Guest guest Posted November 18, 2004 Report Share Posted November 18, 2004 §ºÃÁ¡ý ¦ÀÕÁ¡û ¿¡ÂÉ¡÷ «ÕǢ ¾¢Õì¸Â¢Ä¡Â »¡É ¯Ä¡ À¾¢¦É¡ýÈ¡õ ¾¢ÕÓ¨È ¾¢ÕüÈõÀÄõ âÁí¨¸, ¦À¡ö¾£÷ ¾Ã½¢ Ò¸úÁí¨¸, ¿¡Áí¨¸ ±ýÈ¢Å÷¸û ¿ý¸¨Áò¾ - §ºÁí¦¸¡û »¡É즸¡ØóÐ ¿¸Ã¡ºý ¾ý Á¼ó¨¾ §¾ý ¦Á¡öò¾ Ìﺢ¢ý§Áø º¢ò¾¢Ã¢ôÀ - °ÉÁ¢ø º£÷ ¿ó¾¡ ÅÉÁÄÕõ Á󾡸¢É¢ò ¾¼ï§º÷ ¦ºó¾¡Á¨Ã ÁÄ÷ áȡ¢Ãò¾¡ø - ¦¿¡ó¾¡ ÅÂó¾ý ¦¾¡Îò¾¨Áò¾ Å¡º¢¨¸ ÝðÊ ¿Â󾢸Øõ ¿øÖÚôÒì ÜðÊô - ÀÂý¦¸¡û ÌÄÁ¸Ç¢÷ ¦ºö¾ ¦¸¡Øﺡó¾õ ¦¸¡ñÎ ¾ÄÁĢ ¬¸ó ¾Æ£þì - ¸¨ÄÁÄ¢ó¾ ¸üÀ¸õ ®ýÈ ¸Áú Àð欃 ¯ÎòÐô ¦À¡ü¸Æø¸û ¸¡ø§Áü ¦À¡Ä¢Å¢òÐ - Å¢üÀ¸Õõ ÝÇ¡Á½¢§º÷ ÓʸŢòÐî Íðʧº÷ Å¡Ç¡÷ ѾüÀð¼õ ÁýÛÅ¢òÐò - §¾¡Ç¡ Á½¢Á¸Ã Ìñ¼Äí¸û ¸¡ÐìÌ «½¢ó¾¡íÌ «½¢Å¢Ãì ¸ñʨ¸ ¦À¡ýÉ¡ñ - À½¢¦Àâ ¬Ãõ «¨ÅâñÎ «½¢¾¢¸Øõ ºýÉ Å£Ãó ¾¢ÕÁ¡÷À¢ø Å¢ø þĸ - ²Õ¨¼Â ±ñ§¾¡ðÌõ §¸äÃõ ¦ÀöÐ ¯¾Ã Àó¾ÉÓõ ¸ñ§¼¡÷ ÁÉõ Á¸¢Æì ¸ðÎÈ£þì - ¦¸¡ñÎ ¸ÊÝò¾¢Ãõ Ò¨ÉóÐ ¸í¸½õ ¨¸ô¦ÀöÐ ÅÊר¼Â §¸¡Äõ Ò¨Éó¾¡íÌ - .... ¾¢ÕüÈõÀÄõ cEramAn perumAL nAyanAr aruLiya thirukkayilAya nyAna ulA padhinonRAm thirumuRai thirucciRRambalam pU maN^gai, poy thIr tharaNi pukaz maN^gai, n^A maN^gai enRivarkaL n^angamaiththa - cEmaN^koL nyAnakkozun^thu n^agarAcan than madaN6thai thEn moyththa kunyciyin mEl ciththirippa - Unamil cIr n^an^thA vana malarum man^thAkinith thaDanycEr cen^thAmarai malar n^URAyiraththAl - n^on^thA vayan^than thoDuththamaiththa vAcikai cUTTi n^ayan^thikazum n^alluRuppuk kUTTip - payankoL kulamagaLir ceytha kozunycAn^tham koNDu thalamaliya Agan^ thazIik - kalaimalin^tha kaRpagam InRa kamaz paTTinai uDuththup poRkazalkaL kAlmER poliviththu - viRpagarum cULAmaNi cEr muDikaviththuc cuTTi cEr vALAr n^uthaRpaTTam mannuviththuth - thOLA maNimakara kuNDalaN^kaL kAdhukku aNin^thAN^ku aNivayirak kaNDikai ponnAN - paNi periya Aram avai pUNDu aNi thikazum canna vIran^ thirumArbil vil ilaka - EruDaiya eNthOTkum kEyUram peythu udharaban^dhanamum kaNDOr manam makizak kaTTuRIik - koNDu kaDi cUththiram punain^thu, kaN^kaNam kaippeythu vaDivuDaiya kOlam punan^thAN^gu - .... thirucciRRambalam Meaning: Lady on the flower, lady of victory and lady of speach - taking the basin (of matieral) prepared by them, the Sprout of wisdom - the Girl of the king of mounts, decorating on the tuft thronged by bees, with flawless and perfect decayless garden flowers and the lotus flowers from the mandhakini pond - a lakh in number tied by vasanthan as garland for the crown, added with nice substances the rich sandal paste made by the noble women smeared all through the Form, dressing with the well embroided splendid silk got from the kaRpagam tree, gilded with golden anklets for the legs, adorned with crown that has bow like crest-gem, bejewelled with brilliant fore-head ornament, garnished with unpierced gems as capricorn like ear-ring, beautiful diamond rudrAksha golden string well embellished necklace - wearing all these, with the garland of valor (cannavIram) gloried on the holy chest, for the majestic eight shoulders decked with circlets (for upper hand), tied with waist dress enchanting the hearts of on-lookers, putting on the waist band, having bracelet in the hands, bearing a well shaped form, ..... Notes: 1. This is the description of the adornment done to God, when He started off on a procession. In this first ulA composition done at thirukkayilai itself in the presence of God by cEramAn, that goes on further describing the procession of God, the poet gives very nice taste of the creativity. ===== --\ ----------- Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !! Shaivam Home Page at --\ ----------- Meet the all-new My - Try it today! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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