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About Sahaja Yoga - Himsa in Action

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Ahimsa is the bedrock of Hinduism. We should be non-violent in

thought, word and deed. Nothing that we do, think or say should

hurt others. If what are about to say, think or do will hurt another,

then we should not perform that action or think that thought.


Many people like to get around this injunction by claiming to tell

the truth. They use Satya as a weapon to inflict Himsa, all the

while wrapping themselves in the cloak of truth and therefore

respectability. This is passive-aggressive behaviour. It is neither

Satya or Ahimsa. It is malicious.


We see here that a person has been harmed. The perpetrator

dismisses the injury by saying that it was for the greater good.


The perpetrator pleads superior knowledge, laughs at the

injured party and claims that path in question does not lead to

Self-realization. But, how would the perpetrator know this, as he

no direct experience of Self-realization?


This insistence on telling the truth and helping others is a

not-so-thinly disguised attack on the path and on the follower of

that path. It is Himsa not Ahimsa. It is something that we all

need to guard against by developing viveka and vairagya.






, "Arjuna Taradasa"

<bhagatirtha@m...> wrote:


> 93

> Thank U for an adequate reaction to my post :). I give a short


> to U now and close this topic here.



> , "Dionisios


> > I appreciate your interest inhelping me find the truth abour


> Yoga.But, may I ,please,ask you why did you not send me an


> privately?


> My only intention was to warn U (and possibly others who may


> involved into "sahaja yoga"). I don`t want to go into details here


> list. At last, if anyone wants to believe Narayana Datta Shrimali,

> Nirmala Shrivastava or Chidvilasananda Gurumayi it`s their


> Everyone has got free will.



> >I do nott hink it is appropriate to talka gainst a member's

beliefs ,

> especially without backing it up with serious reasons and

proofs, at

> public.


> It is sometimes appropriate. Some may believe that it is good


> worship demons also or to kill people... Not every belief is safe


> There is the serious reason: not every path that claims to be a


> to God is in fact that. It is needed to warn about those teachers


> do not teach right way but merely speculate and lead people


> delusion.

> Proofs? Just several points (let us not do into deep HERE):

> 1. Methods of "sahaja-yoga" are profanation of yogic


> Anyone who has dealt with true yoga will agree with this point.

> 2. Doctrines of "sahaja-yoga" are improbable mixture of

hinduism with

> elements of other religions. And in this mixture some


> ideas are totally altered. No christian or jew (i mean mystics


> saints also) will agree with "sahaja-yogic" interpretation of Holy

> Spirit. What Nirmala says about Holy Spirit is simply an


> insult. One thing, she invents her own system and claims it to


> leading to God; and even worse, she give misinterpretations of

> christian and hindu ideas and presents her invented "yoga" as


> essence of spiritual path per se! It IS a fraud.

> 3. If U have read Nirmala`s book about mantra-yoga in it`s end

U might

> have seen a wonderful table of false teachers. Have U seen

that? She

> puts into that list many authentic masters and saints! Not even


> indian guru had gone to such a degree :((.



> > So, to sart wiht,you say you know the Sahaja Yoga

techniques.But the

> question is have you ever used them?Or ,better, have you ever


> your Self realisation (Kundalini Awakening) in the Sahaja way

and then

> practiced the techniques?If not,then how can you claim they


> useless??


> Well, firstly, i practiced for a little time - it was many years ago.

> I was too foolish and unexperienced and for that reason was


> in anything that had the word "yoga" LOL. Yes, i have received


> "sahaja-yogis" call "self realisation". So, i have some

experience in

> this. It was a waste of time only, but i had it LOL. Thanks to


> soon i understood fakeness and uselessness of this system

for any kind

> of spiritual upliftment or whatsoever.

> I knew people who practiced and practice "s-y" methods. I


> what they have "achieved"...



