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Conversion Opportunities? Ha!

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It has been officially confirmed that the death toll

in the Eastern Hemisphere has risen to 150,000 in less

than a week. I saw it with my own eyes on MSN just

yesterday. Before I bring up the account of a vision I

had the evening of the 25th, (as far as I can

determine, it coincided very closely with the time of

the actual tectonic shift that brought on the tsunami)

I just want to say that far from being a "conversion

opportunity for Xtians", it could be said that this

event, this sudden huge loss of lives, unprecedented

in recent memory, through an "Act of God" represents

the concrete manifestation of that much ballyhooed

phenomenon among the fundamentalist Christian types,

as "The Rapture". It is apparently this event that,

according to their doctrine, signals the the

commencement of "Apocalypse", or "The End of The

World". 144,000 people, supposedly "God's Elect", are

supposed to suddenly disappear off the face of the

earth (let us recall to mind that the etymological

root of "rapture" is "rapere", to seize or to snatch

away). They are supposedly an elect bunch of

oh-so-holy Xtians carried off by "the Lord" so that

they will escape the worldwide holocaust and "Final

Conflict" which will then follow on the heels of this

event. However, it would appear "The Rapture" has

taken place in a part of the world NOT overrun by

Xtians! If the Earth shifting and sending a huge wave

to sweep thousands away to their deaths in only a

matter of moments cannot be described as a type of

"rapture" in the strict etymological sense, then I do

not know what could!


Thus, it has been clearly demonstrated by the Hand of

"God" Himself (don't we always refer to earthquakes et

al as "Acts of God"?)that the actual "Elect" of the

Rapture were found in the East, NOT the West, thus

demonstrating for posterity that "the Elect" of God

were not, in fact Christian,or even mostly Christian,

but were composed largely of people Christians would

consider the most benighted of heathens! The belief

system that has constantly been vaunted up until now

as THE supremest one of all, stands condemned in the

annals of history by the printed word of its very own

scriptural preachings, teachings, and screechings, as

exactly the bloated bubble of specious spiritual

falsehood it has always been! "God's Elect" were, in

the last analysis, "raptured" from the East and from

among the "heathen", and NOT the West and the

holier-than thou Christians! So, conversion

opportunity? Quite the opposite, I would think!


The following is an account of a meditation I did

on the night of the 25th, as I mentioned before. I

have mentioned that I am a priestess of Kali Ma and

Red Tara, and a devotee of the Shiva Lingam. In my

temple is my own personal icon of Her, plus that of

Dakshineswar Kali, and my personal icon of Shiva

Bhairava, plus three Shiva Lingams. It is my custom to

meditate for a minimum of an hour each night..it used

to be 6 or 7 hours a night, but since I acquired a

companion, I have had to modify my practice

considerably. This is a modified excerpt of a letter I

sent to another I belong to, but I thought

it would be of interest here, too. To wit:



...It is odd, but I had a very powerful meditation

the night of the

25th..I went so far that I was teetering on the very

extreme limit of my own sanity. I had been meditating

on what I had seen in the December issue of Vogue

magazine that day..an article on AIDS in India, with a

photo of a skeletal Indian boy, Dilli Babu, sitting

like a tiny sadhu all alone, a halo of red around his

pathetic, wasted little head, dying slowly and

painfully in the last stages of AIDS, with his

suffering juxtaposed against the most vain and

self-indulgent wallow of useless overpriced vanity

goods destined for the rich and privileged of the


Most sickening of all was a Guess ad shot of that

monster of narcissism, self-centredness, and

debauchery, Paris Hilton, lounging in luxuried excess

next to a pool with her dog between her legs. It was

clear the intent of this image was meant to play on

the idea of bestiality and her reputation for

unbridled sexual indulgence. She was smirking at the

camera, legs spread wide. It was too much. After

having read the article on the unacknowledged ravages

of AIDS in India, and the silent horrendous suffering

of innocent little Dilli Babu and thousands of

children like him, this disgusting depiction tore it

for me; I could read no further. Nor do I think I will

be able to do so ever again..A wave of anger, shame,

guilt, and nausea at the iniquity of my belonging to a

humanity that would countenance such evil to occur

washed over me. I went to my meditation in this state

of mind. As I lit the spirit lamp before Ganesha, I

called upon God to witness this outrage, that such

evil should be allowed to exist any longer, and wept

there at the Mother's feet for the suffering of a

child I had never known.


I felt the Temple form about me as my Kundalini

began to rise, and I sat there in my meditation seat,

gripped the arms of my throne and began my Invocation:


I am She, the Bornless Spirit, having Sight in the

Feet, strong as the Immortal Fire!


I am She, the Truth!


I am She Who hate that evil should be wrought in the



I am She Who lightningeth and thundereth!


I am She from Whom is the Power of Life upon Earth!


I am She whose Mouth ever Flameth!


I am She, the Begetter and Manifestor unto the Light!


I am She the Grace of the World!




