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ThirumuRai Series - 481

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thirunyAnacambandhar thirukkaDaikkAppu

thalam thirupparAyththuRai

paN mEgarAgak kuRinyci

muthal thirumuRai




celva malkiya celvar parAyththuRaic

celvar mER cithaiyAthana

celvan nyAnacamban^dhana cen^thamiz

celvamAm ivai ceppavE.





On the Wealthy Lord of wealthful parAyththuRai of

wealthy ones, the perfect thamiz that is sung by

the wealthy nyAnacambandhan, if one chants,

that would generate wealth.



1. Worshipping God with the padhikams of

thirunyAnacambandhar is the way to become wealthy.

2. ceppa - to chant.






Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org









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