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yoga and Crowley

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In a message dated 10/24/2004 7:34:56 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

bhagatirtha writes:

> Thus Crowley`s system (i mean A.`.A.`.) is MUCH more advanced. What

> concerns Tantra, there are almost none serious schools of it in the

> west.

> In other cases we have to define what we mean by yoga in general.


> For those who follow authentic tantrism or kabbalah Crowley may be

> interesting but not necessary to study.




I'd have to say Crowley is a prime example of somebody I don't want to waste

my time with. It's not that he didn't have interesting ideas that helped some

liberate themselves from the yoak of fundamentalist thinking. But this is a

prime example of why it is important to choose a good teacher, and a womanizer

is no good teacher BECAUSE of the energy transfer from teacher to student.


Mentally, he may have had good ideas, but actually, he was a womanizer and I

want nowhere near his energies.


I'm not a prude about sex and I don't have anything against somebody who

doesn't want to be monogomous or wants to have more than one partner, but I'm

sorry, they have to treat each other with dignity and respect. It is Crowley's

lack of respect for women that makes him not worth my time.


Why would I want to take yoga advice from a man like that? I wouldn't even

consider it.


A traditional guru MIGHT have traces of male chauvenism left in his mind, but

Crowley had the beam. Like it says in the bible, "How you going to pick the

Fleck outa your brother(or sister/s) eye, if you got a BEAM in your own?"


But, he had his own karma and his own things to rebel against. For somebody

who needs to rebel the same kinds of things Crowley rebelled: the dark shadow

of Satan that so many fundamentalist Christian parents project onto their

innocent Children, skewing them for life -- Poor Crowely -- when I think of it

like that I can sympathise with him and thank him for his gift of free thinking.

I hope he's evolved a lot since then...


Maybe he's caught up to some of the feminist gurus of the Dark Goddess, now

that he's had a chance to be reborn. Who knows where is is right now. I hope

he's alright -- and I hope all the women he was so cruel too, are also



If it's a good taecher you won't have to sit there wondering about the

fallout of all his neurosis, and Crowley was a very neurotic man in certain








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It depends on what is that yoga and what is that student ;).

In general case western "yoga" is mere fitness in better case and

fraud by "bakshish-gurus" in worse.

Thus Crowley`s system (i mean A.`.A.`.) is MUCH more advanced. What

concerns Tantra, there are almost none serious schools of it in the


In other cases we have to define what we mean by yoga in general.


For those who follow authentic tantrism or kabbalah Crowley may be

interesting but not necessary to study.



, Lars Hedström <lars@2...>



> Arjuna Taradasa wrote:


> > But i didn`t say that GD was great ;). They turned against Crowley

> > also `coz he was too advanced.


> What do you think a yoga student can find in Crowley's system that


> cannot find elsewhere?


> Regards


> Lars

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