

> > > As much as I have been looking for specific

> > > techniques(on pranayama)

> > > that Aurobindo may have used, this seems

> > > non-existant except for

> > > brief statements.

> > >

> > > When I call practical is this- do A B C.. and the

> > > result will be X Y

> > > Z. Perhaps the amount of work that an

> > > individual(this is where most

> > > people back off) may have to do could vary but the

> > > results are

> > > guaranteed to a mathematical precision. This is

> > > yoga- scientific,

> > > methodical and repeatable.

> > >

> > > I have read portions of Aurobindo's works- I must

> > > say I was really

> > > impressed with his writings; he is a greatly

> > > prolific writer and it

> > > is easy to be swamped by the sheer volume. I

> > cannot

> > > recall of simple

> > > intructions for practice anywhere. It is one thing

> > > to give a 10-

> > > volume manual on a methodology, it is another

> > thing

> > > to give a 5 page

> > > instruction manual for practice. It is likely that

> > > in the I may have

> > > missed out on valuable insights. Could you give me

> > a

> > > 1-page

> > > description of the practice of Integral Yoga(I am

> > > still somewhat

> > > clueless as to what it is, though it was very nice

> > > reading)??

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > -yogaman

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > -yogaman

> >

> === message truncated ===





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>> "Your highest duty is to prepare for a peaceful life hereafter. Conquer the

fear of death. Conquest of the fear of death, conquest of death, is the highest

utility of all spiritual Sadhana. The one aim of all Yoga sadhana is to meet

death fearlessly and joyfully.


Pls. Note: Transcending death is desirable. Transmuting death admirable.




This URL is about:



%20Body%20Preface%20 ...











(A comparative study of Swami Ramalingam




Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and Tirumoolar)






Subhashish das


omprem <omprem wrote:

OM Brianna


Excellent post. You said, "It seems there are those

("immortalists") who devote their whole lives trying to find a way

to "live forever," in this body, with this mind. It seems to me such

an attitude of vanity and fear, and to support the immortalist's

theories, I have to deny everything I believe about God, or at least

put it in the hypothetical context of an atheist!"


Yes, vanity, fear and Godlessness are the hallmarks of those

who seek to live forever.


Here is what Swami Sivananda has to say about death:


"Man is afraid of death. Man does not want ot die. He wants to

live forever.


"You cannot die, because you were never born. You are immortal

Atman. Birth and death are two false scenes in the unreal drama

of Maya. They concern the physical sheath only, a false product

formed by the combination of the five elements.


"Death is a door opening from one aspect of life to another.

Death is cessation o bodiy or physical activity, of physical and

organic function, of physical consciousness. Death is a

transition from one state of being to another, a change of the

form of consciousness to another plane, astral or mental.


"Death does not end your personality and self-consciousness. It

merely opens the door to a higher form of life. Death is the

gateway to a fuller life.


"Death is not the extinction of personality. It is merely the

cessation of an important individuality. It is only a change of

form. Life flows on to achieve its conquest of the universla, life

flows on till it merges in the Eternal.


"Death is not the end of life. It is an aspect of life. It is a natural

incident in the course of life. It is necessary for your evolution.


"Death is painful to worldly man. A Yogi or a sage, or even a real

aspirant, has no fear of death. A desireless man never weeps

when he dies. A full-blown Jnani never dies. His Prana never



"Your highest duty is to prepare for a peaceful life hereafter.

Conquer the fear of death. Conquest of the fear of death,

conquest of death, is the highest utility of all spiritual Sadhana.

The one aim of all Yoga sadhana is to meet death fearlessly and



OM Namah Sivaya





, Brianna Mosteller

<rubyrapunzel> wrote:

> Okay, I'm having a really hard time with the cryonics

> thing. It reminds me of "Vanilla Sky." What does this

> to the soul on it's path? To me, death seems so

> necessary, and yet, freewill is one of the most

> beautiful aspects of creation.


> It seems there are those ("immortalists") who devote

> their whole lives trying to find a way to "live

> forever," in this body, with this mind. It seems to me

> such an attitude of vanity and fear, and to support

> the immortalist's theories, I have to deny everything

> I believe about God, or at least put it in the

> hypothetical context of an atheist!


