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ThirumuRai Series - 482

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thirunyAnacambandhar thirukkaDaikkAppu

thalam thiruvIzimizalai

paN mEgarAgak kuRinyci

muthal thirumuRai




kANumARariya puermAnAkik

kAlamAyk kuNaN^kaL mUnRAyp

pENu mUnRuruvAkip pErulakam

paDaiththaLikkum perumAn kOyil

thANuvAy n^inRa para thaththuvanai

uththamanai iRainycIr enRu

vENuvAr koDi viNNOr thamai viLippa

pOlON^gu mizalaiyAmE.





As the Lord difficult to be seen, as the time,

as the three-fold qualities, as the three forms

maintained, the Lord Who creates and preserves

the huge world, His temple is lofty thiruvIzimizalai,

where the flag on the bamboo appears to be

calling the celestials saying, "Salute the Supreme

Principle that stood Eternal, the Ultimate !"



1. guNaN^kaL mUnRu - satva, raja, tamas;

mUnRu uru - brahma, viShNu, rudra.

2. aLiththal - to protect; thaNu - Eternal;

vENu - bamboo; viLiththal - to call.






Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org








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