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Shyama Kali and Bhadrakali

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I am trying to find information on these aspects of Kali, Shyama and

Bhadrakali, from what little I have been able to find these are

considered benevolent and more auspicious aspects. Does anybody have

any more info or leads?





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93 Greetings!


AFAIK "Shyama" is just another name of Dakshinakali (and not any

special form). For example bengali text "Shyama-rahasya" deals with

worship of Dakshinakalika.


Bhadrakali is not "benevolent". Take a look at descriptions of this

aspect of Devi in Shastras. Bhadrakali is connected to ferociuos

(raudra) forms of Divinity like Pratyangira, Narasimha and



Sometimes i read that She is benevolent. Perhaps this view is based on

translation of the word "bhadra". But i know not even one reason for

such interpretation in Agamas. In one shrilankian temple there is

murti of Kalika in similar to Tripurasundari form - She is called

"Bhadrakali" locally. I have photo of that form, beautiful. But i

guess that is NOT in fact Bhadrakali :-).





, "Jay" <machilongo> wrote:

> I am trying to find information on these aspects of Kali, Shyama and

> Bhadrakali, from what little I have been able to find these are

> considered benevolent and more auspicious aspects. Does anybody


> any more info or leads?


> Thanks


> Jay

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Don't forget Raksha Kali (Kali the Protector).


As a rule, Kali's who hold the sword in their left hand are more

auspicious than those with the sword in their right hand.


I'm searching for a book in English that discusses the iconography of

various portrayals of Kali. Any leads would be appreciated.


-- Len/ Kalipadma



On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 14:13:55 -0000 "Jay" <machilongo writes:

> I am trying to find information on these aspects of Kali, Shyama and

> Bhadrakali, from what little I have been able to find these are

> considered benevolent and more auspicious aspects. Does anybody

> have

> any more info or leads?


> Thanks


> Jay





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I just returned from a trip to India where I visiredd the Badrakali temple in

Ahamedabad. The Goddess there was definitely of a more lkindly aspect. Further

research led me to discover that BadraKali is actually one of Tara's thousand

names. Refer to DAvid KInsley's book Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine in

this regard.


Jay <machilongo wrote:I am trying to find information on these

aspects of Kali, Shyama and

Bhadrakali, from what little I have been able to find these are

considered benevolent and more auspicious aspects. Does anybody have

any more info or leads?


















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After spending the last four years trying to solve the

mystery of Bhadrakaalii, I have come to the conclusion

that there is great regional variation and that

dhyaana shloka descriptions in tantric texts such as

the tantrasaara do not necessarily correspond to Her

iconographic representations in temples and popular

devotional art.


In some texts She is described as being a form of Kali

particularly suited to householder worship. In other

places, such as the Bhadrakaali Mahaatmya of Kerala,

She is described as being exceedingly fierce.


Maybe the question is, "Which Bhadrakaali"?


Jai Kaalii Maa!




--- Arjuna Taradasa <bhagatirtha wrote:

> 93 Greetings!


> AFAIK "Shyama" is just another name of Dakshinakali

> (and not any

> special form). For example bengali text

> "Shyama-rahasya" deals with

> worship of Dakshinakalika.


> Bhadrakali is not "benevolent". Take a look at

> descriptions of this

> aspect of Devi in Shastras. Bhadrakali is connected

> to ferociuos

> (raudra) forms of Divinity like Pratyangira,

> Narasimha and

> Chhinnamasta...


> Sometimes i read that She is benevolent. Perhaps

> this view is based on

> translation of the word "bhadra". But i know not

> even one reason for

> such interpretation in Agamas. In one shrilankian

> temple there is

> murti of Kalika in similar to Tripurasundari form -

> She is called

> "Bhadrakali" locally. I have photo of that form,

> beautiful. But i

> guess that is NOT in fact Bhadrakali :-).


> A.



> , "Jay"

> <machilongo> wrote:

> > I am trying to find information on these aspects

> of Kali, Shyama and

> > Bhadrakali, from what little I have been able to

> find these are

> > considered benevolent and more auspicious aspects.

