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Overcoming Guna

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Overcoming the Gunas


Bhagavad Gita ( 2.45)


"The Vedas deal with the three attributes (of Nature) (i.e. Gunas);

be thou above these three attributes, O Arjuna. Free yourself

from the pairs of opposites and ever remain in the quality of

Sattva (goodness); and, freed from the thought of acquisition and

preservation, be established in the Self."



Swami Sivananda (from `Sadhana)


Overcoming Tamas

"72. Things which are not in daily use such as knives, copper

and brass vessels become rusty. Even so, if the limbs and

muscles of the body are not properly used through exercises

and work, they get degenerated. Man becomes Tamasic. He

becomes a victim of inertia. Hence aspirants who lead a life of

Nivritti or renunciation should be very careful. They should not

allow themselves to be overpowered by Tamas. They should

daily practise Asans, Suryanamaskars, etc.


Overcoming Rajas

94. The mind cannot exist without desire, attachment and ego. It

will cling to some form or other. It will entertain some desire or

other. There will be ego in some form or other. Entertain Sattvic

desires. Have a strong desire for attaining salvation. Through

this you can destroy all worldly desires. Instead of allowing the

mind to get itself attached to the form of wife or son, try to fix it on

the form Lord Krishna or Lord Rama. Let it be attached to this

form. Develop Sattvic egoism by asserting, `I am the immortal

Self' or by repearting the formula `I am the servant of Lord



Overcoming Sattva

65. The secret of renunciation is renunciation of egoism,

`mineness and desires. Abandoning wife, children, property,

house, relations, and friends does not constitute real

renunciation. Objects do not bind you. It is `mineness' (Mamata)

that binds you to this Samsara or cycle of births and deaths."



T. K. V. Desikachar (from `The Heart of Yoga)


"Rajas is active, fiery, the one the induces us to act. ...Tamas is

the opposite of Rajas; it is a fixed, immobile, heavy state of mind.

Sattva is the quality of insight that is white, clear, and

transparent. It is a state in which neither of the other two guna

predominate. According to the relationship between Rajas and

Tamas, Dukha (suffering, restriction) will take different forms.

Our goal is to reduce these two guna until our mind achieves a

state of Sattva."



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