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Some personal Questions : just for anybody to respond

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In a message dated 10/7/2004 4:38:40 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

ashwini_puralasamy writes:

> Somebody asked me once : Why should we go back? Why should we

> relieve that nightmare?


> It is my believe that to go back is what you must do, and to laid

> that nightmare to rest is what you must do or all your life you will

> continue to be hunted by this nightmare. I am not sure my sentence

> here make sense. Are you daring enough Ellen to go back and face

> your so called "Enemy"? Its like watching a horror movie but

> this time its you as the victim. If you are able to sit there and

> watch the whole movie, seeing yourself being slaughtered and emerged

> not stirred at all, then you are a real hero to me. Did you have the

> opportuinity to read the book entittled Encountering Kali: In the

> margins, at the center and in the west. In PArt 2: Chapter 9 : Why

> the Tantrika is a Hero : Kali in the Psychoanalytic Traditions.


Hi Nora,

:You said for anybody to respond so naturally, I am going to respond

to this.

I enjoyed your letter and you speak with a lot of Wisdom.

I just want to let you know I have heard of healing techniques like

what you describe here. It's called "Emotional Healing" and when one brings up

the old feelings it can feel unbearable like one is going to die and it can

feel hard to believe that feeling it like that is going to help but it does.

Once one has the faith to stay with it long enough, eventually like clouds on a

rainy day, the bad feelings clear up.

Some therapists say we do not need to relive the painful memories and

even advise against it, as if it will bring additional trauma to the person.

But there are those who swear by this technique and I believe it from


When I'm doing this what you describe above, I like to curl up in a

fetal position like a baby, and rest with my eyes closed, in a restful state to

allow the memories, images and feelings to flow, and to allow my breath to

become easy like when one sleeps and dreams, but I remain awake. Then I've


it helps also with one's eyes closed to move the eyes back and forth slowly

or quickly as one is processing it to a higher and higher level. Moving the

eyes back and forth is supposed to facilitate whole brain processing, and

imitates what the eyes do during REM sleep.

This emotional healing technique is very real, tho it can be time

consuming, itis worth it.

Sometimes it feels like the pain is physically draining as an ethereal

substance from the heart chakra -- and oh theheart chakra aches.

There is also a Toxic Womb that we need to go back to and heal. We

need to feel the toxic womb. IN our mother's womb even we have been hurt if

ourmother was under a lot of stress, had a poor diet, whatever, the stress

chemicals go to the baby who is a spirit and even social conditioning as infants


like sponges sensing sensing with their spirits even before they are born if

there was a lot of arguing and stress between the paretns the baby in the womb

feels and is affected by the stress chemicals in the mothers body and the

yelling and one can go back and feel this toxic womb and ask Goddess to Heal it.

My teacher always tells me to use the law of one when I'm trying to

heal an old woound, because when we get inside these thigns we feel at risk and

there are spiritual forces that have been attracted into place by the powerful

negative emotions we carry with us from the hurts.

This is the prayer I have been taught to pray by my own teacher ( I'd

call her a guru but it's not a Hindu tradition so would she be a guru? I

think of her as one, and for sure she is my teahcer ) in these situations:

It is called the Law of One and it transcends all other laws:


"We All Are One

"When One is Harmed, All are Harmed.

"When One is Helped, All are Healed.

"Therefor, in the Name of Who I AM

"and I Am One with All there Is ( one with the Goddess, one with all beings,

etc ( you can list your favorites if it makes you feel better )

"I ask that only that which is the highest Good of All concerned happen here,

I give thanks that this is done, Amen."


This balances the powers and returns them to their appropriate place.

This powerful prayer, if you pray it, all the heavenly beings, will rush to

your assistance to protect you. It can help create a healing cocoon around

oneself, while one is in the process of healing through the toxic womb...

When we heal the toxic womb, we no longer have to continue projecting it

outward and continually feelling trapped in old pain. It frees us up to be

effective becasue we are no longer frozen in the old pain. One can think of all


ways one has been in a toxic womb, and how that womb could change for the

better -- what kind of womb would be a healthgy womb that would support the

healthy growth, and development of our souls. Even society and the world can


like a toxic womb at times. That's why we need to go back to the original

toxic womb and heal ourselves of it, discern it, feel it, so we can remember we

are no longer helpless.


When we're a baby, we MUST FIGHT the toxic womb OR ACQUIESCE to it. For sure

there is No Way OUT until the designated moment of birth. So when a person

is feeling trapped like they have no way out and must, MUST FIGHT their way

out, often it is old feelings from a toxic womb.


Blessings, Love and Hugz,





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I have been reading and remaining silence for a while. Devi Bhakta

message and trying to advise me to "Shut up", thinking that I might

just decided to "fight" with Ellen. I know his intention is noble

so I have no issue about it, but I will "shut up" at my own

free will and when I think its time for me to "shut up", I

will do



I have no intention of fighting with anyone including Ellen. You see

all my life I have been fighting. I am a nurse, spend more than 20

yrs fighting for other people life [ in resuscitaion ],so to make it

short, I am done with fighting.


Somebody asked : Why arent the women stand up and fight for

Shaktism? And somebody send me an offline message : why arent you

out there to "fight" for the Shakta's and Shaktism.


My answer is: Does Shaktism needs to be defended in the first place?

All these worth the fight? Are we, the women being coward for not

standing up for shaktism?


