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Another minority girl gang raped in Perojpur, Bangladesh: Investigative Report

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Minority girl gang raped at Periojpur: An Investigative Report



Photo: HRCBM


Investigation conducted by: HRCBM-Dhaka.


Report submitted by: Adv. Rabindra Ghosh, HRCBM-Dhaka.


Date of Investigation: on 9th of June,04.


The Report


I, Rabindra Ghosh ,Ms. Biva Rani Biswas of HRCBM-Dhaka and Debashish Kumar Litu,

a local reporter of District representative of the daily “ Ajker Kagoj” visited

the place of occurrence at Sikdar Mallick of Perojpur Sadar P.S. District –

Perojpur on 9th of June, 04 and investigated the incident of gang rape of

minority Hindu girl Ms. Gita Rani Bepari daughter of Gouranga Bepari. We reached

Perojpur town 230 kilometers from Dhaka by bus and reached the spot at Nazirpur

Bali Babla village 22 kilometers from Perojpur town.


Background Information


As soon as we got information published in different news papers of Bangladesh

that a Hindu girl namely Ms. Gita Rani Bepari (15}daughter of Gouranga Barai and

Ms.Kanan Bala Bepari. She was the student of Class IX Nagar Bari High School,

Perojpur. On 20th of May, 2004 at about 8 a.m. was going to Perojpur town for

her treatment with her younger brother – some criminals caught hold of Ms. Gita

and abducted her. She was than brutally raped en masse until rescued by police

later on. But the racially motivated Medical Board maliciously given negative

report. Ms. Gita Rani should be given legal shelter immediately.


First of all, we went to Perojpur Sadar P.S. to know the incident of above gang

rape of Ms. Gita Rani Bepari. Our Women Wing Personnel Ms. Biva Rani discussed

with the Officer-in-Charge, Sayed Rabiul Islam for the safety of the members of

victim family at Bali Babla, Nazirpur PS . The O.C. assured us for protection of

this Minority Hindu family and assured us that the culprits will be arrested



Spot investigation


We along with a Sub-Inspector of Police, Matiur Rahaman who is also an

investigating officer of the case went to the spot – Sikder Mallik by micro-bus

where the victim girl was gang raped , 10/12 kilometers away from Perojpur

police station . We asked the following persons how Ms. Gita Rani was gang

raped. All the witnesses disclosed that Ms. Gita was caught and raped by the

accused one after another namely 1) Monir son of Habibur Rahaman 2) Zahid son of

Hanif Sheikh 3) Munna son of Delwar Hossain 4) Mitu son of Habibur Rahaman 5)

Zakir son of Moktader Sikdar 6) Habibur Rahaman son of late Sakawat Hossain 7)

Pervez son of Soharab Hossain. All of Sikder Mallik, PS and Dist. Perojpur. A

case number 9 dated 20th of May, 2004 has been started against the accused under

section 9(3)/30 of Nari O Shishu Nirtajan Ain read with section 379 of the

Bangladesh Penal code. And the case is now under investigation: The following

witnesses present on the date of investigation at the place of

occurrence deposed that the incident of rape is genuine and the culprits should

be brought to book:


1.Ms,Joytun Bibi wife of Belayet

2.Alamgir son of Azmeer Sheikh

3.Ms.Razia wife of Zamal Sheikh

4.Afzal Mridha son of late Motahar Ali Mridha

5.Zahangir Hossain son of Amjad Ali Sikder

6.Hyder Ali son of late Sattar Ali

7.Saidul Sikder son of late Shamsu Sikder {Rickshaw puller}

8.Ms.Farzana Begum wife of Abdul Hye

9.Ms.Fazila Begum wife of Abu Sheikh

10.Farhad Howlader son of Sahar Ali

11.Shahid son of Abdul Hoque Sheikh, Member Ward No.1 Durgapur -3



The Doctor of Medical Board was biased and submitted a false report as the

mother of accused is the Staff Nurse of the said Perojpur Sadar Hospital



Picture (courtesy HRCBM-Dhaka): Adv. Rabindra Ghosh of HRCBM-Dhaka interviewing

the medical board including a woman Physician for the alleged false report. The

interview was taken in front of police and video recorded the statements of the

medical board.


We also went to Perojpur Sadar Hospital to know why the medical report submitted

by the Medical Board was not in accordance with the provision of law. The

doctors produced the victim girl on the date of rape before Perojpur Sadar

Hospital for medical examination. But it is curious to note that as Ms. Rowsan

Ara Habib- mother of accused Monir is the Staff Nurse working at Perojpur Sadar

Hospital who influenced the Medical Board to give negative report in favor of

the accused persons involved in the rape case. We also examined the Doctors

namely Ms. Khaleda Parveen, Dr. Amal Chandra Roy and Dr. Sunil Krishna Baul

their report but they hesitated to give up authenticated and satisfactory reply.