> I realize this is a very metaphysical question, with

> lots of implications and possibile outcomes, but I

> wonder what is the Shakta take on it? Is there a vedic

> explanation? A tantric? Is it "wrong?" Is it "good?"


> Om Para Shaktyai Namaha


> Brianna

> --- Brianna Mosteller <rubyrapunzel> wrote:

> > Pranams,

> >

> > Forgive me, I'm new to Sri Aurobindo. He was trying

> > to

> > (or did ?) achieve physical immortality? I am trying

> > to understand the appeal of this. I actually just

> > had

> > lunch today with a friend who has signed up to be

> > cryogenically (not sure about spelling) frozen, and

> > reanimated later. The contract he signed said that

> > they will unfreeze and "reanimate" him once they

> > have

> > to technology to reverse the aging process!

> >

> > So I was hearing this and banging my head against

> > the

> > table, lol, and wondering what could be so

> > attractive

> > about physical immortality? Why would anyone want to

> > stay here on the physical plane? The maya around

> > here

> > is so thick we can't see our way home! We have to

> > cry

> > and demand God to come and get us! As least us

> > bhaktas

> > do....

> >

> > So my question is this, and it's a big one; After

> > the

> > physical body dies, if the soul knows the body will

> > be

> > "reanimated" later, what can it do? Surely it cannot

> > reincarnate? Does it hang around the body waiting to

> > see what happens? This sounds awful to me. I want to

> > go home to Her. If I need to come back, I'll keep

> > comin' until I have business elsewhere ;) but this

> > freezing and reviving the body after death, is it

> > messing with the plan? Is it the plan? What happens

> > to

> > the soul? If we could have physical immortality,

> > would

> > the desire for it make the possibility of moksha

> > obsolete? I'm confused....

> >

> > love and pranams,

> > Brianna

> >

> > --- Anil <anildivine> wrote:

> > >

> > > I am glad to have discussion with you regarding

> > > great seer Sri Aurobindo. Let me share few points

> > I

> > > have learnt about Sri Aurobindo. Hope other learnt

> > > aspirants join for better insight.

> > >

> > > >>Aurobindo was a great genious as you are well

> > > aware. His true inspiriation came from the

> > prolonged

> > > practice of pranayama(at one point he used to

> > > practice non-stop for 8 hours the technique he had

> > > learned from Lele).

> > >

> > > Sri Aurobindo started his yoga by himself without

> > a

> > > Guru, getting the rule from a friend, a disciple

> > of

> > > Brahmananda of Ganga Math, it was confined at

> > first

> > > to assiduous practice of pranayama (at one time

> > for

> > > 6 hours or more a day). This event took place

> > during

> > > 1904.

> > >

> > > He met a Maharashtrian yogi, Vishu Bhaskar Lele

> > and

> > > experienced the silent Brahman in the year 1908.

> > > From the instructions of Lele in three days he

> > > controlled his mind. After this radical changes

> > have

> > > occurred in his life. He experienced Narayana in

> > > Alipore jail.

> > >

> > > >>I cannot recall of simple intructions for

> > practice

> > > anywhere. It is one thing to give a 10-volume

> > manual

> > > on a methodology, it is another thing to give a 5

> > > page instruction manual for practice. It is likely

> > > that in the I may have missed out on valuable

> > > insights. Could you give me a 1-page description

> > of

> > > the practice of Integral Yoga(I am still somewhat

> > > clueless as to what it is, though it was very nice

> > > reading)??

> > >

> > > Letters on Yoga, The Mother, Synthesis of Yoga

> > > detail with his principal work. Following are the

> > > central secretes of his sadhana, self sufficient

> > to

> > > take the aspirant to higher spiritual realms

> > >

> > > In his own words about Integral Yoga

> > >

> > > By remaining psychically open to the Mother, all

> > > that is necessary for work or Sadhana develops

> > > progressively, that is one of the chief secrets,

> > the

> > > central secret of the Sadhana.

