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This is by a male member of the Divinely Female group,

forwarded with his kind permission -- Sister Usha



> In recent years, there has been a growing number of

> people engaging

> in worship of female deities. Many of these groups

> resurrect ancient

> names for the Divine, such as Isis or Inanna or

> Athena or Parvati.

> Others simple use terms such as "The Goddess" or

> "The Great Mother"

> or other generic terms.

> The vast majority of people in such groups are

> women. This is

> understandable, as the idea of the female divine

> appeals strongly to

> many woman, allowing them to identify personally

> with the Goddess and

> to explore spirituality in greater depth. Some

> goddess-worshipping

> groups exclude men from their circles. I believe,

> however, that it is

> important to include men in at least some such

> gatherings. I shall

> explain my reasons.

> Part of the reason for preferring a female

> deity instead of a

> male one is that the Goddess will by the very nature

> of her

> femininity will be thought of as having female

> personality traits.

> Traits such as aggression and dominance have

> traditionally been

> thought of as male; compassion and egalitarianism

> female.

> This difference has been recognized in many

> cultural

> traditions for many centuries, and is supported by

> modern psychiatry.

> Recent studies maintain that men and women do tend

> to think

> differently. Men tend to think of each other in

> hierarchies: some men

> are above other men in the pecking order, others

> below. Women are

> much better at thinking of each other as equals. Men

> tend to address

> problems by trying to assign blame, rewarding those

> who uphold

> certain rules while punishing those who do not.

> Women tend to address

> problems by trying to soothe hurt feelings and

> repair damaged

> relationships. This is of course not to say that the

> reverse does not

> sometimes occur. These are general tendencies that

> hold up across

> cultural boundaries and are at least partially

> innate, results of

> differences in hormones and brain construction.

> This does not mean that men must necessarily

> be aggressive and

> judgemental. It simply means that women tend to be

> better at such

> things than men. Men are fully capable of turning to

> the feminine

> sides of their own natures, embracing what society

> very often leads

> them to deny and suppress. They must learn what

> women know

> instinctively.

> Many women feel that they can better address

> their own

> spiritual needs in women-only circles. This is fine.

> I have no

> problem with women pursuing their spiritual needs in

> whatever manner

> they see fit. But spirituality is only half of what

> religion is

> designed to address. The other half deals with

> values and ethical

> standards. For men to have one set of ethical

> standards and women

> another is a phenomenally bad idea.

> I'm sure you've all heard of the book "Men

> are from Mars;

> Women are from Venus." Let's run with that and say

> "Men worship Mars;

> Women worship Venus." So you have two religions

> existing side by

> side, men having rituals extolling the virtues of

> competetion and

> survival of the fittest, while women gather in their

> circles singing

> songs about equality and compassion. Where does all

> of this lead?

> What sort of a society does this create?

> People need to decide whether compassion and

> egalitarianism are

> for women only, or universal values for both men and

> women. If we

> choose to regard these as universal values, it makes

> sense for both

> men and women to worship the female divine because

> the Goddess is the

> embodiment of those values traditionally regarded as

> feminine.

> So, in my opinion, women should encourage men

> to worship the

> Goddess rather than preventing them from doing so.

> If they want women-

> only gatherings in which to explore their

> spirituality, fine, but

> then have other sessions to which men are invited to

> participate. In

> that way, men can celebrate the feminine alongside

> the women,

> affirming the value and vital importance of

> femininity, both within

> themselves and in the women they love. Love can

> prevail over the

> entire human race, but only if it is allowed to

> spread through the

> entire species rather than just half.


> Brother Kurzon




Sister Usha Devi

Founder, Divinely Female and worshipper of the Sacred Flame that shines inside

every woman






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Well Sister Usha Devi thank you and I agree with him completely.





, Sister Usha Devi

<sisterusha> wrote:

> This is by a male member of the Divinely Female group,

> forwarded with his kind permission -- Sister Usha



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