> Does anybody

> have

> > any more info or leads?

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Jay










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I see Mahakali is usually associated with ten heads.I see some refers to

Dakshina Kali as right marga and Vama Kali as left path worship. Dakshina seems

to refer to south too.In Gospel Dakhneshwari Kali is actually called Ma

Bhavatarani.And she had another name earlier. Arjunaji is there any text that

you know that actually gives the name of each Kali Maa images..............Or at

leats some of them


Jai Maa!!!


Arjuna Taradasa <bhagatirtha wrote:

93 Greetings!


AFAIK "Shyama" is just another name of Dakshinakali (and not any

special form). For example bengali text "Shyama-rahasya" deals with

worship of Dakshinakalika.


Bhadrakali is not "benevolent". Take a look at descriptions of this

aspect of Devi in Shastras. Bhadrakali is connected to ferociuos

(raudra) forms of Divinity like Pratyangira, Narasimha and



Sometimes i read that She is benevolent. Perhaps this view is based on

translation of the word "bhadra". But i know not even one reason for

such interpretation in Agamas. In one shrilankian temple there is

murti of Kalika in similar to Tripurasundari form - She is called

"Bhadrakali" locally. I have photo of that form, beautiful. But i

guess that is NOT in fact Bhadrakali :-).





, "Jay" <machilongo> wrote:

> I am trying to find information on these aspects of Kali, Shyama and

> Bhadrakali, from what little I have been able to find these are

> considered benevolent and more auspicious aspects. Does anybody


> any more info or leads?


> Thanks


> Jay












Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25¢



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Funny enough, i 've not met the name of "Rakshakali" anywhere in

authentic sanskrit texts (as far as i remember). I met it in

somedoubtful english and russian sourses, that's all.

Perhaps there is no such a form - it may be a mere epithet. At least

we have 3 classifications of Kali's forms - into 9 or 8, into 13 and

into 16 (Kali-nitya). In either of these there is no Rakshakali





, kalipadma@j... wrote:


> Don't forget Raksha Kali (Kali the Protector).


> As a rule, Kali's who hold the sword in their left hand are more

> auspicious than those with the sword in their right hand.


> I'm searching for a book in English that discusses the iconography


> various portrayals of Kali. Any leads would be appreciated.


> -- Len/ Kalipadma



> On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 14:13:55 -0000 "Jay" <machilongo> writes:

> > I am trying to find information on these aspects of Kali, Shyama


> > Bhadrakali, from what little I have been able to find these are

> > considered benevolent and more auspicious aspects. Does anybody

> > have

> > any more info or leads?

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Jay

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------ Sponsor

> >

> >

> > Links

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



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Perhaps image of BKali was altered by folk ppl, who were afraid of Her

true form. Same happened with Karttikeya (a war deity in beginning),

Rudra etc.

The fact about "Bhadrakali" as one of Tara's names shows nothing yet.

U may see in Shodashi-sahasranama or shatanama names of Kali,

Dhumavati and Chhinnamasta :). It simply means that Devi is ONE.

However Bhadrakali appears to be one of 8 forms of Tara. And in some

accounts in the place of BK Chamunda comes. This again supports the

view that Bhadrakali is raudra-devata.

BK is given such epithets as "bhakShajvAlA-jihvA", "karAla-daMShTrA"

etc :). Does it say something?




, kaila kukla <mahadevi96785

> wrote:

> I just returned from a trip to India where I visiredd the Badrakali

temple in Ahamedabad. The Goddess there was definitely of a more

lkindly aspect. Further research led me to discover that BadraKali is

actually one of Tara's thousand names. Refer to DAvid KInsley's book

Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine in this regard.


> Jay <machilongo> wrote:I am trying to find information on these

aspects of Kali, Shyama and

> Bhadrakali, from what little I have been able to find these are

> considered benevolent and more auspicious aspects. Does anybody


> any more info or leads?


> Thanks


> Jay






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When it is said of Maha- or Dakshinakali as having 10 heads Great Kali

is meant - that One who is embracing all aspects, all 10 Mahavidyas.

