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Pranam. Please read this petition and sign it.If possible, please forward it to

others as well.




With Love





Let my every word be a prayer to Thee,

Every movement of my hands a ritual gesture to Thee,

Every step I take a circumambulation of Thy image,

Every morsel I eat a rite of sacrifice to Thee,

Every time I lay down a prostration at Thy feet;

Every act of personal pleasure and all else that I do,

Let it all be a form of worshiping Thee."

>From Verse 27 of Shri Aadi Shankara's Saundaryalahari





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Thank you Shankaree for forwarding this petition. IMHO, I just feel

this is one of those many petitions that is really wrong and it

violates the basic human right issues.


We should be looking at our own weakness and find a solution to it,

instead of trying to push the blame on others. This is my basic


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Pranam, Noraji. I accept that we should look into our own weaknesses and find

solutions that strengthen us. However, I do feel that Swami Dayananda

Saraswathi's letter is valid. Anyways, that is just my humble opinion.


With Love




"N. Madasamy" <ashwini_puralasamy wrote:

Thank you Shankaree for forwarding this petition. IMHO, I just feel

this is one of those many petitions that is really wrong and it

violates the basic human right issues.


We should be looking at our own weakness and find a solution to it,

instead of trying to push the blame on others. This is my basic














Let my every word be a prayer to Thee,

Every movement of my hands a ritual gesture to Thee,

Every step I take a circumambulation of Thy image,

Every morsel I eat a rite of sacrifice to Thee,

Every time I lay down a prostration at Thy feet;

Every act of personal pleasure and all else that I do,

Let it all be a form of worshiping Thee."

>From Verse 27 of Shri Aadi Shankara's Saundaryalahari





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shankaree wrote :Pranam, Noraji. I accept that we should look into

our own weaknesses and find solutions that strengthen us. However, I

do feel that Swami Dayananda Saraswathi's letter is valid. Anyways,

that is just my humble opinion.


Firstly Shankaree, I am not against anyone forwarding this message to

the group. Its okay with me and Yes! Shankaree, I agree, Swami

Dayananda Saraswathi's letter is valid and but my concern is what

will this lead us to? Its going to be a slippery slope issue and we

are using the United Nation to solve our own weakness?

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Pranam, Noraji.


*Firstly Shankaree, I am not against anyone forwarding this message to the

group. Its okay with me*


I understand and I hope that my mails have not conveyed otherwise.


* Its going to be a slippery slope issue and we

are using the United Nation to solve our own weakness?*


My issue, Noraji, is not in people coverting because they have reserched and

understood and have finally come to that decision. As you say, it is a basic

human right. My issue is in aggressive conversion. I read or heard somewhere,

{My memory is not too good nowadays:-)), probably getting too old} that

Christian missionaries were attempting to convert people who live in tribal

areas by getting a metal murty of Krishna and a wooden murty of Jesus and

throwing both into a vat of water. And when the murty of Krishna sinks, they

said that Krishna could not even save Himself, so how can He save you?


The UN still carries a little weight. If such a resolution is passed, then it

will be accepted that the Nations in the UN accept that aggressive conversion is

morally wrong.


However, I am also interested in the various ways that we can help our fellow

brethern. What would you propose that we as a group could do? I have often

thought that maybe we could make a differance together but I don't know how to

go about doing it. After all, it is easy (well, for me, anyway) to just donate a

sum of money. I want to do more. Maybe, other members have any ideas, as well?


With Love






Let my every word be a prayer to Thee,

Every movement of my hands a ritual gesture to Thee,

Every step I take a circumambulation of Thy image,

Every morsel I eat a rite of sacrifice to Thee,

Every time I lay down a prostration at Thy feet;

Every act of personal pleasure and all else that I do,

Let it all be a form of worshiping Thee."

>From Verse 27 of Shri Aadi Shankara's Saundaryalahari





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Namaste Everybody,


have anybody herad about Saiva Siddhantha Church conversion process in Malaysia

and Singapore ?


Jai Maa!!


shankaree ramatas <shankaree wrote:

Pranam, Noraji.


*Firstly Shankaree, I am not against anyone forwarding this message to the

group. Its okay with me*


I understand and I hope that my mails have not conveyed otherwise.


* Its going to be a slippery slope issue and we

are using the United Nation to solve our own weakness?*


My issue, Noraji, is not in people coverting because they have reserched and

understood and have finally come to that decision. As you say, it is a basic

human right. My issue is in aggressive conversion. I read or heard somewhere,

{My memory is not too good nowadays:-)), probably getting too old} that

Christian missionaries were attempting to convert people who live in tribal

areas by getting a metal murty of Krishna and a wooden murty of Jesus and

throwing both into a vat of water. And when the murty of Krishna sinks, they

said that Krishna could not even save Himself, so how can He save you?


