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Kaula Hinduism

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, "Arjuna Taradasa"

<bhagatirtha@m...> wrote:

> 93


> > Varnashrama is also strictly followed in tantras. It is not hard


> > see that.


> MNT says that there're no brahmacharya, no vanaprastha and no


> ashramas, but only grihastha and avadhuta.

> Some Tantras say in brief that distinction of varnas are valid


> the chakra. However it is unbased to say that Tantras "strictly


> varnashrama".



Same MNT says that Sanyasa Ashrama is the best Ashrama. Tantras

follow varna dharma very strictly infact. They are so strict with

varna dharma that they go about and attach varna dharma even to

avadhutas as can be seen in the yogini tantra.


I read that the Bhuvaneshvari tantra mentions only a Brahmin can be

teacher for all the 3 castes and clearly says that a sudra cant be a


Shaktanandatarangini definitely says this.

Vasudeva Rahasya, Jnananandatarangini, and Kamadhenu tantra are

quoted to prove the same point about varna dharma.




> >Kularnava is a good example.


> Kularnava says that a brahman not knowing Kula is worse than a

> chandala. This type of varna-bheda is IMHO absent from

> smarta-shastras...


They do. They say that a Brahmana who is devoid of vaidikachara

etc is equal to a shudra.


> > Ex:Social rule of condcut

> >

> > Smriti says dont drink.

> >

> > Tantra says dont drink.(except when u do kaula ritual-you dont

do a

> > kaula ritual 24 hrs a day- do you?)


> Nobody drinks 24 hours a day! About ritual context i tell U once

> again, ritual doesn't mean puja only. Ritual is chakra - when

kaula is

> with together with yogini, they may drink without any specific

> procedure. Tantras add that "drinking is useless without a woman".



No body sits in a kaula-chakra for 24 hrs a day either. Do they?



> > Likewise it maintains varna distinctions like

> >

> > Ex: Smriti says Shudra and women should not use pranava

> > Tantra says the same thing.


> Yes, some texts do. Reason is not far to search - there're very


> punishments for shudras for hearing Vedas or using any vaidika


> (not sure about women). Who wanted to die for this? That is Ur

> wonderful "god-revelated" smriti... :-(



Tantric hinduism holds the same view. It is stricter than smriti

when it comes to this varna issue.


> However there are some tantric mantras with pranava. They are

given to

> women as well.



Tantras prohibit giving such mantras to women.



> > Same can be said about other social rules of conduct.


> Cool! U give two minor examples and then say that "same can be


> about other"... Very convincing.


See above examples where I said about the yogini going to the

length of extending varna dharma even to avadhutas.

Convincing. Isnt it?



> > 1) Does tantra prescribe that you should eat meat when you are


> > performing rituals? No. It doesnt. In Tantra meat is prescribed


> > while doing rituals just like it is prescribed for vedic yagas.

> > Arent they similar in this sense?


> Show me those who do vaidika yagas with meat nowadays...

> Tantras do not prescribe a diet, of course. They prescribe a


> usage of meat and fish, no doubt. And smriti never does.



I said I know them personally. I know what yagas were done and at

which places they are done and also know a couple of names involved

in the yagas.


> > 2)Does tantra prescribe drinking wine when one is not performing

> > rituals? No. It doesnt. It actually says that drinking wine is


> > Smriti and tantra have some similarity here.


> All kaula-activities were conducted secretly in chakras. It was

and up

> till now is dangerous to expose Urself as being tantric in India.



Not true. There are so many in India who are tantrics and whom the

public know as tantrics.




> is why wine drinking etc was done inside chakra. However wine


> is not prohibited, prohibited are pashu-pana (excessive drinking,

> leading to loss of awareness) and avidhi-pana (not consacrated


> mantra drinking).


Exactly like smriti, it says drinking is a sin.

Ofcourse with exeption for ritual.



