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About Sahaja Yoga and th efalse allegations against it.

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Jai Shri Mataji!

dear ,

I appreciate your interest inhelping me find the truth abour Sahja Yoga.But, may

I ,please,ask you why did you not send me an email privately?I do nott hink it

is appropriate to talka gainst a member's beliefs , especially without backing

it up with serious reasons and proofs, at public.

So, to sart wiht,you say you know the Sahaja Yoga techniques.But the question is

have you ever used them?Or ,better, have you ever received your Self

realisation(Kundalini Awakening) in the Sahaja way and then practiced the

techniques?If not,then how can you claim they are useless??I have practiced them

and I can assureyou they really really work!After all,no Divine Incarnation, not

Buddha nor Christ no Mohamed ever said we should do the most complicated

thingstto be saved.Still, the matter is whether the techniques work or not, no

matter how complicated or simple they are.And you do not have to take my word

for their validity.Just practice them and see for yourself.it is needed,aslo, to

say that most,if notall, the "sects" have been researched scientifically.Almost

all of them have been found to be ineffective or even dangerous.SahajaYoga has

been proven to be truly effective and beneficial, exactly as described by Her

Hollines Shri Mataji(parasympathetic activation,decrease of sympathetic

activation, activation of the limbic area etc.).Many Universities and hospitals

all over the globe are researching the benefits of SahajaYoga and are giving

proofs of Its validity.

Next,you say they are payments for spiritualservices.That is absolutely

false.No one neesto pay for Sahaja Yoga.Payment isneeded when onewants to buy

some written materials, CDs etc.Then, the money given areonlyfor the materials

needed.After all, Shri mAtajiis very rich,does not need money and hasdonated

Herselflotsof money and some buldings to the Sahaja Yoga Collectivity, while She

has receivedmany many awards in many different countries and by some

Universities and other similiar organisations.

There are many more to say but as it will go tool ong and some may be tired

reading a long email,I will conclude with that:Scientisst have prooved tat

cosmic energy is being emanated from Shri Mataji and many experiements have

prooved the effective power of the cool vibrations emmited by Her,Her

photographs and the Sahaja Yogis/ginis.

If there is any question ,you are more than welcome to ask.

May God blessyou!





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