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ThirumuRai Series - 490

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(Wednesday is the gurupUjai of thirunIlakaNTa (kuyava)

nAyanAr. http://wwwshaivam.org/nakuyava.html )


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thirunyAnacambandhar thirukkaDaikkAppu

thalam thiruppiramapuram

paN gAn^thAram

iraNdAm thirumuRai




kUrambathu ilar pOlum kokkin iRagilar pOlum

Aramum pUNDilar pOlum Amai aNin^thilar pOlun^

thAruny caDaikkilar pOlum caNDikku aruLilar pOlum

pErum pala ilar pOlum piramapuram amarn^thArE.





Looks like (He) does not have the sharp arrow;

nor the feather of crane;

nor wears the garland;

nor wears the tortoise;

nor has the bouquet to matted-hair;

nor blessed chaNDIshar;

nor has many names,

One, Who resided at thiruppiramapuram !



1. This song hails the deeds of God saying

He didn't do those deeds. This could be

considered as a girl who is in intense love

with God and longing for His grace, lament

wondering why such God is delaying to bless.

2. kokkin iRagu - This refers to the feather of

kuraNDAsuran who took the form of crane.

purANas has this detail.







Name of hara encompass ! World be free from sufferings !!

Shaivam Home Page at http://www.shaivam.org








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