> > 3)Does tantra say that women can study vedas and can chant


> > As far as I know, no. I never came across any tantric sentence


> > that. They are similar in this case too.


> Tantras have nothing to do with matters like Vedas or gayatri.


> they do not care. Some prescriptions U may find, just recall who


> those texts :-). Some brahmins who wanted to keep themselves more

> orthodox went for a compromiss.

> Thus "Kulapujana-chandrika" in it's beginning discusses whether it


> ok for a brahman to drink wine, quoting various sourses.


Regarding wine for Brahmanas see other thread titled " Anima

Khadgamala devis".


Gupta Sadhana tantra has Gayatri upasana. I havent seen it myself

but heard about a work called Gayatri tantra.


Why are vedic mantras used in tantras then? Mrityunajaya mantra etc.


Why does Tripurarnava tantra has a topic on Sri-Sukta?


Why do prapanchasara and other tantras have a host of vedic mantras?


The statement about some brahmins wrote etc is your personal

opinion. It is of zero value. you have no proff regarding that. One

can make any number of statements like that.



> > 4)Does tantra say that one should always approach women in their

> > cycle? It does prescribe but only for ritualistic purpose.

> > And it prescibes it only for a few select ppl. It does not say

> > everyone should perform the above.


> Tantric way is not for everyone, it is for viras. Tantras were not

> read by ppl not connected to it. Thus such a note about select ppl


> unnecessary.

> However Tantras not only allow, but suggest to have maithuna when

> yogini is rajasvala! Can U quote any smriti passage at least


> this type of ritual?



No. Smriti does not allow such. Tantra prescribes maithuna with a

rajasvala yogini only because it recognises that act as normally

sinful. Which goes to prove that,

1) tantras consider what is described in smritis as sin, is

actually a sin.

2) tantras accept the authority of smriti in ethical matters like

conduct etc.



> > When smriti says approach women in such and such condition, it

> > doesnt mean that in a ritualistic way. It prescribes that it

shud be

> > the normal behaviour.


> If Ur point of view was right, tantrics had had no reasons to keep

> their practices in secret.



Siddhi is destroyed by relevation not necessarily only for 5m

sadhakas but for everyone. Even those who dont do 5m sadhana dont

reveal that they have such and such mantra and that they do such and

such sadhana.


There is no view-point here. That is what smritis and tantras teach.



> > As explained b4 they are for ritualistic purposes. Tantras


> > preach that its adherents should do it all the time. Also it is


> > for every tantric. It is only for vamachari tantrics. There are

> > other tantrics apart from vamacharis.


> Satish, btw i want to ask, what is the principle difference of my

> "LOL" and Ur "b4"? Why condemn me for that what U do Urself?



What we are doing here is an exchange. I am not writing an article

here. We are having an group exchange of some view-points here.

Writing an article is something different. Do I need to explain

simple things like these?



> Which tantrics are "apart from vamacharis"?


> > Can you quote references for this? Or do u mean chakras?

> > If u mean chakras, remember kularnava says that after

everybody is

> > out of that chakra the caste distinctions and other relations


> > are maintained as usual.


> I have an idea of this :-). However it doesn't change the main

> question: does smriti allow such practices? In ANY context...



Smriti does not allow that. Which is the reason one can deduce that

tantra considers smriti as authority when it comes to conduct.


> Where are these distinctions mentioned in

> > kularnava mentioned? They are mentioned in smritis. So it is


> > those tantrics for which the chakra is prescribed to follow


> > when they are not in that chakra.


> Not because smritis are of any spiritual value, but 'coz to behave

> openly against 'em is not safe.



We have in sanskrit literature mention of tantrics everywhere.

What is unsafe about kaula being a kaula when not performing ritual?

There are kaulas everywhere in india and those who are known as

kaulas are venerated.


> Tantrics are to follow only one law:

> svechchhA niyama ukto.atra mahAmantrasya sAdhane (Kali-tantre,

> Kaulavali-nirnaye, Shrividyarnave etc).