The UN still carries a little weight. If such a resolution is passed, then it

will be accepted that the Nations in the UN accept that aggressive conversion is

morally wrong.


However, I am also interested in the various ways that we can help our fellow

brethern. What would you propose that we as a group could do? I have often

thought that maybe we could make a differance together but I don't know how to

go about doing it. After all, it is easy (well, for me, anyway) to just donate a

sum of money. I want to do more. Maybe, other members have any ideas, as well?


With Love






Let my every word be a prayer to Thee,

Every movement of my hands a ritual gesture to Thee,

Every step I take a circumambulation of Thy image,

Every morsel I eat a rite of sacrifice to Thee,

Every time I lay down a prostration at Thy feet;

Every act of personal pleasure and all else that I do,

Let it all be a form of worshiping Thee."

>From Verse 27 of Shri Aadi Shankara's Saundaryalahari





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Namaste Shankareeji,


I agree with Nora on this matter , let us build our internal strenght in our

community . We can do this in various ways. Educational article on the inner

meaning of practices/rituals , suppporting any spiritual activities whether by

financial ,physical or social assiistance . Having activities in temple to

educate the youngsters , having in the inter -temple actvities for social

projects, conduct inter-workshops and multi cultural conferences on spiritual




Jai Maa!!!

"N. Madasamy" <ashwini_puralasamy wrote:

Thank you Shankaree for forwarding this petition. IMHO, I just feel

this is one of those many petitions that is really wrong and it

violates the basic human right issues.


We should be looking at our own weakness and find a solution to it,

instead of trying to push the blame on others. This is my basic
















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Vanakkam Shankaree and all


Shankare wrote, "I understand and I hope that my mails have not

conveyed otherwise"


Nope Shankaree, in fact I have always look forward to your post, even

thought they sometimes comes blank [as you are aware we have disable

file attachment. So any message attached with File will appear as

blank message to us], I always appreciate whatever you have send to

us. And I hope you will continue to do so.


"My issue is in aggressive conversion. Those Christian


were attempting to convert people who live in tribal areas by getting

a metal murty of Krishna and a wooden murty of Jesus and throwing

both into a vat of water. And when the murty of Krishna sinks, they

said that Krishna could not even save Himself, so how can He save



Well that is another dirty old trick they have adopted. Frankly

nothing new. The Muslims have done the same thing too. I have been

shown the same trick, but it goes back to the mind. The mind says:

yes! I can see that, but you see these people are not stupid people.

They are intelligent and educated people. What is that these people

see in these murty that I don't? And this mind with great hunger


know which leads to another … The Quest To knows more!


That is where the problem lies too, while these missionary make an

attempt to go deep into the tribal areas, what are we doing about it?

We just sit here, watch and feeling so helpless?


"The UN still carries a little weight. If such a resolution is

passed, then it will be accepted that the Nations in the UN accept

that aggressive conversion is morally wrong"


To be honest, in my opinion, I don't think so the UN will be able


do anything or their resolution will carry any weight. Look at the

Iraq War, despite the UN resolution, both the US and UK ignored them.

There are some who even questions the function of UN. Is the UN an

effective International Organization now? But we are not here to

discuss about this UN issues are we? We are talking about aggressive

conversion, let get back to the main topic shall we?


"However, I am also interested in the various ways that we can


our fellow brethren. What would you propose that we as a group could

do? I have often thought that maybe we could make a difference

together but I don't know how to go about doing it. After all, it is

easy (well, for me, anyway) to just donate a sum of money. I want to

do more. Maybe, other members have any ideas, as well?"


Yes! We could, if only all of us are together. In another group,

somebody comes and say "the Hindus are being mislead, and its


for us to wake up and bring them back to the right path. Lets form

this International Hindu Movement to unite all Hindus. I have found a

formula and it have been proven to be successful" yeah! I said,


with you, but what are your formulas. What are these great plans of

yours. Put it here with us so that all of us can see, but NO! NO! He

said, we need to brain storm it first and its suppose to be a secret

and have this secret meeting place, you contact me personally and I

will tell you the meeting place etc" Gosh!


Good question: what can we as a group do?


Krishnan has elaborate several relevant issues: Educational article

on the inner meaning of practices/rituals, supporting any spiritual

activities whether by financial, physical or social assistance.

Having activities in temple to educate the youngsters, having in the

inter -temple activities for social projects, conduct inter-workshops

and multi cultural conferences on spiritual topics.


