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25. She shines with her two rows of teeth in th eform of the bud of

pure knowledge (shuddhavidyA~NkurAkAradvijapa~NktidvayojjvalA).

In the Sabhapatisuddhaviidyaparinaya, the identity of th

eidea 'I' and 'this' is set forth. In the Dattatreya-samhita and

other works Srividya also is explaained from the stand-point of that

identity. Hence Srividya is meant by Suddhavidya. Suddha, pure, that

which is the negation of the stain of ignorance. Vidya, shodasividya.

Her teeth resemble the buds of the sixteen syllabled mantra.

This (sodasi) sprung from the Muladhara of the great Mother, and

proceeding through the stages of Para, Pasyanti,etc emerged from her

mouth in the Vaikhari form; and it was transmitted from teacher to


The Para form is mere sound Sabdabrahman, the potentiality of

growth in the seed; Pasyanti is the seed beginning to sprout; the

Madhyama is when th efirst two small leaves appear, but are not yet

seperated; the Vaikhari is when these two small leaves are seperated

but jointed at thte root. This is what is here called the bud

(a~Nkura); in that state there is a resemblance to the teeth. As they

are thirty two in number so are the sixteen twofold buds of the

sixteen syllabled mantra. Or the word dvija indicates another meaning

also; the Vidya beginning with the Vedas chiefly belong to the

Brahmanas. The Sruti says, "Vidya approached a Brahmana." Taught by

him it (vidya) spread abroad. Hence the brahmanas are the buds of

vidya. Moreover as the Brahmanas came forth from the mouth of Devi,

they may be compared to her teeth.

Or, there are thirty-two initiations (diksas) as laid down in

the Tantras (vide the Amnayastava) namely Suddhavidya, Bala,

Dvadasardha, Matangini, etc. up to Anuttara: these are called the two

rows of the twice-born: for initiation is a birth, and, regarding the

thread ceremony (Upanayana as the first birth) it is the second

birth. This is not contradicted by the saying , " Initiation is the

third birth" because there the birth from the mother's womb is

counted(as the first birth).

Or Suddhavidya, th ethree-syllabled mantra, ankura beginning,

i.e. a certain initiation is called by that nae and is to be begun

before going on to the thirty-two initiations referred to above Hence

Devi can only be attained by those great men whose souls are

purified by the thirty-two diksas (from Suddhavidya to Anuttara)

handed down according to tradition, and not by others.

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