One can see rules and regulations at every other occasion in



It is so obvious that I dont feel a need to quote something here.

So much much svecchA.



> > Pranatoshini has a topic which discusses Sphatika Lingarchana.

> > Shiva Linga worship made with different materials is spoken of


> > various tantras.


> I know, i've read them LOL. However that are pashu-sadhanas. In


> systems like Yogini-kaula and Kula of Kashmir they are prohibited.



So you do agree that tantras talk about murti worship.



> > Yogini tantra prescribes tirtha-yatra. It describes various


> > where one needs to travel etc. Hence your statement about tirtha

> > yatra is wrong.


> My reference is very simple - take a look at Kularnava. Yes,


> originating from Kamakhya are exception, they speak about staying


> Kamarupa etc. However add, that "there're 2 Kama-pithas, secret

one is

> in body of a woman, and it is 1000 times superior to outer


> Thus in any case tirtha-yatra is a pashu-sadhana.



So you do agree that tirtha-yatra is there is tantras. If you some

teachings of advaita they say same things for advanced sadhakas.

So how is that you find kaula hinduism as opposed to hinduism?



> > Murti puja is the topic of discussion in numerus tantras. Are


> > kidding about murti-puja? Every other tantra talks about it.

What is

> > worshipped by Srividya upasakas?


> There are texts prohibiting murti-puja. I'm totally serious.

> In Kaula the true murtis are bodies of viras and yoginis. Why they

> will worship stones and wood?

> Shrividya is connected with Shrichakra worship. Best Shrichakra is


> body...

> In Kaulagamas Shrichakra is equal to Kaula-chakra.



In advaita too, in the highest teaching they say that advanced

sadhakas dont need murti puja but all others need to do.


Isnt it similar to advaita in this sense.


So I still fail to see in what ways Kaula hinduism is opposed to

vedantic hinduism.


> > > 5. Worship of Devi thru bodies of each other

> > > 6. Prescription for a woman to leave worldly husband or to


> > him,

> > > being with vira (Niruttara-tantre)

> > > 7. Totally opposite understanding of brahmacharya (Tantraloke


> > > ahnike)

> > > 8. Prescription of consumption of meat etc (Kularnave) and

> > prohibition

> > > of vegetarianism (Kaulajnananirnaye)

> > > 9. Anal coitus with Kumari (Pranatoshinyam)

> >

> > Can I have the exact reference on 6 and 9?


> Easiest reference is Pranatoshini. Point #6 is a quotation from

> Niruttara-tantra. I saw it in published edition of NT, it is there.

> Point #9 is from the same Pranatoshini (i forgot where the


> was from).

> Exact verses i cannot provide now, text is not with me. It is very

> huge, but U may still find those places if U see the contents. Of

> course, U have to know sanskrit a bit at least.


Will check. It is too huge though.



> > It does mean it. If tantra did not recognise that, that which


> > said in smritis is sin, it would have never said that, one can


> > liberated by those activites which produce sin and then prescribe

> > (ofcourse only for a few advanced beings) activities which are

> > considered sin


> Ppl who read Tantras were versed in smritis usually. For them

> expression about "liberation thru sin" had a realation to smarta


> on the matter. Tantras themselves list different things as being


> See Kularnava.


It does list different things as sins along with acknowlegding

that what is said in smriti as sin, is sin.



> > No. They are not ok. They are, only in the context of ritual.


> One small example: Niruttara says that a woman who leaves a


> husband and stays with vira becomes as dvija.


There are other tantras which outline the duties of a woman and

the above quote goes is in contradiction with them.

Hence what you quote above is not the final word of tantra on this



> > Same. Avalon says that Pranatoshini quotes Rudrayamala in


> > of what I wrote above.


> "Somebody says that one text is quoting another"... What is the


> reference? U are not sure Urself whether it is there or not, 'coz

> haven't read them...



