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This happened to my mother in law (Orissa - India).


She returned from a piligramge tour from godabari

river bath.

After a few days she felt acute pain in her back and

was not able stand or sit sometimes followed by high


She couldnot eat properly and became so lean and thin

that everybody started thinking worse of her.

The surprising thing was she did not lose weight.

Doctors(specialist) couldnot find a clue about her

illness after sveral lab test including x-rays.



This continued for a month and half .

Then she started behaving in a strange manner

-scolding,abusing running ...

She used to become another person(At that time she was

not able recognize no body)

Once she broke open a door while trying to stop her

from running out of the house.


At first everybody in thier house thought this might

be happening becuase of high dose of

medicine,injections and continous illness.

But One day one of her relative came to see her and

suggested to see a tantric and refered one.


The tantric saw her and told some body wanted to

revenge her and planted a spirit(ghost) in her body.

He did puja and captured the spirit and went away ..

After that my mother in law is not feeling that acute

pain and is able to do sit and sleep properly.



Their istha devi is Bhuvaneswari.

They had got a yantra from sankarachary - puri.

They daily do the panchakshari japa and puja.

Every year they do the chandi homam -- puja in durga



One Thing I don't understand is How come a ghost can

reside in such a person's body who is so devoted to

worship of sakti?




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"One Thing I don't understand is How come a ghost can reside in such

a person's body who is so devoted to worship of sakti?"


First I need to understand this concept of Ghost? What is it? Does

anybody knows?

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Sanskrit has several words that can be translated as "ghost" -- <bhuta>

(spirit), <pitr> (ancestor), <preta> (haunter).


It's the <preta> (called "hungry ghosts" by Buddhists) who seem to be

spirits of the dead who stay in <samsara>, sometimes possessing the

bodies of other living people.


-- Len/ Kalipadma



On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 07:30:12 -0000 "N. Madasamy"

<ashwini_puralasamy writes:

> "One Thing I don't understand is How come a ghost can reside in such

> a person's body who is so devoted to worship of sakti?"


> First I need to understand this concept of Ghost? What is it? Does

> anybody knows?





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"Sanskrit has several words that can be translated as "ghost" --

<bhuta>(spirit), <pitr> (ancestor), <preta> (haunter).

It's the <preta> (called "hungry ghosts" by Buddhists) who seem to be

spirits of the dead who stay in <samsara>, sometimes possessing the

bodies of other living people."


Thank you len. Yes! perhaps they exist, but I do sometimes question

when people mention the term ghost in general. In my own personal

opinion, most of the time, it is the byproduct of our own

imagination. I have come across many instances where people say : Ah!

theres a ghost in that house. A lot of people claim to have seen

things etc. I have stayed in a so called haunted house for months,

and I never see one. I wanted to see a ghost so much, but why wouldnt

the ghost come to me? Sometimes I think its because of our fear and

our wild imagination, we began to create this creature we

call "ghost".


Why would a spirits want to possess a person body?

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Hello Everyone,


I'd like to reiterate a bit of what I know from a metaphysical stand point

although I'm not familiar with other cultures beliefs on such issues. From what

I understand a ghost is the spirit of someone deceased who has not moved on

into spirit. A spirit would be a being that has passed over and is on the

other side but does visit loved ones and so forth. As for how a spirit can


in someone who is a devote of the Goddess or of a Higher Power there would

have to be an opening in the person's energy field. A spirit can not enter

without permission so on some level there was an opening allowing this ghost or

spirit to enter this individual. I'm sorry that I can't really offer any

indepth information. Perhaps someone here will know more of this topic?


In Her Service,

Stacey )O(




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Manoj wrote : "Their istha devi is Bhuvaneswari. They had got a

yantra from sankarachary - puri. They daily do the panchakshari japa

and puja. Every year they do the chandi homam -- puja in durga

puja. One Thing I don't understand is How come a ghost can reside in

such a person's body who is so devoted to worship of sakti?"


