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sex slaves in Asia

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Last night on the television I saw horrifying photographs. Some

American reporters hid some very small cameras inside their clothing

and visited Thailand and Cambodia. Boys and men approached them on

the street offering to arrange sex for them. The reporters followed

the boys and men to buildings where young women were kept. They

showed dozens of girls there, some as young as 8, waiting for men to

come and have sex with them.


These girls were slaves according to the reporters. Some had been

sold by their own parents, others kidnapped away from their parents

and sold to the owners of these establishments. The reporters said

that this is a major problem in the region, thousands of teens and

children being used in this manner. This came to the attention of

American newsreporters because it is said that some children who

became orphans because of the tsunami are being captured and sold as

sex slaves into this system.


I cannot fully express my anger at seeing these photographs. Sex

is a sacred act to be done only between consenting adults, never to

satisfy the urges of one person to the detriment of another. Children

are not capable of making appropriate decisions concerning sex. They

lack wisdom and they do not have sufficient emotional maturity. To

enslave children in such manner and force them to do such things is a

crime against all that is good and holy. It is a betrayal of the

sacred trust and holy responsibility that adults have to protect

children from harm.


Sister Usha

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Dear Usha:


There is no need to be quietly angry. You can help alleviate the

situation here and now -- right now a tremendous amount of attention

is being paid to the Tsunami victims, but child trafficking is an

ongoing menace with a cumulative "body count" and wake of grief that

is every bit as profound.


I've noted before that, as a moderator of this group group, I try

very hard not to use it as a personal soapbox to stand on and shout

about my pet issues. And I think most longtime members will attest

that I am usually not too overbearing in that way.


But the issue you raise (also subject of a recent UNICEF report:

/message/11594 ) has

been of longtime concern to me -- and in case any of our members

feel the same, I wanted to note some reliable resources through

which you can help stop (and even undo damage already wrought by)

this outrageous and heartbreaking practice.


Perhaps one of the best overall resources for educating yourself and

taking action is the excellent "Captive Daughters" organization:




Another great organization -- one that I've worked with for around

15 years now -- is PLAN International. Their child trafficking page

is filled with options on getting involved in stopping this criminal





I'd also mention World Vision's WILFund, "Changing the World, One

Woman At a Time," which is actively fighting this sort of






There are other organizations involved in this work as well. And it

is vital work, which can profoundly change lives that are just

beginning. Please think about it, and help if you can.


Okay, now I'll shut up. ;-)






, "Sister Usha Devi"

<sisterusha> wrote:


> I cannot fully express my anger at seeing these photographs. Sex

> is a sacred act to be done only between consenting adults, never to

> satisfy the urges of one person to the detriment of another. ...To

> enslave children in such manner and force them to do such things

is a crime against all that is good and holy. It is a betrayal of the

> sacred trust and holy responsibility that adults have to protect

> children from harm.


> Sister Usha

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This is nothing new at all; this part of the world has

long been notorious for this sort of thing. It is a

fact that pedophiles come from all parts of the world

for this very reason, and there are actually organized

child-sex tours available to them...pedophiles can

vacation in Thailand and they will be guided to places

where sex with children, both boys and girls,

according to preference, is arranged for them. I am

trying very very hard to feel sorry for Thailand and

the Far East, but after reading that article in the

December issue of Vogue on how the Indian populace is

largely and deliberately oblivious to the AIDS scourge

in its midst(experts think the situation in India is

actually WORSE than in Africa now!) AND the huge,

horrific, degrading prostitution trade that is one of

the main vectors of the disease,AND the demeaning

social attitudes towards women in general that fosters

the mentality that keeps such evil flourishing, I

simply cannot. I can only feel that they are reaping

their very own evil karma, just as their own

scriptures state plainly! Everyone thinks the East is

so "holy" and "God-aware", but the veil of that

particular illusion has sure been completely ripped

from MY eyes, at least! I tried to reread "Daughters

of the Goddess" again yesterday, but all that pious

blah-blah now makes me nauseous, knowing what I know

now! Where are all these "god-realized"

women(so-called) that are supposed to be in such great

abundance in India, and why are they not speaking up

against this shameful situation, which has been going

on for nearly twenty years now!? Why is Ammaji not

publicly hugging the children infected with AIDS by

the actions of their fathers, who visit prostitutes

and then spread disease to their innocent families?