> > >

> > > 13-2-1933

> > >

> > > * * *

> > >

> > > But it is not by upadesha that this Sadhana is

> > given

> > > or carried on. It is only those who are capable by

> > > aspiration and meditation on the Mother to open

> > and

> > > receive her action and working within that can

> > > succeed in this Yoga.

> > >

> > > 21-6-1937

> > >

> > > If one can learn to open to the Mother by

> > > aspiration and contemplate on Her it is sure to

> > > experience greater transformation.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > >

> > > Anil

> > >

> > > childofdevi <childofdevi> wrote:--- In

> > > , Anil

> > > <anildivine> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Greetings

> > > >

> > > > >>I feel Aurobindo is too theoretical- maybe

> > this

> > > is

> > > > the reason for his being not too popular.

> > > >

> > > > I do not understand on what basis you have

> > > concluded that his

> > > teachings were theoretical and thus were not

> > popular

> > >

> > >

> > > Aurobindo was a great genious as you are well

> > aware.

> > > His true

> > > inspiriation came from the prolonged practice of

> > > pranayama(at one

> > > point he used to practice non-stop for 8 hours the

> > > technique he had

> > > learned from Lele).

> > >

> > > As much as I have been looking for specific

> > > techniques(on pranayama)

> > > that Aurobindo may have used, this seems

> > > non-existant except for

> > > brief statements.

> > >

> > > When I call practical is this- do A B C.. and the

> > > result will be X Y

> > > Z. Perhaps the amount of work that an

> > > individual(this is where most

> > > people back off) may have to do could vary but the

> > > results are

> > > guaranteed to a mathematical precision. This is

> > > yoga- scientific,

> > > methodical and repeatable.

> > >

> > > I have read portions of Aurobindo's works- I must

> > > say I was really

> > > impressed with his writings; he is a greatly

> > > prolific writer and it

> > > is easy to be swamped by the sheer volume. I

> > cannot

> > > recall of simple

> > > intructions for practice anywhere. It is one thing

> > > to give a 10-

> > > volume manual on a methodology, it is another

> > thing

> > > to give a 5 page

> > > instruction manual for practice. It is likely that

> > > in the I may have

> > > missed out on valuable insights. Could you give me

> > a

> > > 1-page

> > > description of the practice of Integral Yoga(I am

> > > still somewhat

> > > clueless as to what it is, though it was very nice

> > > reading)??

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > -yogaman

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > -yogaman

> >

> === message truncated ===





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Subhashish Das



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>> When this tranformation is complete, one exits from this world or can stay

here at conscious will. The term "physical immortality" is a misnomer in that





See this URL for more references:












Subhashish Das


childofdevi <childofdevi wrote:


Actually Aurobindo's immortality is not just to make the body last

for ever. It is a specific technique called the light-body

meditation, whereby the body gradually disintegrates and is

substituted with a body of light(there is another great adept who was

nearly successful at this- Ramalinga of Vadavalur). When this

tranformation is complete, one exits from this world or can stay here

at conscious will. The term "physical immortality" is a misnomer in

that sense.





, Brianna Mosteller

<rubyrapunzel> wrote:

> Pranams,


> Forgive me, I'm new to Sri Aurobindo. He was trying to











Subhashish Das



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In Gorakhbodh also there is a reference to Light Body meditation .

But Unlike sri Ramaligam, In sri Aurobindos case we have his body,

so his death may be due to natural reasons, I would like to know

wether sri Aurobindo told anybody about his exit before his death?


with best wishes

kesava prasaad



, Subhashish Das

<editor4educomp> wrote:

> >> When this tranformation is complete, one exits from this world

or can stay here at conscious will. The term "physical immortality"

is a misnomer in that sense.