Chamunda77 wrote "As for how a spirit can reside in someone who is a

devote of the Goddess or of a Higher Power there would have to be an

opening in the person's energy field. A spirit can not enter

without permission so on some level there was an opening allowing

this ghost or spirit to enter this individual. I'm sorry that I

can't really offer any indepth information. Perhaps someone here

will know more of this topic?"


I believe DEVI is within us all. Once SHE is in there, no other can

take over HER place. The very purpose of our sadhana is to invoke

this DEVI in us, make it stronger and how we all can transcend to

become the "DURGA" or "LALITHA". I mean we can do all the poojas or

have all the divinity ornaments in our home, and do what evey japa

but if we cannot invoke the divinity within us, all these are

meaningless. The fuits of japa or sadhana does not depend on the

number of poojas or japas you do.


I think all these about spirits and ghost are all about our own

fears. I never deny they exist but why should we have fear of them?

Once you have this fear, it affects your sadhana and weakens your

devotion. Fear is one of the main blocking factor in our sadhana and

hinders our progress.

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, "N. Madasamy"

<ashwini_puralasamy> wrote:

> Manoj wrote : "Their istha devi is Bhuvaneswari. They had got a

> yantra from sankarachary - puri. They daily do the panchakshari


> and puja. Every year they do the chandi homam -- puja in durga

> puja. One Thing I don't understand is How come a ghost can reside


> such a person's body who is so devoted to worship of sakti?"


> Chamunda77 wrote "As for how a spirit can reside in someone who is


> devote of the Goddess or of a Higher Power there would have to be


> opening in the person's energy field. A spirit can not enter

> without permission so on some level there was an opening allowing

> this ghost or spirit to enter this individual. I'm sorry that I

> can't really offer any indepth information. Perhaps someone here

> will know more of this topic?"


> I believe DEVI is within us all. Once SHE is in there, no other can

> take over HER place. The very purpose of our sadhana is to invoke

> this DEVI in us, make it stronger and how we all can transcend to

> become the "DURGA" or "LALITHA". I mean we can do all the poojas or

> have all the divinity ornaments in our home, and do what evey japa

> but if we cannot invoke the divinity within us, all these are

> meaningless. The fuits of japa or sadhana does not depend on the

> number of poojas or japas you do.


> I think all these about spirits and ghost are all about our own

> fears. I never deny they exist but why should we have fear of them?

> Once you have this fear, it affects your sadhana and weakens your

> devotion. Fear is one of the main blocking factor in our sadhana


> hinders our progress.


Well said! Ghosts are mostly 95% of the time subconscious creations,

but they do exist; they could be shells of now-dead people or demonic

beings. They can only attack a human being through the doors of fear

(the foremost), anger, jealousy etc. For a good reading on the

subject, Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon an outstanding

manual on yoga and occult training, including a description of other

worlds that exist beyond the earth plane. There are good reasons why

a single person is prescribed Pure Brahmacharya(total Celibacy in

word , thought and deed)- Morality is the least significant reason

for this. Sex Magick and constant sexual fantasies are in fact an

invitation to unfriendly beings and for the average person is the

road to derangement.


Whey do ghosts attacks devotees of the Mother? People may seem very

devoted outwardly but what matters really is inner attitude. The very

fact of that the ghost did enter was enough proof that some further

inner cleansing needs to be done. But note by the Mothers grace,

nothing catastrophic happened and alls well.


A story about the great Bhagavathy temple at Chottanikkara(in kerala

one of the most powerful Devi temples in India). A Namboodiri was

traveling through a forest, when he was accosted by a beautiful lady

who claimed that she was a famous poet. This lady made it clear to

the Namboodiri that she had a prurient interest in him; they happened

to meet a famous mantrin who instantly hinted that this lady was a

Yakshini in disguise, who eats men- by his siddhi power, he showed

the Namboodiri that the poetess was really a hideous ogress and told

him to rush to Chottanikkara for refuge and gave him a kavacha for

protection till then. Just as he was about to enter the temple, the

kavacha fell from him and the Yakshini instantly got hold of him and

was preparing to kill him. Then the Namboodiri cried out in

desperation to the most divine Mother; at that very instant, the

great MOther emerged out of the sanctum with a sword in Her hands and

chased the Yakshini and beheaded her(actually granted her Moksha).