Same with you.



> > > To wirship "family of Shiva" is paganism and idolatry. This


> > > nothing to do with Kaula-doctrine.


> > ?????? I find your statement quite absurd.


> There is only One Supreme God (Kali aka Kalasankarshini OR Shiva).

> If U worship 2, 3 or 33 millions it is called paganism.

> Kaula is monotheistic. Trika of KSh is not a "family of Shiva,


> and their son".


When Smartas worship Shiva they worship Shiva and Devi with the

same attitude as you mentioned above. Such as other devatas are

thought of as parts of Shiva or Devi. Smartas do consider Shiva and

Devi as equal. So where is the difference on this iisue?



> > Then why is there frequent talk about Bhairavas, Bharavis,


> > kinds of Ganeshas various kinds of Devis, in various tantras.


> They are percieved not as some separate enteties or gods that too


> are to be worshipped but as aspects of Devi (Chiti).

> "Kaula-vilasa" says that gods worship kaulas LOL.



So are kartikeya and ganesha thought of as diffrent aspects of

Devi aka Shiva. Hence there is no difference in this matter between

kaula hinduism and vedantic hinduism.


> > The main techniques in tantra are mantra,

> > nyasa,diksha,shaktipata,homa,tarpana,marjana,apart from


> > veda as the ultimate scripture.


> The fact that U name shaktipata a "technique" and put in a line


> tarpana and marjana (!) shows that U understand nothing about

Tantra :

> -(.

> If Devi bestowes shaktipata, no technique is necessary...



I mentioned Shaktipata only coz u referred to it at the very

beginning of this thread. However u did not tell me if they have

those techniques in those alien religions u mentioned.


> > You said it is close to islam and christianity. Explain how is

> > that.


> To understand my explanation or to argue with me U have to KNOW


> traditions. If U do not know ABC, i cannot explain U the hights :-

). I

> can, but it'll take to much space. BTW Ur desire is to argue, so


> effort will be futile and thus stupid.



I asked very simple questions. Stop making silly statements like

mydesire is such and such and stick to the topic. Dont play tricks

like above.

The main theme of our discussion is your statement "Kaula hindusim

is close to Christianity or Islam or whatever alien religion you



I tried to show that in many ways, and in almost every matter kaula

hinduism is close to other forms of hinduism and shares many things

in common.


It seems you got it the otherway round. If there are similarities

in those whatver cults you mention, you should be actually saying

those "whatevercults", are close to kaula hinduism.



> Kaula darshana employs yogic techniques and has lots of

> > vedantic concepts.


> Vedantic? For instanse? Yogic stuff is there, but is is not the


> thing.

> Kularnava and Tantraloka says that yoga (Kula-yoga is different)


> useless.


In kaula hinduism, yogic techniques like asana etc are present.

Kaula Hinduism has also concepts like Jiva is no -different from

Shiva etc much like vedantic hinduism.



> > There are tantras where vamachara doesnt find a place. It is

> > erroneous to equate tantras with vamachara.


> Tantras lead to vamachara. If U are pashu, U start from Ur level.


> if U get stuck in it, it is not tantra-marga anymore.


Tantra does not necessarily lead to vamachara. What you mention

is only one version of tantric hindusim.



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Arjuna Taradasa wrote : However there are some tantric mantras with

pranava. They are given to women as well.


Satish Wrote : Tantras prohibit giving such mantras to women.


You like to tell us which Tantras prohibit giving such mantras to

women. It is rather strange indeed. I was told that having a female

Guru is eight times more fortunate than having a male Guru, and yet

we have this so called restrictions?

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, "N. Madasamy"

<ashwini_puralasamy> wrote:

> Arjuna Taradasa wrote : However there are some tantric mantras


> pranava. They are given to women as well.


> Satish Wrote : Tantras prohibit giving such mantras to women.