Many Indians dare to think of us here in the West as

"mlecha" (filthy), yet in India their own disgusting

men cannot control their base appetites enough to even

wear a condom for the sake of their own children, who

then are left to slowly die alone in suffering and

shame, like Dilli Babu! At least we in the West

acknowledge the problem, and have taken steps to deal

with it! All pious yappity-yap about "how much Indians

reverence the Divine Feminine" went straight down the

toilet in my mind when I saw that picture of little

Dilli, all alone in his suffering, deserted by his

relatives, who even refused to claim his little body

after he died! Deeds speak louder than words; as a

Westerner, I could not go to India and expect to be

heard, but people like Ammaji, Sri Ma, Gurumayi, et

al, would be heard if they spoke up openly in the

cause of public AIDS education. I urge people to write

to these "gurus" and insist they take this dreadful

situation up as a cause...if they then do not, then we

here in the West, will see clearly just how deep their

religion actually goes with them!

Lilith M.

--- Sister Usha Devi <sisterusha wrote:


> Last night on the television I saw horrifying

> photographs. Some

> American reporters hid some very small cameras

> inside their clothing

> and visited Thailand and Cambodia. Boys and men

> approached them on

> the street offering to arrange sex for them. The

> reporters followed

> the boys and men to buildings where young women were

> kept. They

> showed dozens of girls there, some as young as 8,

> waiting for men to

> come and have sex with them.


> These girls were slaves according to the reporters.

> Some had been

> sold by their own parents, others kidnapped away

> from their parents

> and sold to the owners of these establishments. The

> reporters said

> that this is a major problem in the region,

> thousands of teens and

> children being used in this manner. This came to the

> attention of

> American newsreporters because it is said that some

> children who

> became orphans because of the tsunami are being

> captured and sold as

> sex slaves into this system.


> I cannot fully express my anger at seeing these

> photographs. Sex

> is a sacred act to be done only between consenting

> adults, never to

> satisfy the urges of one person to the detriment of

> another. Children

> are not capable of making appropriate decisions

> concerning sex. They

> lack wisdom and they do not have sufficient

> emotional maturity. To

> enslave children in such manner and force them to do

> such things is a

> crime against all that is good and holy. It is a

> betrayal of the

> sacred trust and holy responsibility that adults

> have to protect

> children from harm.


> Sister Usha













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My dearest Lili,

The fact that some people are hypocrites and do practice what

they profess does not mean that those of us who truly believe our

faith very deeply in our hearts cannot give voice to the outrage and

disgust that we feel when seeing such injustices. Yes, such things

have been happening for many years, and yes there are many who look

away. But those of us who feel true and genuine love for the Great

Mother and true compassion for our sisters around the world must

speak our hearts and let these others know just how repulsive and

repugnant are their actions.

Jai Ma!


Sister Usha

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Lili Masamura :I urge people to write to these "gurus" and insist

they take this dreadful situation up as a cause...if they then do

not, then we here in the West, will see clearly just how deep their

religion actually goes with them!



I am distrubed with this whole statement. Who are the customers? Who

are the one that comes in search of child sex slave? This is basic

Economic logic: Demand and Supply. If there is no demand there will

be no supply.



I tends to support Devi Bhakta arguement, Instead of just coming

here screaming & jumping up and down condemning, why not actually do

it? Get your butt out, go out there and do something about it. Your

own effort and not others.

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I was referring here, strictly speaking, to the AIDS

situation in India, and not to the child sex trade

specifically, though I can tell you I never lose an

opportunity to point out to anyone who will listen

(practically nobody) that our society covertly and

constantly promotes child pornography and exploitation

through the media, and the most guilty is the music

industry, particularly Madonna and her ilk. It was she

who started this slutty "boy toy" image among young

women and the music industry caught on, capitalized

and profited hugely on this dynamic by contriving

trampy "girl bands" like the Spice Girls and Britney

Spears, knowing full well that young women would want

to act and dress just like them, i.e. like sluts, as a

matter of course, and slyly promoted these bands, and

by extension, the image, heavily to younger and

younger girls, to the point where I would routinely

get eleven and twelve-year olds in my body-piercing

studio dressed and painted in a way that would do

credit to a streetwalker. When men, both young and

old, are constantly subjected to the sight of

half-dressed young girls everywhere they go, and

everybody is constantly and covertly prodded by

advertising media to think that we all must be in heat

all the time, and if we go one week without sex we are

"deprived", and pornography and the "pimp" and "ho"

