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Action, Not Words! [Was US Radio Hosts Abuse Indian Girl]

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To Kochu and SR Rajkumar:


Regarding these radio hosts abusing the Indian woman at the call

center, Kochu wrote (to their employers):


*** Are you planning to employ Star and Bucwild who has behaved most

dishonorably by targetting an honest working Indian girl? ***


The radio station announced today that the two have been suspended

(I will share the article in my next post). I would think that, with

continued pressure and protest, the suspension may become permanent.


SR. Rajkumar wrote:


*** The idiot is criticising indians. In what way is he better? ***


This is certainly true. The radio excerpt showed little but a crude,

ignorant fool; any thoughtful listener (American or otherwise) would

be rightfully appalled. Moreover, the stunt was apparently intended

as a comedy stunt -- in which vein it also failed, being rather

profoundly un-funny.


However, I disagree when Rajkumar extrapolates from this idiotic

radio clip (Exhibit A) to condemn the American populace in general,

using the reign of George W. Bush (Exhibit B) and the scandalous Abu

Gharib photos (Exhibit C) as additional proof of the accusation:


*** Arrogant people. Sadist, Inhuman people. Do they have a mix of

religions as we do? Do they have culture? Their culture is to have a

wife everyday. This is their culture. Shame on them to criticise

Indians. ***


"They," i.e. the American people, did not criticize Indians. Just a

few ignorant people have done so -- as will undoubtedly always be

the case between certain ignorant persons of any two differing

cultures. It is never wise to condemn people as a group; we must

assess them as individuals only. When you summarily dismiss a huge,

vastly diverse population such as that of the U.S. as "sadist,

inhuman people," you are joining the foolish radio post who would

(incomprehensibly) dismiss all Indians as "rat-eaters," whatever

that term is supposed to mean.


Remember that at least half of Americans (i.e. those who voted, plus

huge numbers who didn't due to age, location, etc) are vehemently

opposed to Bush and his shameful Iraqi adventure, just as you are.

These Americans correctly understand (as Lilith pointed out) that it

is mercenary corporate capitalism -- supported and encouraged by

Bush's policies -- who took these at-best marginal jobs from the

U.S. and outsourced them to India for their own bottom-line profits.

That it is already-rich shareholders who are benefitting; not an

innocent, working Indian girl collecting a modest telemarketing



Let us argue on the facts and not whatever personal resentments and

biases we may harbor. Otherwise we make ourselves part of the

problem rather than part of the solution.


Rajkumar adds:


*** Shame on the FM radio services to broadcast the same and enjoy.

They should be cancelled of their rights to broadcast anything and

should be fined heavily to pay as compensation to the poor lady. ***


Thay may yet. I would recommend contacting to the FCC (the U.S.'s

Federal Communications Commission), which regulates broadcast

content and heavily fines offenders (send to Powell, with CC to all

others listed):


How to Contact the FCC (http://www.fcc.gov/contacts.html)


To Contact the Commissioners via E-mail


Chairman Michael K. Powell: Michael.Powell

Commissioner Kathleen Q. Abernathy: Kathleen.Abernathy

Commissioner Michael J. Copps: Michael.Copps

Commissioner Kevin J. Martin: KJMWEB

Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein: Jonathan.Adelstein

General information, inquiries & complaints: fccinfo


*** She has all the rights in the world to sue the FM channel in an

international court. If somebody is able to find out who she is, plz

inform her of this. ***


You may well be right. Certainly she has recourse in U.S. Courts. I

used to write for one of the U.S's largest legal periodicals, and I

will happily put her in touch with people who can handle her case if

she can be found. I would note that the product being marketed was

called Conair Quick Bead.


I am almost certain that Connair has contracted an outside call-

house firm to handle its orders. Perhaps they could identify the

company. It's entirely possible that Conair (http://www.conair.com)

does not realize that its product name is being abused in this way --

I am sure that the uproar will not help sales. So tell them so:

Their website says, "You can call us toll-free at 1-800-3CONAIR (1-

800-326-6247) ... You can also send us an email to



Why not give it a try. If even 10 percent of the people in this

group did all this, the issue would go national.


My 2 cents



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