> You like to tell us which Tantras prohibit giving such mantras to

> women. It is rather strange indeed. I was told that having a


> Guru is eight times more fortunate than having a male Guru, and


> we have this so called restrictions?


It is true that having a female Guru is more beneficial. Tantras

say that. But the following is also true.


1)Srividyarnava tantra.


In the second chapter a quote from Rudrayamala:


sucivratatamAH shUdrA dhArmikA dvijasevakAH

striyaH pativratashcAnye pratlomAnulomajAH

lokAshcaNDAla paryantAH sarve apyAdhikArinaH

svajAti dharma niratAH bhaktAH sarveshvarasya ca

upadeshameShANAM tattajjAtyanusArataH

na vaidikaM japecchUdraH striyashcaiva kadAcana...


Not a word to word translation..But it says shudras who have shuci

i.e who are clean, who follow dharma(dhArmikAH), who serve dvijas

and women who are devoted to their husbands(pativrata), all ppl born

of various mixes of castes(pratilomAnulomajAH), in the world

everyone including chandalas, meaning all human beings have the

right to have SriVidya upadesha. Shudras and Women should never do

japa of vaidika mantras.


In the same chapter Kularnava tantra is quoted saying that women and

shudras should recite mantras ending with namaH.(Here Kularnava is

talking about the standard distinction as it is described in otehr



A couple of Pancharatra texts are also quoted to show the same.


2) The shaktanandatarangini a shakta work, when talking

about "ashouca bhanga",i.e getting rid of impurities says that to

get rid of impurities women and shudras should say tantrika pranava

instead of vaidika pranava.

A shloka from Bhuta Shuddhi tantra regarding this.

This work Shaktanandatarangini is refered to in the voluminous

shakta work Pranatoshini.


Brahmanas are not gaining something extra by saying vadika pranava,

and likewise shudras and women dont lose anything by substituting

tantrik pranava. There is nothing great or low about these two

bijas. Both are equal and equally powerful. One is for some the

other is for someone lese. Period.



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> Brahmanas are not gaining something extra by saying vadika


> and likewise shudras and women dont lose anything by substituting

> tantrik pranava. There is nothing great or low about these two

> bijas. Both are equal and equally powerful. One is for some the

> other is for someone lese. Period.



Should read *some else*.

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Satish Arigela wrote:"... and Women should never do japa of vaidika



Do you have any opinion of your own of why do you think Women should

never do the japa of vaidika mantras? It's rather easy to quote


various sources, but I think at time we need to put out thinking cap

and try to rationalize certain practices instead of following them

blindly. Full stop !


My favourite quote : Thinking is a creative process. Any creative

process is a divine act. Most often we forgot to think and we let

others do the thinking for us. This is one of the root causes

of blind faith.

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, "N. Madasamy"

<ashwini_puralasamy> wrote:

> Satish Arigela wrote:"... and Women should never do japa of


> mantras."


> Do you have any opinion of your own of why do you think Women


> never do the japa of vaidika mantras? It's rather easy to quote

> from

> various sources, but I think at time we need to put out thinking


> and try to rationalize certain practices instead of following them

> blindly. Full stop !


I dont have an opinion on that. Am personally not interested in

the why of it.


1)Tantras mention the presence of chakras in the human body. What

rational method do you prescribe to verify this statement of

tantras? can it be verfied by any rational means. Likewise there are

some rules and regulations for reasons unknown. What I would do is

follow the rules and regulations therein and see if they produce any

results. If I am convinced for example by the word of shastra saying

doing so and so mantra gives such and such benefit, by obtaining

results then I will ofcourse develop faith in other things it says.


> My favourite quote : Thinking is a creative process. Any creative

> process is a divine act. Most often we forgot to think and we let

> others do the thinking for us. This is one of the root causes

> of blind faith.


No amount of sitting and thinking, for example, will help us

verify the existence of chakras in the human body.



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"No amount of sitting and thinking, for example, will help us

Verify the existence of chakras in the human body."