> Greetings,


> See this URL for more references:


> http://www.inthelight.co.nz/spirit/gurus/babaj001.htm


> http://www.timelessindia.us/chapter24.htm


> http://www.timelessindia.us/vol1c.htm


> http://www.hinduonnet.com/2001/02/02/stories/1302136a.htm


> Regards,


> Subhashish Das


> childofdevi <childofdevi> wrote:


> Actually Aurobindo's immortality is not just to make the body last

> for ever. It is a specific technique called the light-body

> meditation, whereby the body gradually disintegrates and is

> substituted with a body of light(there is another great adept who


> nearly successful at this- Ramalinga of Vadavalur). When this

> tranformation is complete, one exits from this world or can stay


> at conscious will. The term "physical immortality" is a misnomer in

> that sense.


> -yogaman



> , Brianna Mosteller

> <rubyrapunzel> wrote:

> > Pranams,

> >

> > Forgive me, I'm new to Sri Aurobindo. He was trying to

> >





> Links



> /





> Terms of





> Subhashish Das



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>>Unlike sri Ramaligam, In sri Aurobindos case we have his body,

so his death may be due to natural reasons, I would like to know wether sri

Aurobindo told anybody about his exit before his death?




Of course yes, he made it plain to the Mother & disciples his purpose of leaving

his physical sheath. He knew that he has to work for the supramental

transformation from the subtle physical level first. He did not choose to become

physically transformed into a supramental light body (fully conscious) that

would have blocked the transformation of the gross material on Earth. for the

same reason, I suppose the Mother departed for the greater mission of

supramentalisation of the Earth and may be for the Cosmos too!


There's a comparative study publication in two volumes printed by the university

of Madras on Swami Ramalingam, Sri Aurobindo & the Mother (>> the book also

refers about a sage (Southern) from the 11th century, who partially achieved

supramental realization. This book may not be in print now, but copies may be

available in the library. I've the 2 vols. It is a superb research work.)

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So the options are that either

a)both Aurobindo and the Mother "chose" to "leave

their physical sheaths" for the benefit of "Earth and

the Cosmos" in a way that just by sheer coincidence

happened to look just like anyone else's death


b) they just died. Like everyone dies.


My esoteric bullshit detector is going off pretty loud







--- Subhashish Das <editor4educomp wrote:

> >>Unlike sri Ramaligam, In sri Aurobindos case we

> have his body,

> so his death may be due to natural reasons, I would

> like to know wether sri Aurobindo told anybody about

> his exit before his death?


> Namaskar,


> Of course yes, he made it plain to the Mother &

> disciples his purpose of leaving his physical

> sheath. He knew that he has to work for the

> supramental transformation from the subtle physical

> level first. He did not choose to become physically

> transformed into a supramental light body (fully

> conscious) that would have blocked the

> transformation of the gross material on Earth. for

> the same reason, I suppose the Mother departed for

> the greater mission of supramentalisation of the

> Earth and may be for the Cosmos too!


> There's a comparative study publication in two

> volumes printed by the university of Madras on Swami

> Ramalingam, Sri Aurobindo & the Mother (>> the book

> also refers about a sage (Southern) from the 11th

> century, who partially achieved supramental

> realization. This book may not be in print now, but

> copies may be available in the library. I've the 2

> vols. It is a superb research work.)








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>> My esoteric bullshit detector is going off pretty loud





Astonishing! It is high time you announce your "esoteric bullshit detector" to

the world. I think, you're some kind of a super organic probe. We all very much

need you, Nisarg. Please help us come out of this rubble. Will you? Time is

running out fast for all of us. Save us Anand, before you leave your mortal

remains and move into oblivion.


shastang dandavat pranam,



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so Sri is not between us, and his work is for

the transformation of whole mankind, not(only)

for his desciples.anyway is is not around,

even if he is-,He is busy working on the plan.


actually I was looking for answer by long term

practitioners of Integral yoga and to know howfar

they have progressed on the "Sunlit Path"

I wanted to share my own experiences with them.

anyway I am glad that lot of work is being done

atleast on the theoritical part of Aurobindos work.

he has written so much that any academicians would

would choose it as a target of their reserch works

But these studies are just comparative and

lacking in depth. more over they appeals to

our head where as mysticism belong to heart.


For anybody who would like to proceed in the

Path of Sri Aurobindo,

He gave this mantra-

"Om Anandamaye,Chitanyamaye,Satyamaye Parame"


And his Savitri is like mantras. its composition

is so as to create similiar vibration as the mantras.


