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An Interview : He Who Walked On Fire

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A: Why do you take part in the fire walking and what are you're



B: I waited for nearly three year for my marriage approval. During

that time I did not just pray for success, during the waiting time I

encounter high mental pressure on all side. To over come this I did



A : So doing the fire walking is a short cut or something else? You

feel you need to do more.


B : No. During that time many people do not believe that She is

waiting for me, many pressure me to change, I said no to them, I

told them however I wait for her.


A : Main question: why firewalking? You could do something else.


B : I did prayer for strength like pooja. Actually my family don't

even accept firewalking too


A : Why not?


B : Because understanding is that we must do good – if we want to

bring the GOD on our side we must do more, and is not by doing

Pooja - pooja does not make GOD on our side


A : Fire walking is doing good?


B: Our GOOD deeds only make GOD happy with us, for me that fire

walking is test my mental strength.


A : Can you tell me more about this mental strength? How does this

fire walking brings about mental strength?


B : In other way if you look at my view... I am totally afraid of


I don't even cook, because of my fear over fire. At young age I saw

people burn by fire, so, for me fire is most scarry thing in the

world. Even now I keep one small fire extinguisher beside gas stove.


A : Please go on.. I am listening.


B :I know I won't change for pressure from anybody, still I prayer

that I must stay on and married the same girl. I ask the God to give

me strength to wait for her, that's why I did. Actually I consider

kavadi too, but the preparation more complicated. So, naturally I

prayer for fire walking.


A : But isnt doing firewalking and the preparation itself is like

doing pooja. The preparation you need discipline and a lot of other

things. It is also a form of sacrifice too I am told, like being a

vegetarian for certain period of time. Sleeping on the floor. No

Luxury etc.


B : For me preparation is nothing much because I am vegetarian, I

don't use bed and mattress, usually I sleep on floor even Normal

day. So for me prepartaion I don't see any difference. I understand

that this make different for others. Unless if they have condition

like I can't use internet during fasting than I feel different


A : So this is why you choose to do the fire walking to test

you're faith? To give you mental and spiritual strength? or just



B : Spiritually I am strong all the way, only mental strength I



A : Why you think you need mental strength? And why via fire

walking. You can do other ways but why fire, because of you're

fear of fire?


B : Yes can do meditaton and yoga.


A : Yes why not do meditation and yoga?


B : I choose fire walk just happen to be accidently. I did

meditation but I feel needed to do more so I choose fire walk


A : what else you need to do : sleeping on the floor, no TV and

fasting. Dont you do any special prayers?


B : No one say NO TV. I watch TV news and discovery channel. Those

people in the temple never mention about T.V. In india fasting lot

of condition, here [ Singapore ] very less condition. Over there not

allowed to use sandals and only use traditional dress (yellow) no

long pant or shirt.


A : During the fire walking?


B : Here only on that day use traditional dress and yellow T-shirt

allowed here, no sandals - walk from perumal temple to south bridge

temple without sandals or shoe. India all the fasting days not allow

to use sandals


[Note : South Bridge Road is where the Shri Maha Mariamman Temple is

located. One of the oldest and first Devi temple in Singapore and

where the Fire walking festival was held annually]


A : This fasting: how long does it takes?


B : Normally 7 or 5 or least 3 days.


A :If you are working then how?


B :For me officially three days. In india people are allowed to come

to work without sandals or shoe, (unless work is necessary need

shoe). They also allow to come to work in traditional dress in rural

side not in cities. Here I don't think so


A : Okay back to this fire walking. How do you know that you are

ready for the walking itself?


B : Strong determination. No turning back. A friend of mine who send

me to temple on the eve of firewalk worried about me lot, because he

and his family know that my fear of fire. When he look at the fire

pit preparation he start to get worried whether I can do or not.


A :Then what happen?


B :Something that you prepare your mind over the period of time that

you are going to do firewalk. so, it is okey. I don't myself believe

that I did firewalk.


A : So on that day; you stood before the fire pit. What were in ure

mind? What were you thinking of. Is there any fearS? But are you

aware of the people who are around you? People watching You? Are

you conscious of them?


B : No I don't think of them at all. I just do. During that time I

have no fear at all, even the family friend family who is to me will

not believe that I did it. I do not feel any fears, but other time

lot. Even now after the fire walk I still have fear of fire.


A : So that fear of the fire during the fire walking is just

temporary removal?


B :I think so


A : Why just temporary and not permanent? You still performing the

fire walking or this only one occasion.


B : Only one time on that particular year, when I have so much

problems. Now I have not yet think off, if I going to do I will

inform you.


A : So you believe that after doing the fire walking, it help to

solve your problems. How does they link : you doing the firewalking

and you eventually getting married to the girl of your choice? You

said the fire walking is more of mental strength?