Yes! but the presence of chakras in our body does makes us to think

and rationalise as to why they are there? Dont you? Or you think we

shouldn't think about it at all. They are there, fullstop! why

question about their presence at all?

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, "N. Madasamy"

<ashwini_puralasamy> wrote:

> "No amount of sitting and thinking, for example, will help us

> Verify the existence of chakras in the human body."


> Yes! but the presence of chakras in our body does makes us to think

> and rationalise as to why they are there? Dont you? Or you think we

> shouldn't think about it at all. They are there, fullstop! why

> question about their presence at all?


How did you know about chakras? From your own experienece?


In general we think about chakras becoz we read it soemwhere or

somebody told us about them.


If you have some god appearing b4 you and made a revelation about

them, then you belong to a different class.

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Satish ArigelaIf you have some god appearing b4 you and made a

revelation about them, then you belong to a different class."


You want to clarify with me what do you mean by different class?

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, "N. Madasamy"

<ashwini_puralasamy> wrote:

> Satish ArigelaIf you have some god appearing b4 you and made a

> revelation about them, then you belong to a different class."


> You want to clarify with me what do you mean by different class?


That means all those ppl who are born with divine samskaras i.e ppl

like Ramana maharshi etc..


They dont need to follow the rules of shastra etc. They dont incur

sin by not following.


All these rules are for normal ppl like us. There are exceptions

like Ramana Maharshi and shastras dont apply to them.



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You : "No amount of sitting and thinking, for example, will help us

Verify the existence of chakras in the human body."


ME : yes! but the presence of chakras in our body does makes us to

think and rationalise as to why they are there? Dont you? Or you

think we shouldn't think about it at all. They are there, fullstop!

Why question about their presence at all?


Satish Wrote : How did you know about chakras? From your own

experienece? In general we think about chakras becoz we read it

soemwhere or somebody told us about them. If you have some god

appearing b4 you and made a revelation about them, then you belong to

a different class.



If you read again Satish did I made any remarks about revelation or

anything of that sort. Obviously we read about the cakras from the

books and from our gurus, but what I am trying to say is that we just

don't accept literally. We read and we think about it and try to

rationalize about it.


You did mention : no amount of thinking and sitting will do any good,

which also means, you just accept what is given to you. You do not

ask questions, this is what you imply. To me I ask questions and I

rationalize and get any understanding.


To me it is rather odd that you say "I dont have an opinion on that.

Am personally not interested in the why of it."


Are you telling me that you post all those without ever giving any

thoughts of it. Is those your own or you are posting on another

person's behalf? Somehow as I continue to read your messages the

pattern are rather identical.


Earlier you post a mantra supposedly from another person without even

clarifying the source and you said you would do the same if another

person send you. Isn't this doing things blindly?


"Likewise there are some rules and regulations for reasons unknown."


To me Rules and regulations are there for a reason and I make it my

business to find out why they are there. It amazed me when somebody

tells me that they are not bothered about it. Well yes! if the rules

and regulation is in your favour why should you bother about the

others, is that right Satish!

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, "N. Madasamy"

<ashwini_puralasamy> wrote:

> If you read again Satish did I made any remarks about revelation


> anything of that sort. Obviously we read about the cakras from the

> books and from our gurus, but what I am trying to say is that we


> don't accept literally. We read and we think about it and try to

> rationalize about it.



The reason I mentioned about relevation is because there are some

(although quite rare) who will know these things without ever

hearing or reading about them.



> You did mention : no amount of thinking and sitting will do any


> which also means, you just accept what is given to you. You do not

> ask questions, this is what you imply. To me I ask questions and I

> rationalize and get any understanding.


Good for you. Plz feel free to do so.

When Parashurama kalpa sutra says dont eat sugarcane, and the

commentator mentions sugarcane shud not be eaten, but jaggery can be

consumed, what rational reason can one think of?

