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Kaula Upanishad

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Kaula Upanishad

(translated from Sanskrit by Arjuna Taradasa, 2004)


1. Let the kaulika triumph! Let Varuni triumph! Let shuddhi (pancha-

makara) triumph! Let Agni triumph! Let all existence triumph!

Hail to Brahman! Hail to Earth! Hail to Water! Hail to Fire! Hail to

Air! Hail to Masters!


2. Thou art He indeed! Thou art true!

I shall speak about Her.

I shall announce the Law (R^ita). I shall speak the Truth.


3. Let That [Law] protect me! Let That [Law] protect the one who

announces [it]!

Protect me! Protect the one who announces!

Om. Peace, peace, peace.


4. Now is the investigation into the Law (dharma).

Knowledge is the right logic (buddhi). Knowledge is the only cause of

liberation. Liberation is total perfection of the Self.

Five objects [form] the universe. They [all are] forms of Knowledge.

Union is liberation.


5. Ignorance [that is] the cause of adharma is equal to Knowledge.

The universe is equal to the Lord (Ishvara). Temporary is equal to

eternal. Ignorance is equal to Knowledge. Adharma is equal to dharma.

This is liberation.


6. Five limitations are forms of Knowledge. Creation is from body.

Liberation also in it. This is the Knowledge.

Amid all sense organs the eye is essential.

You have to act against [social] dharma. No need to perform actions

prescribed by [social] dharma.

It is needed to live in shambhavi totally.


7. There is no [entire] knowledge present in traditions (AmnAya),

[but] only in Guru [it is present].

Above the intellect is the unity of everything. Perfection is

achieved through mantra and release from proud and other [qualities

of ego].


8. This is not to be disclosed. This is not to be spoken with animals

(pashu) about.

The absence of method is the Path. Do not make distinctions.

Do not reveal the mystery of the Self; but to disciple you may.


9. Shakta inside, shaiva outside, vaishnava in the world. This is to

be followed. Liberation is achieved through the knowledge of the Self.


10. Do not be offended with what society speaks. This is the merging

in the Self.

Do not subdue yourself to religious vows. Never limit yourself.

Liberation is never [achieved by means] of limitation.

Do not [make yourself] known as a kaula.

Be equal to all things. Thus the kaula is liberated.


11. Let the wise, being awake, read these verses. The perfection of

Will is achieved through this. This is the Will of Divine.


12. Let the one, who follows the Path not, never perform the

adoration [of Kula].

If you do not imagine yourself to be important, you enjoy in the

garden of bliss.


Let the kaulika triumph!

Om. Peace, peace, peace.


Kaula Upanishad is complete.

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