There is distinct aspect however called "Mahakali". It is one out of

three (as in DM) or one out of 8 (as in Todala-tantra).

Dakshinakali is not a deity of dakshinachara, however She can be

worshipped in righthand manner in case of pashu-upasaka. For

comparance, Tara should not be worshipped in dakshinachara at all. The

story of name Dakshinakali is told in Nirvana-tantra. She is Vama in

fact but She "overcame" right side of Divinity as well (Shiva), that

is why She became known as "Dakshinakali" and is depicted as standing

on corpse of Shiva.

Bhavatarini is just an epithet meaning "Who saves from [worldly]


Descriptions are in Mahakali-samhita (most detailed perhaps), some

kashmiri texts, some shakta-tantras and some compediums like

Pranatoshini or Tantrasara.




, kanna krishnan

<kanna_krishnan2002> wrote:

> Arjunaji,


> I see Mahakali is usually associated with ten heads.I see some

refers to Dakshina Kali as right marga and Vama Kali as left path

worship. Dakshina seems to refer to south too.In Gospel Dakhneshwari

Kali is actually called Ma Bhavatarani.And she had another name

earlier. Arjunaji is there any text that you know that actually gives

the name of each Kali Maa images..............Or at leats some of them


> Jai Maa!!!


> Arjuna Taradasa <bhagatirtha@m...> wrote:

> 93 Greetings!


> AFAIK "Shyama" is just another name of Dakshinakali (and not any

> special form). For example bengali text "Shyama-rahasya" deals with

> worship of Dakshinakalika.


> Bhadrakali is not "benevolent". Take a look at descriptions of this

> aspect of Devi in Shastras. Bhadrakali is connected to ferociuos

> (raudra) forms of Divinity like Pratyangira, Narasimha and

> Chhinnamasta...


> Sometimes i read that She is benevolent. Perhaps this view is based


> translation of the word "bhadra". But i know not even one reason for

> such interpretation in Agamas. In one shrilankian temple there is

> murti of Kalika in similar to Tripurasundari form - She is called

> "Bhadrakali" locally. I have photo of that form, beautiful. But i

> guess that is NOT in fact Bhadrakali :-).


> A.



> , "Jay" <machilongo>


> > I am trying to find information on these aspects of Kali, Shyama


> > Bhadrakali, from what little I have been able to find these are

> > considered benevolent and more auspicious aspects. Does anybody

> have

> > any more info or leads?

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Jay





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I'm sorry for misprinting: of course, Mahakala-samhita is meant.


, "Arjuna Taradasa"

<bhagatirtha@m...> wrote:

> 93


> When it is said of Maha- or Dakshinakali as having 10 heads Great


> is meant - that One who is embracing all aspects, all 10 Mahavidyas.

> There is distinct aspect however called "Mahakali". It is one out of

> three (as in DM) or one out of 8 (as in Todala-tantra).

> Dakshinakali is not a deity of dakshinachara, however She can be

> worshipped in righthand manner in case of pashu-upasaka. For

> comparance, Tara should not be worshipped in dakshinachara at all.


> story of name Dakshinakali is told in Nirvana-tantra. She is Vama in

> fact but She "overcame" right side of Divinity as well (Shiva), that

> is why She became known as "Dakshinakali" and is depicted as


> on corpse of Shiva.

> Bhavatarini is just an epithet meaning "Who saves from [worldly]

> existance".

> Descriptions are in Mahakali-samhita (most detailed perhaps), some

> kashmiri texts, some shakta-tantras and some compediums like

> Pranatoshini or Tantrasara.


> A.

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Namaste Arjunaji,


You mentioned Chamunda . Is it same with Chamunda Kali ? Whre could we find Her

dhyana? Could you share them here as well ?


Jai Maa!!!

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Chamunda is 1) one of 7/8 Matrikas 2) Form of Durga, perhaps identical

to Mahishamardini and Chandi 3) One of 8/9 Kalis (aka Chandikakali) 4)

One of 8 forms of Tara (corresponding to Bhadrakali as i remember).