Maybe we are and may be we are not. Maybe it is not an issue at all

to be concern. I dont know, for I dont think so I have the answer

and yet maybe I do but I just feel it is not worth to mention it for

I question weather anybody would even listen.


Would you spend the time to listen Ellen? You know the mistake I

made when my own mother was alive is that I spend a lot of time

questioning her and not listening. That is the lesson I have

learnt : I hear but I am not hearing, I listen but I am not

listening. By the time I realise this, its too late. She is gone.


I did brought up this issue about the butterfly concept and you told

us about this "Goddess' who help you to remove the cocoon,

the cocoon you said create by men etc…But you see Ellen I am not

referring to the cocoon created by others. I am referring to the

cocoon or the safety zone that you create by yourself. Are you

strong enough to break them off and fly and be FREE. Why do you need

others to do it for you? For in the natural environment, it's the

butterfly who breaks their own cocoon.


I have the opportunity to help up in a Woman's Aid Organisation.

Basically it is an organisation for women by women. They offer

assistance and counselling for women who have been abuse: Physical,

emotional, sexual etc… I met this young lady. A very pretty and

seems sucessful in a way. She have her own small publishing firm,

she is assertive, she organises worshops and seminars for others.

She impress me very much but its something about her that got my

attention, her bitterness towards men in general. So one day on our

field trip I thought : hey! Lets test her. I just curious to know

how strong is this image of assertiveness that she displayed so

fiercely. We chat and indirectly I tried to bring her back to that

period of time when the actual abuse takes place. Immediately she

crumble. Yes ! she practically cried her heart out and what ever

strength she have displayed, to me just crumpled like a pack of



My opinion is that : this image of assertiveness, confidence and

what's not she create for herself is the cocoon she build around

herself. Thinking yes! I am okay. I have overcome is, but have she?

It is just an Illusion.


Another is a young lady, who after a year came back and stood in

public and said : This is what happen to me.. and she is able to

describe her experience and her last words was : I was angry then,

but I am not now. I have forgiven those who have abuse me. If I am

to compare thsi young lady a year ago, she is much more in peace

with herself and so confidence. Now she too have tried to help

others who have undergo the same trauma.


Somebody asked me once : Why should we go back? Why should we

relieve that nightmare?


It is my believe that to go back is what you must do, and to laid

that nightmare to rest is what you must do or all your life you will

continue to be hunted by this nightmare. I am not sure my sentence

here make sense. Are you daring enough Ellen to go back and face

your so called "Enemy"? Its like watching a horror movie but

this time its you as the victim. If you are able to sit there and

watch the whole movie, seeing yourself being slaughtered and emerged

not stirred at all, then you are a real hero to me. Did you have the

opportuinity to read the book entittled Encountering Kali: In the

margins, at the center and in the west. In PArt 2: Chapter 9 : Why

the Tantrika is a Hero : Kali in the Psychoanalytic Traditions.


Sometimes I have this impression that the feminist especially the

militant ones uses Kali as a weapon against Man/Men in general thus

miss the whole spiritual aspect of Kali. They saw Kali standing on

Shiva, it excites them. Yes! That is what we should do. We should do

the same…… they say.


Just to start off, I like to ask a simple question to Ellen:


What do you mean when you say : "I am a goddess" or "thou art

Goddess". I too have undergo this new age goddess thingy initiation

ceremony. And I been fed with a lot of information. My so

call "Goddess" who initiate me is from Australia. So I would love

know more about your version of the concept of Goddess. You mention

Alexandra Kafta. Yes! I have heard and read about her, and Have form

my own opinion about some of her teachings. But we are not here to

criticise other people's teaching.


Somebody question this concept of "Heal Thyself". Yes! That

is what I am getting it. For if you really consider yourself as the

Goddess, you have the ability to heal yourself, and only when you

are able to heal yourself, you can heal others.


HAve you ever tried to clean your wounds Ellen. Try it sometimes, if

you do have the opportunity. Do not let the nurse do it for you.

Look at it. Or if You can magine or visualise having this dirty

wound on your leg. To make it more interesting, you see this little

wormy : maggots emerging from your dirty wounds. Would you have the

courage to clean it yourself or would you immediately close your

eyes and not wanting to see it?


Otherwise you can go on "I am the Goddess" million times, you

will never be one. I am being told a joke by my Australian "Goddess"

friend. When they did the goddess worshop in America, the American

ladies insist that they should be given a Certificate which says :

Now you are a Goddess! hahhaaaaaa.


This is all I have to say for a time being.

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This is not a personal issue at all Sunelectic and I believe it is

meant for all, that is as far as I am concern. Leave if for the

members to decide. If they choose to read let them read, otherwise

the moderators can exercise their priveledge, Please delete this



This shall be my last message for this board and I shall not respond

anymore, and this is what I have to say.


Dearest Ellen, you have indeed misunderstood my statement, all

together. It got nothing to do with Patriarchy or anything. There is

no need to fight for anything : for Patriarchy or Matriarchy. Its

only for those who have their own internal battle to fight, that

they see everything around them as something to fight for. There are

people who are so wounded that they have a way of expressing it. I

believe we here respect and sympathise with their pain.


I choose to stop this as a mark of respect to my moderators. Its not

I bow to their command because they are men, but I respect them as a

friend and they have always been.

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I am also very shocked at reading at this.


I am still hoping that you meant "this shall be my last message" on

this patriarchy thread. If there was one person who injected a lot of

common sense into discussions that were too theoretical or just plain

inane, it was you.


I will hope you reconsider this decision as it will be a collective

loss for all of us.




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