B :Actually two are little different.


A : How different are they?


B : Firewalking on October 16 and marriage on October 18. Actually

what I actually ask for is not just "approval" to marry her

but to give me strength for wait for her.


A : Why do you need strength for that? Are you having doubts? Sorry

I hope I am not being insensitive.


B : My friends scolded me that I did firewalking to marry a non

hindu, non indian girl. They asked how GOD permit that???


A : Yes how do God perrmits that? You said you need strength? Why

this need of strength?


B : I don't know how to explain that. Usually people ask me why I

am not married yet? One time a girl approach me and told me that

she is interested in me. I do not want to hurt her or my family

feelings when I said no. They do not accept that I am waiting for a

girl, they thinking that they got chance if they keep trying. My

parents knows me well, but my relatives in India pressured my

parent. Some of them even want to visit me on the way to USA. So I

needed the strength to continue to say No to them.


A : Okay back to the fire walking what makes you take that first

step into the fire and what do you feel when you are in the fire pit


B : Even this time when I attend the fire walking and when I take

pictures of other people, I can feel the heat wave from fire pit

even though I am 5 feet away.


A :I saw some people run a 100 meter dash that they can even break

the olympic record. You run too?


B : No. I wonder I how did? but before fire walk I think of childish

things. Unabe to walk on it. I look at the pit length and approx.

calculated by four steps ( like long jump - never think of 100 meter

dash - only think of long jump method) can cross over, but when I

enter I forget to jump.


A : What do you do?


B : Actually not say forget I am not able to do.


A : Why is that so?


B : I think due to heat unable to jump and end up keep steps more

closer than ever


A : So You don't know what happen actually but there are so many

people at the back. They push you to move on or you move on your own?


B : Move on my own. But now when I watch over the fire walk I wonder

how I manage to do.


A : Any burn marks? Any pain?


B : No


A : Thank you for this conversation. Can I seek your permission to

post in the group, no name of course.


B : Sure, no name. Happy that my interview publish in the group.



My Special thank to "B" for allowing me to post this. We have

been friends since the day I discover the cyber world. We both join

Shakti Sadhana on the same day and he has been a faithful member

ever since. "B" is not only a good friend but like a younger

brother to me.

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Lars Hedström wrote: Was this firewalking taking place on glowing

hot stones or glowing coal? The latter anyone can walk on due to its

low density.


It is glowing coal Lars.


But you see this is not the issue that I am trying to say here. You

have miss the whole point. You only look at the coal. It reflects

clearly in your other many messages.


Look at this young man. What is he doing? He is afraid of Fire. He

have a traumatic childhood. Yeah! you may say everybody is afraid of

fire. It is a natural fear. But there are two types of fear. One is

the natural and another is phobic. For a person who have undergo a

trauma especially for a child, whenever he sees a fire, he remembers

the people who are being burnt alive. Their screams still in his

head. For him to have the courage to go through the very thing that

have hunted him all these while, is what I am trying to protrayed

here. You may say, ah! No big deal. But for this young man, it is

something very important to him

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Ok, I didn't get your point in your first email. I was wrong and you right.









N. Madasamy wrote:


> Lars Hedström wrote: Was this firewalking taking place on glowing

> hot stones or glowing coal? The latter anyone can walk on due to its

> low density.


> It is glowing coal Lars.


> But you see this is not the issue that I am trying to say here. You

> have miss the whole point. You only look at the coal. It reflects

> clearly in your other many messages.


> Look at this young man. What is he doing? He is afraid of Fire. He

> have a traumatic childhood. Yeah! you may say everybody is afraid of

> fire. It is a natural fear. But there are two types of fear. One is

> the natural and another is phobic. For a person who have undergo a

> trauma especially for a child, whenever he sees a fire, he remembers

> the people who are being burnt alive. Their screams still in his

> head. For him to have the courage to go through the very thing that

> have hunted him all these while, is what I am trying to protrayed

> here. You may say, ah! No big deal. But for this young man, it is

> something very important to him






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Lars Hedström wrote:Ok, I didn't get your point in your first email.

I was wrong and you right.


Dearest Lars. There is no right or wrong here. You are looking from

your point of view and right in your own way. Perhaps its my fault.

I should be the one to say sorry.

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N. Madasamy wrote:


> Lars Hedström wrote:Ok, I didn't get your point in your first email.

> I was wrong and you right.


> Dearest Lars. There is no right or wrong here. You are looking from

> your point of view and right in your own way. Perhaps its my fault.

> I should be the one to say sorry.



No, no. It was my fault. I misunderstood you. I know that there are many

people suffering from phobia and that they can get rid of it if they

are exposed to what scares them. Spiders for example.







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