This happened about 500 years back, and the Namboodiri became a

lifelong devotee of Chottanikkara Amma; the beheaded Yakshini was

accorded a place inside the temple where she is worshipped to this

day, having been bestowed Kaivalya by the Divine Mother.


Moral of this story- the Divine Mother surely protects all those who

sincerely cry out to Her.



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Namaskar Nora,


I have had some experiences with "spirits" as it were. Being a

reasonable person I try to balance the explanations of my faith with

the skepticism of my intellect.


For example, I was asked to be a central priestess in a ceremony to

help to pacify and mollify, perhaps to heal, the spirits of a piece

of land that was thought to be unsettled because of the spirits still

in the place and the violence thought to have taken place there.


I am a priestess in my own tradition and the ritual was set up in a

way that I understood and with which I agreed. Though,

intellectually, I wondered just how it was that we could "know" about

these spirits, this violence, this unknown and unknowable past, still

there was nothing inherently wrong about the ceremony and in fact I

enjoy participating in these rituals of my own faith. This was a

unique opportunity and I agreed.


In the course of the ritual I experienced a great many sensations and

visualizations that were profound and moving.


Following the ritual the people who own the land reported that they,

and others there felt that the spirits were at peace and that the

land was settled. Years have passed and they continue to report that

there is a wonderful "energy" to the place which they attribute to

the results of that ritual.


Are they right? What did I experience? What did I really see?


Illnesses long ago thought to be attributable to "spirits" are now

understood to be the action of infectious agents. However, if the

treatment of these evil "spirits" involved administering mixtures

that actually killed the infection, or if water was thought to have

an energy that fought off the bad spirits, when actually washing was

what prevented the spread of infection....then only the way that the

problem and the solution were visuallized was wrong. The problem was

still somehow understood and the solution was still effective, even

if it was misnamed or something like that.


What I mean is that it's possible that these experiences are real and

that our responses are effective and in the future there will arise a

more sophisticated explanation of what we are doing now.


Sometimes I have to be satisfied with asking "Is it effective or not"

and let go of "Does this really make sense?"


But most importantly is the first question. In the original post I

read that the Mother-in-law is now well, the family seems to be happy

to participate in the rituals. There seems to be no harm in this



However, the poster asks about faith in Devi and seems to have

questions and doubts. Perhaps that is the harm. We need faith in our

lives. I would say in this case, we cannot know why the Mother-in-law

seemed to be afflicted and we cannot know why she was cured. Also

this seems to be rare. Therefore we cannot say that faith in Devi

leaves one vulnerable to this affliction. Nor can we say that the

Mother-in-law had some weakness in her own faith that led her to the



There is nothing that we can actually conclude from this at all. I'm

glad that the woman is better.


The world is still very mysterious.








, "N. Madasamy"

<ashwini_puralasamy> wrote:

> Manoj wrote : "Their istha devi is Bhuvaneswari. They had got a

> yantra from sankarachary - puri. They daily do the panchakshari


> and puja. Every year they do the chandi homam -- puja in durga

> puja. One Thing I don't understand is How come a ghost can reside


> such a person's body who is so devoted to worship of sakti?"


> Chamunda77 wrote "As for how a spirit can reside in someone who is


> devote of the Goddess or of a Higher Power there would have to be


> opening in the person's energy field. A spirit can not enter

> without permission so on some level there was an opening allowing

> this ghost or spirit to enter this individual. I'm sorry that I

> can't really offer any indepth information. Perhaps someone here

> will know more of this topic?"


> I believe DEVI is within us all. Once SHE is in there, no other can

> take over HER place. The very purpose of our sadhana is to invoke

> this DEVI in us, make it stronger and how we all can transcend to

> become the "DURGA" or "LALITHA". I mean we can do all the poojas or

> have all the divinity ornaments in our home, and do what evey japa

> but if we cannot invoke the divinity within us, all these are

> meaningless. The fuits of japa or sadhana does not depend on the

> number of poojas or japas you do.


