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Lalitopakhyana [ The story of the Goddess Lalita ] 1

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Penance of Agastya


Long ago, the mountain Vindhya (central India) started growing upward in

gigantic proportion due to egoism. The sage Agastya decided to subdue the pride

of Vindhya. For this purpose, he came from Varanasi (Uttara Pradesh, India) and

settled in South India. By the divine presence of the sage Agastya, the entire

South India gradually became prosperous and pious.




Eventually the Kali Yuga started (As per the tradition of India, Kali Yuga is

the fourth Age, the others being Kruta, Treta and Dvapara). Inspite of the

severe inspection of the sage Agastya, the evil traits of the Kali Yuga started

sprouting slowly. Noting this trend, the sage felt sad and proceeded on a

pilgrimage. The strange and unrighteous ways of the people made him quite

unhappy. There was rampant selfishness and sensuousness prevalent everywhere.

“How can these people attain liberation?” – This was his nagging grief.




After reaching Kanchi (Tamil Nadu – South India) he was unable to bear the

burden of the grief, and performed severe penance meditating on Varadaraja (The

Best of the boon givers – a synonym of Vishnu). God’s ways are mysterious! His

power of illusion is incomprehensible! Vishnu appeared to the sage in the form

of Hayagreeva. Agastya asked Hayagreeva “Oh Lord! What is the path of salvation

to these ignorant people”?




Hayagreeva replied “There are two paths for this. They are:


a) After renouncing everything, one can attain the knowledge of the,

attributeless aspect of God. This is a very difficult way.




b) The second method is to worship the Divine Mother who is the form of Vishnu

with attributes. Even a sinner can do the worship. There is another advantage in

this type. The devotee can simultaneously get enjoyment and salvation by

following this path”.




Further, Vishnu ordered to the sage Agastya “You have to propagate this divine

secret in the entire world”.




The sage asked, “Lord Vishnu! Kindly narrate the story of Para Shakti (The

Ultimate Power, the Divine Mother) who is your aspect with attributes ”. At this

stage, Vishnu asked sage Hayagreeva (born with the Lord’s aspects) to tell the

detailed story to Agastya.




The Divine Mother emanated from meditation of Brahma (the Creator). Her name

then was Prakruti (The nature).




Mohini Avatara


For the second time, the Divine Mother manifested as Mohini at the time of the

churning the ocean by the celestials and the demons (to obtain Amruta-nectar).

Let us see how it happened.




Once upon a time, Indra (the Lord of the Heaven was overpowered by the pride of

his prosperity. His reverence to even Shiva gradually diminished. Observing

this, Shiva asked the sage Durvasa to meet Indra in the Heaven. The sage started

taking the path of Gandharvas (the celestial singers), which was very beautiful.

The sage


appeared uglier than a beggar. Anyway he proceeded ahead pompously.




On the way the sage saw a celestial lady holding a fragrant garland of divine

flowers. The ugly looking sage asked the beautiful lady, “Where did you get this

garland”? She observed him keenly and realised that he was a sage. She

prostrated to him and replied humbly “Sir! I am just now returning after doing

the worship of the


Divine Mother, who manifested and gave me this garland as Prasadam”




Jumping joyously, the sage asked her to give the garland to him. She happily

handed it over to the sage and, prostrated to him. The sage blessed her “May

your devotion to the Divine mother be firm”. Taking leave of the sage, she went

away. By this incident, the sage realised that it was not difficult to others to

recognise him,


even if he was in any ugly appearance. He was satisfied with this thought and

proceeded further.




After a while, he saw Indra riding the elephant Iravata. The sage approached

Indra, who did not appear to recognise and prostrate to the sage. However, the

sage did not get angry and said, “Indra! This is the garland given by the Divine

Mother Herself. Take it. Saying so, the sage presented the garland to Indra.

Indra didn’t refuse. He received the garland with disgust and threw the same on



head of the elephant, which proceeded ahead. A little latter, the elephant threw

down the garland with its trunk and trampled over it.


Looking at this, the sage Durvasa became very furious and cursed Indra, “Oh!

Egoistic fellow! You have not recognised me. Not only that. You have not even

respected the Prasadam of the Divine mother. Due to this, May your prosperity





With these words, Indra’s pride was humbled. He got down the elephant and

prostrated to the feet of the angry sage Durvasa. However, the sage went away





Then Indra’s troubles started one by one. He saw bad omens in the Heaven. Afraid

of them, Indra asked the sage Bruhaspati (the Spiritual Master of the

celestials) to reveal the cause of the bad omens. The sage replied, “The effect

of your sins follows


you as a shadow. Saying so, the sage narrated a fine story.






… to be continued




[ Extraction from English version of Lalitopakhyana by Ganapati Sachchidananda ]












".. you may shoot me with your words... you may cut me with your eyes ... you

may kill me with your hatefulness, but still like air, I will rise ..."


Maya Angelou


" Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and

leave foot prints on our heart and we are never ever the same again "


Shakti Sadhana Homepage at http://www.shaktisadhana.org




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