Personally, I will not bother about the reasons but rather channel

my thoughts towards understanding Lalita tattva.



> To me it is rather odd that you say "I dont have an opinion on


> Am personally not interested in the why of it."


> Are you telling me that you post all those without ever giving any

> thoughts of it. Is those your own or you are posting on another

> person's behalf? Somehow as I continue to read your messages the

> pattern are rather identical.


I am not interested coz, personally I dont see any purpose being

served rationalising about that(that meaning- this particular rule i

mentioned). The rule I referred to in this thread is restriction on

women and shudras. In this particular case, personally, I would like

to spend my time doing whatever sadhana I do rather than break my

head over why this restriction is there. That is just me.


I mentioned the rule coz it is relevant to the discussion. It is not

an independant statement. It is part of a larger discussion(see

those threads and judge for yourself why I made that statement and

in what context) and I elaborated what tantras say regarding a

particular issue when you asked me to elaborate.


What pattern do you see? Can you elaborate?


It is **you** who asked me to tell you "which Tantras prohibit

giving such mantras to

women" in post



And when I take time to answer and type the appropriate material,

only becoz you asked, this is how you behave? Ask me if I am

posting on somebody's behalf? This is how you pay me back, for

taking the time to provide the references that **you** requested?



> Earlier you post a mantra supposedly from another person without


> clarifying the source and you said you would do the same if


> person send you. Isn't this doing things blindly?



When I posted on that somebody's behalf, I acknowledged that it is

somebody's post and not mine. If it is somebody's post I would

ackowledge him/her whoever like I did b4 on occasions. I wrote a

detailed explanation on this and sent a personal email long back. If

you are still asking me this question, there is something going on



> "Likewise there are some rules and regulations for reasons



> To me Rules and regulations are there for a reason and I make it


> business to find out why they are there.


Ok. It maybe sound foolish to you but my preference is to follow

the rules and spend my energies on things like puja etc.


>It amazed me when somebody

> tells me that they are not bothered about it. Well yes! if the


> and regulation is in your favour why should you bother about the

> others, is that right Satish!


Nope. It isnt. How do you know that the rule regarding vedic

mantras only for dvijas that I mentioned is in my favour? You have

to know my caste to assume so. Do you know?



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Whatever you say Satish. No point in continuing this further.

LOLLLLLLL. I think Arjuna, both of us can get along real find. We

like to LOL a lot.

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Such rules and prohibitions exist specifically for

people like Satish. They are not at a level of

awareness to transcend them, and thus it gives them a

framework to operate in. The fact he follows them

blindly IS the justification for their existence.

Anyone who is at a level of awareness to question and

understand experientially rather than obey through

blind belief will be ready to transcend the

nonessential rules.

Without such rules for people at Satish's level, they

would either fail to be drawn to a path, or would

become a danger to themselves and others.






--- Satish Arigela <satisharigela wrote:

> , "N. Madasamy"


> <ashwini_puralasamy> wrote:

> > If you read again Satish did I made any remarks

> about revelation

> or

> > anything of that sort. Obviously we read about the

> cakras from the

> > books and from our gurus, but what I am trying to

> say is that we

> just

> > don't accept literally. We read and we think about

> it and try to

> > rationalize about it.



> The reason I mentioned about relevation is because

> there are some

> (although quite rare) who will know these things

> without ever

> hearing or reading about them.



> >

> > You did mention : no amount of thinking and

> sitting will do any

> good,

> > which also means, you just accept what is given to

> you. You do not

> > ask questions, this is what you imply. To me I ask

> questions and I

> > rationalize and get any understanding.


> Good for you. Plz feel free to do so.

> When Parashurama kalpa sutra says dont eat

> sugarcane, and the

> commentator mentions sugarcane shud not be eaten,

> but jaggery can be

> consumed, what rational reason can one think of?

> Personally, I will not bother about the reasons but

> rather channel

> my thoughts towards understanding Lalita tattva.