> I think all these about spirits and ghost are all about our own

> fears. I never deny they exist but why should we have fear of them?

> Once you have this fear, it affects your sadhana and weakens your

> devotion. Fear is one of the main blocking factor in our sadhana


> hinders our progress.

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"Are they right? What did I experience? What did I really



I think they are right. You experience "a great many sensations


visualizations that were profound and moving". And the fact that


enjoyed participating in this rituals of your tradition, isn't


a good indication of goodness within you. From my own understanding,

you are transmitting the goodness that you have possesses to

this `spirits' and they are happy. They feel your kindness


accepted your "offerings". You have not offered them anything


your own goodness and kindness, perhaps that is what they are looking

for. These were your words : " to help to pacify and mollify,


to heal, the spirits of a piece of land that was thought to be

unsettled because of the spirits still in the place and the violence

thought to have taken place there." Your presence and your ritual

have caused the healing to take place.


I think it's the same concept of transcending to be


or "Lalita". When you becomes "Lalita" or

"Durga" , I think it means

you not only invoke this divinity within you but you indirectly

transmit this divinity around you and create an atmosphere of

healing. People, spirits or ghost that comes in your presence or

contact felt the peaceful and comforting vibrations, thereafter

allowing healing to takes place. I can't offer any other form of

explanation, but this is what I think.


Fear create an emotion of unsettled and chaos. Thus my remarked :

Fear hinders your Sadhana. Isn't that is the goal to our Sadhana,


unite and be one with the Divine and we becomes the DEVI herself.


"Therefore we cannot say that faith in Devi leaves one

vulnerable to

this affliction. Nor can we say that the Mother-in-law had some

weakness in her own faith that led her to the trouble. There is

nothing that we can actually conclude from this at all. I'm glad

that the woman is better. The world is still very mysterious."


I agree with you 100%. I am glad too that the woman is better. The

World is indeed a mysterious. There are a lot of things that happen

that is beyond our reasonable mind and no matter how we try to find

rationale to it, we may never find the answer. But I do believe that

faith itself is the main factor that brings a person to where they

want to be. I believe at the end of this road there will be a

beautiful garden. I cannot prove that the garden exist but I know it

is there. I have this faith of its existence. Am I wrong? And along

the road I continue to meet with obstacles, what makes me to want to

continue : Faith. People laugh at me, and call me a maniac, a

delusion person but I choose to go on. Why? Faith !


Yes! you are right, we cannot conclude that the mother in law faith

is weak. Who are we to say that. Some may say it's the karma.


for her to get it, so she gets it. One of my god son had an accident

on Friday. The story goes is that they [ a group of them mostly

boys ] went to Ganesha Temple for prayers. After prayers they decided

to go for dinner. One of the boy came with a motorbike, but later on

said that he cannot ride the bike as he felt giddy. So my god son

decided to take over. They went first, and he left later on. Right

outside the main gate of the temple, when he was about to move out,

he felt giddy, and fell from the motor bike. Lost conscious. The next

moment he knows, he was sitting at DEVI temple, with severe cuts on

his left cheek and bleeding. A young girl sat beside him in tears.

They brought him to the hospital etc…. we went to the hospital to

bring him back and he have been with us for the whole weekend. We

talked about the incident and I could sense anger in him. He is in

great pain. His left cheek badly wounded that he needs stitches. He

can't eat properly and his face looks disfigured. In his mind he

constantly asked : Why me? We can't offer any other rationale but

told him that : Perhaps you are meant to get a more serious accident

but somehow Ganesha/DEVI took mercy on you and only let this minor

accident. Thank to them that you are still alive and no other serious

injuries. More terrible things may happen to you, Just imagine if it

happen on the main road. But you see it happen right in front of

Ganesha and DEVI. We [ my husband and me ] not sure weather our

explanation is reasonable but at least such seems to pacify the

young man temporarily. So it goes back to the same basic question :

why me?


I asked the same questions many times : why me? Instead of trying to

look around me to find for the answers, I rather look within me,

because I know the answer is within us all.

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