image is glamourized in the media, the result is going

to be a rising tide of interest in pornography,

particularly child pornography. The covertly

sexualized child image is constantly being pushed at

us everywhere we look..look at that Calvin Klein

character and his disgusting campaign (I think it was

pulled after there was an actual public outcry for

once)with teenaged women slumped about in suggestive

poses with their panties showing, pouting at the

camera...I wanted to THROW UP! But, that particular

incident aside, nobody at all ever seems to see

anything wrong with any of this ongoing sort of thing

at all....just me, it seems. Mothers don't care; they

shrug and say they can't do anything about it, ot they

actually encourage it. So, I can only shrug my

shoulders. There is no use getting up on a soapbox

because nobody cares to listen anyways. And meanwhile

the pedophiles are having a field day! I hope Madonna

and Britney are proud of themselves. I think of them

every time I hear about another young girl kidnapped

and raped, found dismembered or buried in a shallow

grave somewhere.

Lilith M.

--- NMadasamy <nmadasamy




> Lili Masamura :I urge people to write to these

> "gurus" and insist

> they take this dreadful situation up as a cause...if

> they then do

> not, then we here in the West, will see clearly just

> how deep their

> religion actually goes with them!



> I am distrubed with this whole statement. Who are

> the customers? Who

> are the one that comes in search of child sex slave?

> This is basic

> Economic logic: Demand and Supply. If there is no

> demand there will

> be no supply.



> I tends to support Devi Bhakta arguement, Instead of

> just coming

> here screaming & jumping up and down condemning, why

> not actually do

> it? Get your butt out, go out there and do something

> about it. Your

> own effort and not others.













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Lilith M. wrote : "I was referring here, strictly speaking, to

the AIDS situation in India, and not to the child sex trade

specifically, though I can tell you I never lose an opportunity to

point out to anyone who will listen (practically nobody) that our

society covertly and constantly promotes child pornography and

exploitation through the media, and the most guilty is the music

industry, particularly Madonna and her ilk. It was she who started

this slutty "boy toy" image among young women and the music industry

caught on… And mean while the pedophiles are having a field day!

I hope Madonna and Britney are proud of themselves. I think of them

every time I hear about another young girl kidnapped and raped,

found dismembered or buried in a shallow grave somewhere.


Firstly Lilith let me say : I am not trying to find mistakes with

anyone especially you, but just like you, I like point our certain

issues. I'm just in a arguementative mood. LOL. If I disagree, I say

so. Of course, those are your opinions and I respect you for that.

No hard feelings okay!


Having said all that, I like to say : I disagree with your above

assumption. Why should we blame Madonna or Britney Spears? They are

what they are, and they do what they know best. They are the product

of time. The same goes with media.


So who is to blame? I don't think so blaming is the issue here.

What is the situation we have now? What can we do about it? Why do

people rape? I read once an article written by a muslim convert [ a

westerner who was once a hostage ] : a commander came to her cell

one day and told her : please do not hang your panties out over the

window, because when my soldiers see it, this will give them impure


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>Why is Ammaji not publicly hugging the children infected with AIDS by

>the actions of their fathers, who visit prostitutes

>and then spread disease to their innocent families?


Who says she is not?


I can't find right now my copy, but Amma gave an address in Geneva

last year in which she specifically urged people to oppose the

various forms of violence against girls and women which have become

embedded in world cultures.


I share your frustration with the general indulgence and silence

about these abuses, and I also agree with you about Madonna's share

of responsibility in upping the sexual pressures on girls.


As to sexual slavery, it's all over. Certainly women in the global

South have gotten the brunt of it, but knowledgeable people have

informed me that it is going on in American cities, for example in

hotels near airports.


Jai Maa,



Max Dashu

Suppressed Histories Archives

Global Women's History


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who says she is not hugging? I have seen her hug lepers. (again I make it clear

I am neither her deciple or follower. But a person who admires her)


Max Dashu <maxdashu wrote:>Why is Ammaji not publicly hugging the

children infected with AIDS by

>the actions of their fathers, who visit prostitutes

>and then spread disease to their innocent families?


Who says she is not?


I can't find right now my copy, but Amma gave an address in Geneva

last year in which she specifically urged people to oppose the

various forms of violence against girls and women which have become

embedded in world cultures.


I share your frustration with the general indulgence and silence

about these abuses, and I also agree with you about Madonna's share

of responsibility in upping the sexual pressures on girls.


As to sexual slavery, it's all over. Certainly women in the global

South have gotten the brunt of it, but knowledgeable people have

informed me that it is going on in American cities, for example in

hotels near airports.


Jai Maa,



Max Dashu

Suppressed Histories Archives

Global Women's History















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