When I organize the Inner Bliss and Harmony talk in Singapore

sometime back, we have initially several youth promise to come and

support, then at the last minute they change their mind "No! I


not come because such and such a person will be there. Etc…" We


such a distinguished speaker coming all the way from India, and for

the first time to give us such a talk, and all they care about is

this petty things. I am not upset nor disappointed either. I feel

that is how the community or our youth are perhaps. Can we fault



This tells us one thing: the mindset of our people needs to be

change. And we need to educate and guide our youth from young,

because it's the youth of today that will be the leaders of


In Singapore we have the project bhakti [see the link below]

organized by the Singapore Hindu Endowment Board.




Basically this is what the project is all about:


It is a community project in Singapore that explores the basic

knowledge, teachings and concepts in Hinduism, which is open to any

God lover. In the current society of communal hatred and sectarian

violence, it's high time we remember the gentle message of love


worship. The main aim of this project is to cultivate the feeling of

universal peace into every seeker, invoking the sense of devotion for

the Supreme reality, the Almighty. We proposed this project with the

emphasis on the future leaders of the world – The Children. It is

very essential to mold the children of present generation to develop

them both intellectually and spiritually, maintaining a steady

balance in the juggle of life between the material world and thy

self. An intense emotional attachment and love of a devotee towards

god is our main focus.


Yes! I agree with you, giving money is the easiest thing and the most

difficult is physical effort. Nobody wants to take the time off to

help up, after all we have given the money, lets others take the time

to offer physical help, we are too busy with our work commitment.

Isn't this the common excuse?


Back to our sadhana: Can we pay somebody to do the Sadhana for us? If

we want something, we have to work for it. Real benefits are

when we actually do it ourselves with devotion.


Sorry for the rumbling.

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Very interesting information, but it does not describe all that occurs on former


example, my country – Ukraine. Under the constitution, Ukraine is democratic

and secular state,

where everyone has the right to following any religion or system of ethical

values. In a reality,

the Orthodox Church is the state religion, and the country constantly name

orthodox, that already

is infringement of the law. The state is silent, when the orthodox society

throws mud at other

faiths, what to speak about Hindu Dharma or Buddhism, if Islam (the related

religion for

Christians) has no full freedom. On the general background of despondency of the

population and

huge financial problems of the country, Government building great churches

when thousand people

are poor and live in the street. It is not full picture of a situation in

Ukraine. In Ukraine,

there is thousands followers of Hinduism, but really to achieve an official

recognition is

impossible. Therefore, in Ukraine where lives temporarily or constantly thousand

ethnic Indians

and thousand "europian" followers does not exist any Hindu Mandir , though in

the West

construction Hindu Mandir in the Indian diasporas prospers. Though here very

well prosper business

of the guru, ISKKON for which Hinduism is pagan religion, etc.


Very good this Petition. Very well when speak about problems of other people.

However, always

other side of this care when you write letters to religious leaders or teachers

with the request

surprises to pay attention to such problems in the former USSR or simply people

write to much

Swami or the Guru the full indifference and indifference is shown. In my

opinion, can is it

necessary to reflect Hinduisms leaders what would be advisable to arrive where

for them really

wait and require? If Christian missioners go to Asia and violently drive to

people Christian

values. Maybe Hinduism leaders is necessary arrive the West where thousand

people following

Hinduism and will accept spiritual riches of Sanatana Dharma on the sincere


How do you think, what signing petitions or the real help is more important?


Excuse, if someone has offended.


Sincerely Madan Mohan.







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Check out www.gurudeva.org(the home page for the Saiva Siddhanta

Church); unlike the often mindless missionary conversion tactics, it

is very tough to get into this Saiva Sangam (I myself am a dropout

after several years of study); if you are talking of conversion as in

formal adoption of Hinduism, this is done by the Saiva Siddhanta

Church with a simple ceremony and is open to all; they dont go around

proselytising people, it is by choice alone.




ps. The name church is a little misleading; they belong to a monistic

Saiva Siddhanta lineage



, kanna krishnan

<kanna_krishnan2002> wrote:

> Namaste Everybody,


> have anybody herad about Saiva Siddhantha Church conversion process

in Malaysia and Singapore ?


> Jai Maa!!


> shankaree ramatas <shankaree> wrote:

> Pranam, Noraji.


> *Firstly Shankaree, I am not against anyone forwarding this message

to the group. Its okay with me*


> I understand and I hope that my mails have not conveyed otherwise.