I guess there is very little sense in comparing these now. At least

i'm not going to :-). I belive there must be some connections, but it

is a long and deep matter.


What is the need for U it dozens of dhyanas? There is no practical

sense if U are not working as a pandita/archaka. AFAIK U don't. First

of all, i don't have access to my library now. Secondly, even if i

have, it is boring and useless to type in huge dhayas of different

devatas. If it is really interesting for U, there is much info


In particular for dhyanas U may see Kalika-purana, very useful.

Besides i may recommend Mahakala-samhita, Tantra-sara (by

Krishnananda) and Mantra-mahodadhi (i believe it should have dhyanas




, kanna krishnan

<kanna_krishnan2002> wrote:

> Namaste Arjunaji,


> You mentioned Chamunda . Is it same with Chamunda Kali ? Whre could

we find Her dhyana? Could you share them here as well ?


> Jai Maa!!!

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Namste Arjunaji,


Thank you ji , you have helped this far .I need your help to go further



Chamunda is 1) one of 7/8 Matrikas 2) Form of Durga, perhaps identical

to Mahishamardini and Chandi 3) One of 8/9 Kalis (aka Chandikakali) 4)

One of 8 forms of Tara (corresponding to Bhadrakali as i remember).

I guess there is very little sense in comparing these now. At least

i'm not going to :-). I belive there must be some connections, but it

is a long and deep matter.


Ok based on this could I say Chandi , Chamunda and Kali could be represented by

same Chamunda Kali iconagraphy according to

scripture.......................Could you share the difference if any ( long and

deep matter ,yes I would like to know more )



What is the need for U it dozens of dhyanas? There is no practical

sense if U are not working as a pandita/archaka. AFAIK U don't.


Yes ji I do not need dozens of dhayana only Chamunda Kali Dhayana. Would you

only share them with pandit or archaka and but not us here ...........


First of all, i don't have access to my library now. Secondly, even if i

have, it is boring and useless to type in huge dhayas of different



I am requesting your help here.Not for all but only Chamunda Kali Dhyana



In particular for dhyanas U may see Kalika-purana, very useful.

Besides i may recommend Mahakala-samhita, Tantra-sara (by

Krishnananda) and Mantra-mahodadhi (i believe it should have dhyanas



Which chapter in Kalika Purana are you refering too .You answers are very vague

.. I need exact details . Once again I do not have the text you mention and when

I contact the providers (you mentioned) they want to know the publishers house .

When I request them from you .I have not got an answer. You could ;


1) Share the mantras here

2) Scan the pages and send it here

3) Identify the publisher house

4) Send me the details of the front cover of each book

5) Request me to send money so you could buy and sent it to me

6) Any other method you deem fit


What you say ?


Jai Maa!!!!



Arjuna Taradasa <bhagatirtha wrote:



Chamunda is 1) one of 7/8 Matrikas 2) Form of Durga, perhaps identical

to Mahishamardini and Chandi 3) One of 8/9 Kalis (aka Chandikakali) 4)

One of 8 forms of Tara (corresponding to Bhadrakali as i remember).

I guess there is very little sense in comparing these now. At least

i'm not going to :-). I belive there must be some connections, but it

is a long and deep matter.


What is the need for U it dozens of dhyanas? There is no practical

sense if U are not working as a pandita/archaka. AFAIK U don't. First

of all, i don't have access to my library now. Secondly, even if i

have, it is boring and useless to type in huge dhayas of different

devatas. If it is really interesting for U, there is much info


In particular for dhyanas U may see Kalika-purana, very useful.

Besides i may recommend Mahakala-samhita, Tantra-sara (by

Krishnananda) and Mantra-mahodadhi (i believe it should have dhyanas




, kanna krishnan

<kanna_krishnan2002> wrote:

> Namaste Arjunaji,


> You mentioned Chamunda . Is it same with Chamunda Kali ? Whre could

we find Her dhyana? Could you share them here as well ?


> Jai Maa!!!












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