Best wishes,

Kesava Prasad




, Swami Anand Nisarg

<swamiji_nisarg> wrote:


> Hmm,


> So the options are that either

> a)both Aurobindo and the Mother "chose" to "leave

> their physical sheaths" for the benefit of "Earth and

> the Cosmos" in a way that just by sheer coincidence

> happened to look just like anyone else's death

> or

> b) they just died. Like everyone dies.


> My esoteric bullshit detector is going off pretty loud

> here!


> Love

> Swami



> --- Subhashish Das <editor4educomp> wrote:

> > >>Unlike sri Ramaligam, In sri Aurobindos case we

> > have his body,

> > so his death may be due to natural reasons, I would

> > like to know wether sri Aurobindo told anybody about

> > his exit before his death?

> >

> > Namaskar,

> >

> > Of course yes, he made it plain to the Mother &

> > disciples his purpose of leaving his physical

> > sheath. He knew that he has to work for the

> > supramental transformation from the subtle physical

> > level first. He did not choose to become physically

> > transformed into a supramental light body (fully

> > conscious) that would have blocked the

> > transformation of the gross material on Earth. for

> > the same reason, I suppose the Mother departed for

> > the greater mission of supramentalisation of the

> > Earth and may be for the Cosmos too!

> >

> > There's a comparative study publication in two

> > volumes printed by the university of Madras on Swami

> > Ramalingam, Sri Aurobindo & the Mother (>> the book

> > also refers about a sage (Southern) from the 11th

> > century, who partially achieved supramental

> > realization. This book may not be in print now, but

> > copies may be available in the library. I've the 2

> > vols. It is a superb research work.)

> >

> >

> >





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i have a question for those who are more familiar with sri

aurobindo's work .. it is said that immortality will mean the body

disintegrating slowly and existing in a different plane.. sort or

like sound waves.. so how does that qualify having "physical "

immortality for the practicioner or sri aurobindi himself?


secondly, if the goal is to achieve union with God, then isn't the

age old method of bhakti services to God and dedicating one's life to

the way of dharma be sufficient enough? Did Shr Aurobindo confirm or

negate the traditional way?


ciao .



, "Kesava Prasaad"

<keshavaprasadkh> wrote:

> Namaskar,

> In Gorakhbodh also there is a reference to Light Body meditation .

> But Unlike sri Ramaligam, In sri Aurobindos case we have his body,

> so his death may be due to natural reasons, I would like to know

> wether sri Aurobindo told anybody about his exit before his death?


> with best wishes

> kesava prasaad



> , Subhashish Das

> <editor4educomp> wrote:

> > >> When this tranformation is complete, one exits from this world

> or can stay here at conscious will. The term "physical immortality"

> is a misnomer in that sense.

> >

> > Greetings,

> >

> > See this URL for more references:

> >

> > http://www.inthelight.co.nz/spirit/gurus/babaj001.htm

> >

> > http://www.timelessindia.us/chapter24.htm

> >

> > http://www.timelessindia.us/vol1c.htm

> >

> > http://www.hinduonnet.com/2001/02/02/stories/1302136a.htm

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Subhashish Das

> >

> > childofdevi <childofdevi> wrote:

> >

> > Actually Aurobindo's immortality is not just to make the body


> > for ever. It is a specific technique called the light-body

> > meditation, whereby the body gradually disintegrates and is

> > substituted with a body of light(there is another great adept who

> was

> > nearly successful at this- Ramalinga of Vadavalur). When this

> > tranformation is complete, one exits from this world or can stay

> here

> > at conscious will. The term "physical immortality" is a misnomer


> > that sense.

> >

> > -yogaman

> >

> >

> > , Brianna Mosteller

> > <rubyrapunzel> wrote:

> > > Pranams,

> > >

> > > Forgive me, I'm new to Sri Aurobindo. He was trying to

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Links

> >

> >

> > /

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

> >

> > Subhashish Das

> >

> >

> > Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

> >

> >

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