> >

> > To me it is rather odd that you say "I dont have

> an opinion on

> that.

> > Am personally not interested in the why of it."

> >

> > Are you telling me that you post all those without

> ever giving any

> > thoughts of it. Is those your own or you are

> posting on another

> > person's behalf? Somehow as I continue to read

> your messages the

> > pattern are rather identical.


> I am not interested coz, personally I dont see any

> purpose being

> served rationalising about that(that meaning- this

> particular rule i

> mentioned). The rule I referred to in this thread is

> restriction on

> women and shudras. In this particular case,

> personally, I would like

> to spend my time doing whatever sadhana I do rather

> than break my

> head over why this restriction is there. That is

> just me.


> I mentioned the rule coz it is relevant to the

> discussion. It is not

> an independant statement. It is part of a larger

> discussion(see

> those threads and judge for yourself why I made that

> statement and

> in what context) and I elaborated what tantras say

> regarding a

> particular issue when you asked me to elaborate.


> What pattern do you see? Can you elaborate?


> It is **you** who asked me to tell you "which

> Tantras prohibit

> giving such mantras to

> women" in post




> And when I take time to answer and type the

> appropriate material,

> only becoz you asked, this is how you behave? Ask

> me if I am

> posting on somebody's behalf? This is how you pay me

> back, for

> taking the time to provide the references that

> **you** requested?



> >

> > Earlier you post a mantra supposedly from another

> person without

> even

> > clarifying the source and you said you would do

> the same if

> another

> > person send you. Isn't this doing things blindly?



> When I posted on that somebody's behalf, I

> acknowledged that it is

> somebody's post and not mine. If it is somebody's

> post I would

> ackowledge him/her whoever like I did b4 on

> occasions. I wrote a

> detailed explanation on this and sent a personal

> email long back. If

> you are still asking me this question, there is

> something going on

> here.


> >

> > "Likewise there are some rules and regulations for

> reasons

> unknown."

> >

> > To me Rules and regulations are there for a reason

> and I make it

> my

> > business to find out why they are there.


> Ok. It maybe sound foolish to you but my

> preference is to follow

> the rules and spend my energies on things like puja

> etc.



> >It amazed me when somebody

> > tells me that they are not bothered about it. Well

> yes! if the

> rules

> > and regulation is in your favour why should you

> bother about the

> > others, is that right Satish!


> Nope. It isnt. How do you know that the rule

> regarding vedic

> mantras only for dvijas that I mentioned is in my

> favour? You have

> to know my caste to assume so. Do you know?


> SA.







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, Swami Anand Nisarg

<swamiji_nisarg> wrote:


> Beloveds,


> Such rules and prohibitions exist specifically for

> people like Satish. They are not at a level of

> awareness to transcend them, and thus it gives them a

> framework to operate in. The fact he follows them

> blindly IS the justification for their existence.

> Anyone who is at a level of awareness to question and

> understand experientially rather than obey through

> blind belief will be ready to transcend the

> nonessential rules.

> Without such rules for people at Satish's level, they

> would either fail to be drawn to a path, or would

> become a danger to themselves and others.


Dear Beloved Nisarg,


We dont need preachings from a Swamiji who preaches that

Shivaratri is to be spent enjoying.


One doesnt transcend rules by simply ignoring them. They transcend

when the mind reaches that state where such rules are of no-use.

That state is reached by following the do s and donts of Shastras.


It is better to keep quiet rather than say meaningless things when

you dont know what you are talking about.


You will do a great favor to everyone and yourself if you dont jump

into threads involving any discussion on hinduism, IMHO.

Orelse you will become a danger to you and others.


With Love


> Love

> Nisarg

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"We dont need preachings from a Swamiji who preaches that

Shivaratri is to be spent enjoying."


If you choose not to listen to him then dont Satish! Do not read. Who

do you think you are, the all righteous and knowledgeable one!! Do

mind your manners !

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