> >I have practiced them and I can assureyou they really really



> Well if U are interested to feel "vibrations" and "cool breese of

> "holy spirit"" then it does LOL. Just do not claim this to be

> Liberation, God realisation or something alike. It has nothing to


> with Kundalini.

> U know, it is simple to delude people. Very few have real

knowledge or

> experience in yoga or tantra. So whatever some "guru" says


> truth in eyes of many... Do U really think that all anscient tantric

> and yogic tradition is a mistake but Nirmala`s "yoga" is true?



> >After all,no Divine Incarnation, not Buddha nor Christ no


> ever said we should do the most complicated thingstto be



> They never said that salvations is so cheap! You get an idea

first of

> christianity, buddhism and islam. Read the Gospel, Qur`an,


> scriptures.

> And for sure they never taught such kind of "yogic" techniques


> presented by Nirmala...



> >Still, the matter is whether the techniques work or not, no


> how complicated or simple they are.


> If U take LSD or marijuana it will also "work". And holotropic

> breathing also "works". And even some black magic ritual do

"work" as

> well. But the fact that U get some effect from certain practice in


> way proves that a practice is leading to God or self-realisation.

> These are simply independent things. Many people who use

drugs have

> great "realisations" and whatsoever. But their practice in 99


> of cases has nothing to do with spiritual path (although they

are sure

> it is).



> >And you do not have to take my word for their validity.Just


> them and see for yourself.it is needed,aslo, to say that most,if

> notall, the "sects" have been researched scientifically.Almost

all of

> them have been found to be ineffective or even


> has been proven to be truly effective and beneficial, exactly as

> described by Her Hollines Shri Mataji(parasympathetic


> decrease of sympathetic activation, activation of the limbic area


> ).Many Universities and hospitals all over the globe are


> the benefits of SahajaYoga and are giving proofs of Its validity.


> This kind of fake information was used by scientologists also -


> Habbard speculated in the same way, as well as by Shioko

Asahara :)).

> And they both were founders of totalitarian and destructive


> It is not so difficult to fabricate such "proofs". If a "guru" gets

> one or two disciples among scientists and doctors, he has all


> to do that ;).



> > Next,you say they are payments for spiritualservices.That is

> absolutely false.No one neesto pay for Sahaja Yoga.Payment


> when onewants to buy some written materials, CDs etc.Then,

the money

> given areonlyfor the materials needed.


> I never said that there are payments for "realisation" or alike. I

> know classes are free. I meant that the cult in general was


> for the sake of money and fame. And Nirmala got money -

which U also

> accept. Donations by few rich disciples are enough to become


> Others may be entertained "for free" (at least in the sense of




> >After all, Shri mAtajiis very rich,does not need money and


> Herselflotsof money and some buldings to the Sahaja Yoga


> while She has receivedmany many awards in many different

countries and

> by some Universities and other similiar organisations.


> Once again, MANY sectarian "masters" have contacts with


> scientists etc. MANY have got awards, titles etc.

> Shioko Asahara, San Men Mun, Shri Chinmoy, Ron Habbard,

modern "Kalki"

> etc etc.



> > There are many more to say but as it will go tool ong and

some may

> be tired reading a long email,I will conclude with that:Scientisst

> have prooved tat cosmic energy is being emanated from Shri

Mataji and

> many experiements have prooved the effective power of the


> vibrations emmited by Her,Her photographs and the Sahaja



> There is NO such a term in science - "cosmic energy" LOL.

And if to

> speak about "effective powers" there are SO MANY people that


> some! Hundreds and thousands... Most of them at least have


> modesty not to claim themselves to be "avataras", "saviors"




> > If there is any question ,you are more than welcome to ask.

> > May God blessyou!

> > Sakis


> Let God bless U too and reveal Hid truth to U!

> Please excuse me if i hurted Ur feelings. This is my last post

> concerning this topic. Please, IF U need to, write me personally

> (saidevi55).


> Satyameva Jayate.


> A.

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