As I sat there,calling on the Power, I felt a great

and terrible primal rage well up against all those who

violate the Dharma, who pervert the sacrament of sex

for their selfish ends, who fulfill their appetites at

the expense of others and pay no heed to the dreadful

consequences, and at the climax of the Invocation, I

assumed the Form of Dakshineswar Kali, raising My

terrible hooked blade and bringing it crashing down

upon the earth, sending a shockwave in all

directions...it was very strange, to be at one with

that Cosmic Anger and yet be myself at the same

time..I felt like Arjuna confronted with the Vision of

the Destroyer in the Bhagavad-Gita, and yet I was one

with the Vision itself...it was those words that kept

me safe, echoing in my heart during the climax of that

dreadful vision...


"..But the worlds also behold Thy fearful mighty

Form, with many mouths and eyes, with many bellies,

thighs and feet, frightening with terrible teeth; they

tremble in fear, and I also tremble...


When I see Thy vast Form reaching the sky, burning

with many colours, with wide open mouths,with vast

flaming eyes, my heart shakes in terror;my power is

gone and gone is my peace, O Mother!


Like the fire at the End of Time which burns all in

the last day, I see Thy vast mouths and Thy terrible

teeth...As roaring torrents of waters rush forwards

into the ocean, so do these heroes of our mortal world

rush into Thy flaming mouths!


And as moths swiftly rushing enter a burning flame

and die, so all these people rush to Thy fire, rush

fast to their own destruction!


The flames of Thy mouths devour all the worlds. Thy

glory fills the whole universe. But how terrible Thy

splendours burn!..."


It was this memory of the Vision of Arjuna, that I

believe saved me from being swept away to madness..I

can barely describe the feeling, or what I saw, but I

could feel a horrendous pressure right back of my eyes

the size of a soccer ball, and I thought my head was

going to burst! I directed the pressure out into the

Sahasrara and felt it coalesce like a blazing red halo

around my head and eventually came fully back to

myself, thankful that I had not started screaming

aloud! I felt like I had been aboard a plane that

had been crashing but had somehow managed to make my

way back to earth! I sat there a long time, thinking,

after the meditation was done, so long, in fact, my

companion had to come down and knock on the door! I

said nothing to him about it, I just thought it was

simply a particularly vivid and active session, nor

did I really want to bring any memory of what I had

experienced back just yet!


But the next day, when I signed on to the Internet

to check my e-mail, there it was; at approximately the

time that the vision had occurred, a tremendous

earthquake had shaken the Far East.

Lilith M.





-- prainbow61 <paulie-rainbow wrote:


> IMO,


> Christians see conversion opportunites everywhere,

> they see the virgin mary in a piece of

> cheese toast.


> I just hope that the U.S. collaborates with the U.N.

> to bring aid to the regions afflicted

> instead of trying to set up its own system and

> compete with the U.N. another power grab,

> another "opportunity" when what is really needed is

> help.


> pr



> , sankara menon

> <kochu1tz> wrote:

> > Thank God India is refusing aid from western

> nations. We had experience of dummping

> of waste earlier and mind you the offer from the

> west was much smaller than what India

> was offering the other affected nations. It is time

> the western nations understood that

> India is not a begger as they would like themselves

> to believe.

> > Every aid from western nations is intended to

> further the self interest of west and not

> for real help.

> > I have seen the prefeidy of western aid to africa.

> >

> > anamikafisher <anamikafisher> wrote:

> >

> >

> > http://www.hinduismtoday.com/hpi/2004/12/28.shtml

> >

> > 3. Christians See Conversion Opportunities in

> Disaster Relief

> > http://www.crosswalk.com/faith/1303677.html

> >

> > VIRGINIA, USA, December 28, 2004: The Christian

> website,

> > Crosswalk.com, published a long story about

> Christian relief efforts

> > following the tsunami ("source"). While the

> Christian charity

> > exhibited by the rapid response of Christian

> organizations is

> > admirable, the ulterior motives of conversion

> expressed by some are

> > disturbing:

> >

> > Some excerpts:

> >

> > ...."Doctor Ajith Fernando, who is considered by

> some to be

> > the "Billy Graham of Sri Lanka,' heads up the

> Youth for Christ (YFC)

> > office there. A long-time friend and partner of

> NDI, he wrote to

> > Williams from Sri Lanka: 'What a sad day this has

> been! We keep

> > hearing of more and more friends and loved ones of

> friends who have

> > died or lost much of their belongings. The death

> toll for Sri Lanka

> > alone is over 10,000 and keeps rising. We have

> prayed and wept for

> > our nation for many years. The most urgent of my

> prayers has always

> > been that my people would turn to Jesus. I pray

> that this terrible,

> > terrible tragedy might be used by God to break

> through into the

> > lives of many of our people.' "

> >

> > ...."In the wake of this disaster, Gospel For

> Asia's 1.5 million-

> > member Believers Church in India is rallying

> support and deploying

> > its leadership and members to minister to those

> suffering both

> > physically and spiritually. 'In times like these,

> we know that God

> > opens the hearts of those who suffer, and we pray

> that as our

> > workers demonstrate God's love to them, many of

> them will come to

> > know for the first time that real security comes

> only through Him,'

> > Gospel For Asia president K.P. Yohannon said. He

> add, 'We ask that

> > our brothers and sisters in the West take the time

> today to pray for

> > these millions of victims, that they will feel

> God's presence and

> > grace in a special way.' "

> >

> >

> >

> >



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> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

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