> * Its going to be a slippery slope issue and we

> are using the United Nation to solve our own weakness?*


> My issue, Noraji, is not in people coverting because they have

reserched and understood and have finally come to that decision. As

you say, it is a basic human right. My issue is in aggressive

conversion. I read or heard somewhere, {My memory is not too good

nowadays:-)), probably getting too old} that Christian missionaries

were attempting to convert people who live in tribal areas by getting

a metal murty of Krishna and a wooden murty of Jesus and throwing

both into a vat of water. And when the murty of Krishna sinks, they

said that Krishna could not even save Himself, so how can He save you?


> The UN still carries a little weight. If such a resolution is

passed, then it will be accepted that the Nations in the UN accept

that aggressive conversion is morally wrong.


> However, I am also interested in the various ways that we can help

our fellow brethern. What would you propose that we as a group could

do? I have often thought that maybe we could make a differance

together but I don't know how to go about doing it. After all, it is

easy (well, for me, anyway) to just donate a sum of money. I want to

do more. Maybe, other members have any ideas, as well?


> With Love


> Shankaree




> Let my every word be a prayer to Thee,

> Every movement of my hands a ritual gesture to Thee,

> Every step I take a circumambulation of Thy image,

> Every morsel I eat a rite of sacrifice to Thee,

> Every time I lay down a prostration at Thy feet;

> Every act of personal pleasure and all else that I do,

> Let it all be a form of worshiping Thee."


> From Verse 27 of Shri Aadi Shankara's Saundaryalahari





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Namaste Yogaman ,



Just wanted to share ;




This article reveal the agamicization process (they do not call it conversion)

of ancient practice in Malaysia and Singapore by Hindu Sangam to Saiva

Siddhantha practices. The result of this movement are both unpredictable and

uneven and maybe subject to active resistance and manupulation according to the

author of the article .


You could read the details in the article on how a so called village deity

temple( mostly shaktha and kaumaram origins) are converted slowly from pucari

based alayam to brahmanical priest based temple.


I dont think even ISKCON called their process as conversion as well - this words

were popularly used for the christian churches.


Any comments anyone ?


Jai Maa!!!


childofdevi <childofdevi wrote:

Check out www.gurudeva.org(the home page for the Saiva Siddhanta

Church); unlike the often mindless missionary conversion tactics, it

is very tough to get into this Saiva Sangam (I myself am a dropout

after several years of study); if you are talking of conversion as in

formal adoption of Hinduism, this is done by the Saiva Siddhanta

Church with a simple ceremony and is open to all; they dont go around

proselytising people, it is by choice alone.




ps. The name church is a little misleading; they belong to a monistic

Saiva Siddhanta lineage



, kanna krishnan

<kanna_krishnan2002> wrote:

> Namaste Everybody,


> have anybody herad about Saiva Siddhantha Church conversion process

in Malaysia and Singapore ?


> Jai Maa!!


> shankaree ramatas <shankaree> wrote:

> Pranam, Noraji.


> *Firstly Shankaree, I am not against anyone forwarding this message

to the group. Its okay with me*


> I understand and I hope that my mails have not conveyed otherwise.


> * Its going to be a slippery slope issue and we

> are using the United Nation to solve our own weakness?*


> My issue, Noraji, is not in people coverting because they have

reserched and understood and have finally come to that decision. As

you say, it is a basic human right. My issue is in aggressive

conversion. I read or heard somewhere, {My memory is not too good

nowadays:-)), probably getting too old} that Christian missionaries

were attempting to convert people who live in tribal areas by getting

a metal murty of Krishna and a wooden murty of Jesus and throwing

both into a vat of water. And when the murty of Krishna sinks, they

said that Krishna could not even save Himself, so how can He save you?


> The UN still carries a little weight. If such a resolution is

passed, then it will be accepted that the Nations in the UN accept

that aggressive conversion is morally wrong.


> However, I am also interested in the various ways that we can help

our fellow brethern. What would you propose that we as a group could

do? I have often thought that maybe we could make a differance

together but I don't know how to go about doing it. After all, it is

easy (well, for me, anyway) to just donate a sum of money. I want to

do more. Maybe, other members have any ideas, as well?


> With Love


> Shankaree




> Let my every word be a prayer to Thee,

> Every movement of my hands a ritual gesture to Thee,

> Every step I take a circumambulation of Thy image,

> Every morsel I eat a rite of sacrifice to Thee,

> Every time I lay down a prostration at Thy feet;

> Every act of personal pleasure and all else that I do,

> Let it all be a form of worshiping Thee."


> From Verse 27 of Shri Aadi Shankara's Saundaryalahari





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