We have videotaped all their oral statements, the contradictory statements of

the doctors amply proved that the report of Medical Board is far from truth. The

Sub-Inspector of Police is also of the opinion that the medical report is not at

all genuine and the police produced the victim girl in the

hospital in a very precarious condition and Ms. Gita Rani was not in a position

to move due to gang rape. But the report given by the doctors are far from




We also went to the house of the victim. We found the victim girl and her mother

Ms.Kanan Bala Bepari, sisters- Ms.Rina Bepari {22} Ms. Rita Bepari {18}and

brothers – Goutam chandra Bepari{10} Uttam Chandra Bepari{7} .



Picture (Courtesy HRCBM-Dhaka): Ms. Biva of HRCBM-Dhaka video recording the

statements of the victim Ms. Gita Rani Bepari (15) while police officer

accompanied the HRCBM team is registering the case.



Picture (HRCBM-Dhaka): The victim Ms. Gita Rani Bepari is shown with two of her

sisters who have also sought protection. The two other sisters of the victims

are afraid that criminal may attack them too.



Picture (courtesy HRCBM-Dhaka): HRCBM-Dhaka representative Advocate Rabindra

Ghosh is video recording the statements of the victim's family members.

Investigating Police officer was present to listen the statements.


We talked with them and their statements have been videotaped. The victim girl

Ms. Gita was crying while she was asked to describe the situation of rape by the

accused on date of occurrence. She narrated to us that she was forcefully taken

to the house of accused Monir and some other accused came and started to raped

her en masse. We also visited the place of occurrence where Ms.Gita was raped

and noted the on-spot evidences. The local witnesses deposed to us that Ms Gita

being the girl of Hindu destitute was subjected to torture :


1. Bimal Krishna Adkhikary son of Rajendra Nath Adkihikary

2. Sontosh Kumar Mistry son of Anadi Ranjan Mistry


Mrs. Kanal bala Bepari is a destitute mother who is crying for justice as her

daughter has been gang-raped by some criminals of the area. She was describing

most pathetic way that they should be protected and legal help should be given

to them. She also gave us written statements relating to this incident in Bangla

language which speaks that she need protection and legal shelter by any Human

Rights Organization. We as human right activists assured them full assistance in

this regard.


We also met with Alhaj Abdul Al-Azad, Superintendent of Police, Perojpur and

requested him for full co-operation and also requested him to arrest the accused

responsible for this heinous offence. Mr. A-Azad also assured us for

co-operation and he will try to arrest those criminals very shortly.



Picture (courtesy HRCBM-Dhaka): Ms. Biva explains to the victim about the legal

protection of HRCBM and requested her consent which Ms. Gita (victim) has signed

authorizing HRCBM to pursue legal action.



Picture (courtesy HRCBM-Dhaka): An appeal from Victim Ms. Gita Rani Bepari.

Stating her fathers name and address, Ms. Gita has wrote in this appeal about

the incident. In the appeal, addressing the "international community and rights

activists" Gita states that she was on her way to doctor at Panch para bazar of

Sikder Mallik union along with her brother in the morning around 8:00 AM dated

05/20/04 . While they reached at the marketplace, the local goons namely Manir

and Munna abducted both Gita and her brother in broad day light and forcefully

took them to the house of Manir. Gita asserts as they tried to escape or cry,

the goons threatens to kill them. There the goons with two others namely Jahid

and Mitu brutally raped her. There she became seek. Latter, Gita's mother

hearing the attack on her daughter took police to the spot and rescued the Gita.

In the appeal, Ms. Gita further states on how the doctors have produced negative

report against her and denying the signs of rape.

Further being traumatized by the false report of the doctors, Gita states how

she finds ray of hope when HRCBM knocked at her door steps and now she is

appealing before the civilized world to help her procure justice.




The offence committed by the accused persons is most heinous. The Medical Board

is quite biased as the female doctor Khaleda Parveen influenced other two Hindu

doctors to give negative report of rape. The police produced the victim girl in

the Hospital in time, accused admitted the rape, police also admitted the rape,

and victim also admitted the rape. But it is astonishing to note that the

medical report submitted by the Medical Board of Perojpur district is far from

satisfactory. And it has been established as the mother of accused is the Senior

Staff Nurse of Perojpur and said senior staff nurse obtained a false report from

the board. This illegal practice must be stopped. The Minorities should be

protected. The rights of the children and women should be guaranteed and the

culprits responsible for such heinous offence should be brought to book in

accordance with the law.


We came back from Perojpur on the next day on 10th of June, 2004 at Dhaka.



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