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LalithA SahasranAma [98] samayAcAratatparA

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samayAcAratatparA : devoted to the conduct of samaya.


SamayAcAra means the conduct described in ten chapters of the



or, when the initiate, through the influencec of the guru's side

glance, becomes steady by the practice of either the six or the four

kinds of union, and has been pruified by the mystical practice

called "MahAvedha", then on the ninth day [MahAnavami of the lunar

month] Devi, [Kundalini} awakens, leaving the MUlAdhAra, and appears

to him in the ManipUra [cakra]. In that Cakra sh eis to be

worshipped by the ceremonies beginning with pAdya [offering water

for the feet] and ending with bhUsana [decking her with jewels] then

having led her to AnAtha, the ceremonies should be continued to

tAmbUla [giving betel], next led her to Visuddhi, she should be

worshipped, surrounded by the rays of the candrakalAs which are

there; having led her to AjNAcakra, the nirAjana ceremony [waving

lights before her, this indicates the end of the ceremony] should be

performed. [Next and last] in the thousand-petalled lotus in the

centre of the SaraghA, she shoul dbe united with SadAsiva; then

drawing a veil, he should remain in the next house waiting till she

returns to and enters the MUlAdhArakunda. The method of effecting

this must be learned from a guru. This is what is meant here by



Devoted, She is devoted to these two [the conduct, as in the

RudrayAmala, and the SusumnA method].


BhAskararAya's Commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry.

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