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Sri Meru Chakra

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Dear Devi Bhakta


This is what I have learned about Sri Meru Chakra

as recommended my Sri Karunamayi ,


Yes it is very auspicious to worship Devi in front

of Sri Meru Chakra it attracts all the Divine Energy

while Chanting especially the Khadgamala Storam , Sri

Lalhita Sahasranam and Sri Suktam . Sri Chakra is as


the blue print of Cosmic Universal Energies , thus

having One at home attracts that energy . Ofcourse


is very brief explanation . The Once I know are made

of Chrystal which is good when worshiping Saraswati


another one made of Gold or Brass stained with Gold

( although I am not sure about the brass ) Gold


Laxmi energy it is sad that having gold one is like

having Laxmi at home but most of all what is important

is puting the energy into one ( what I mean by it is


prayer ) it is even recomended to hold Murti while

crying to Godess She herself bestowes blessings to


Devotees with innocent pure Love .


Most of all it is very important to get Sri Murti


that is properly cut and shaped if not negative energy


can get accumulated , the angles of the triangles have

to be all in correct angles ect.... , Recently a


will get me one from India although I dont know where

from exactly . I know that they sell them on


website .


It is truly a blessing to worship Sri Chakra as all


Universal Cosmic Energies are invoked in Sri Chakra ,


All the best to You , good luck



Joanna S

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Rudra Center had a large Meru style Sri Chakra of 200 grams. Not sure exactly

what that amounted too as far as size. Price was something like $1.50 per gram.

Sphatik of course also is emphasized for Shakti. Of course it has great vibes

and is probably good for vastu, and probably really good for enviromental

protection and to help maintain sattva. Yes DB, go for it!




Devi Bhakta

Friday, May 14, 2004 9:30 AM

Sri Meru Chakra



I hoped I might be able to solicit members' advice and opinions

regarding the Sri Meru Chakra.


Firstly, I would like to know whether you think it's important to have

one in one's home - both for its auspicious and beneficial energy and

for use in worship? I've been told by some that it is absolutely

essential to anyone seriously pursuing Srividya upasana; and by others

that it is nice but really not essential at all. I've also read that

the sheer energy of the Sri Meru Chakra is hugely beneficial to a home

even when it is not worshiped - that it is "the most important

corrective tool in Vasati or Vastu." May I ask you all what your

personal practices and preferences might be?


Secondly, as far as actually seeking to obtain a Sri Meru Chakra, I

have seen three basic sorts: Those cast in the pancaloha or "five

metals", those made of crystal, and those (the cheapest) made of

brass. Is there a great significance in the choice? What are the

advantages of each material considered to be, or does it really matter

at all? I met one gentleman who told me that crystal was the only way

to go. But the crystal ones I've seen are so tiny as to seem more

ornamental than practical - in the area of 20-25 grams; and just an

inch or so square.


I notice, however, that all the Sri Merus I see in the photos of

Devipuram's Khadgamala Devis (i.e placed in front of the Devis, etc.)

are made of metal - is that the preferred material for Srividya

practice? Is pancaloha the preferred metal? And I'm also curious about

the preferred size - it seems to me that anything smaller than, say,

10 cm square would be too small for ritual use. I've seen a couple of

pancaloha Sri Merus of 18 cm square (or cube, I guess), which seems to

be approximately the size of those in the Devipuram photos - is that

the typical scale one would want to use?


Final question: Am I crazy to be worrying about this at all? Is this

ultimately just a "prop" that costs a lot of money and distracts us

from the mental visualizations which would be preferable and more

beneficial? A lot to ask, I know. But if any of you have thoughts or

advice you'd be willing to share, I would be most appreciative ...


Love and warmest regards - and thanks so much for your time and

consideration ...





















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Dear Joanna And Rudra Joe:


Thank you both so much for taking the time to reply to my inquiry.

Thanks also to those who replied off board. As usual, I am blown away

by the wealth of knowledge, and open-heartedness generosity of the

members of this group. Your responses were extremely helpful. Thank

you again. ;-)



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Would you feel comfortable with summarizing the content of the

responses for the group? I'm curious as to what people said.

If you would prefer not to, that's okay too, of course.


, "Devi Bhakta"

<devi_bhakta> wrote:


> Thank you [to Johanna and Rudra Joe] for taking

> the time to reply to my inquiry [about the Sri Meru Chakra].

> Thanks also to those who replied off board.

> [....] Your responses were extremely helpful. [....]

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Hi msbauju:


Yeah sure, it's no secret. I'd be happy to summarize:


The advice amounted to a warning not to HAVE a Sri Meru Chakra unless

you intend to USE it, and -- maybe more importantly -- unless you're

QUALIFIED to use it. As one knowledgeable soul put it, "make sure

you're ready before you go for the high-voltage appliances!"


But the general concensus was that a Sri Meru Chakra is only optional

"equipment" -- because for the initiated upasak, the body itself

becomes a physical represenation of SriYantra. Having said that, a

large metal one is in many ways preferable (for ritual purposes) to a

talismanic crystal miniature; but only because it is easier to see and

touch and use as a guide in visualizations. Both sorts have great

intrinsic power and value.


However, there is no such thing as a geometrically perfect Sri Meru

Chakra -- other than in the rarified realm of theory and concept.

Therefore one's prayers and devotion are necessary to "perfect" the

Chakra. Under no circumstances is it to be used as a display item,

curiosity or conversation piece -- it belongs in your puja room and

nowhere else, and it should be worshiped regularly as the essence of



Note that Chakras sold as being made of "panchaloha" ("the five

metals") today are often just brass with a tiny bit of gold and silver

and iron added -- which is not "real" panchaloha. Actual panchaloha

has to be prepared in certain scripturally prescribed proportions,

which makes it very costly to produce. It's possible that the only

real ones are in the temples where priests actually stood and

supervised the casting as it occurred.


One Indian friend said, "I remember my aunt's father-in-law sitting

near the place where brass was being melted and having each metal

weighed before him, and then he himself personally putting in the

iron, waiting for it to melt, and then the silver; and then suddenly

dropping in the gold himself, personally, without allowing any metal

worker to touch it during the casting."


Obviously, that sort of ritual perfection is not practiceable or

affordable for most people today. But then again, "it is the devotion

that makes it strong and the material may not be very relevant."

Ultimately, the Sri Meru Chakra is just a prop -- albeit an especially

powerful one -- because everything must ultimately be internalized by

the upasak.


I hope that helps. Once again, my warmest thanks and appreciation to

everyone who weighed in on this issue. If any of you have additional

thoughts or comments on this issue, please feel free to add to the



Aum Maatangyai Namahe



, "msbauju" <msbauju> wrote:

> DB,


> Would you feel comfortable with summarizing the content of the

> responses for the group? I'm curious as to what people said.

> If you would prefer not to, that's okay too, of course.


> , "Devi Bhakta"

> <devi_bhakta> wrote:

> >

> > Thank you [to Johanna and Rudra Joe] for taking

> > the time to reply to my inquiry [about the Sri Meru Chakra].

> > Thanks also to those who replied off board.

> > [....] Your responses were extremely helpful. [....]

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