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LalithA SahasranAma [112] BhavAni

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Bhava means, MahAdeva, samsAra, and Manmahta; and ana to give life.

The Devi Pr. explains the meaning thus :"Bhava means Rudra, KAma,

the ocean of SamsAra; Devi is called Bhavani because she gives life

to the above"


or the water form of Siva [one of his eight forms] [is called bhava,

his wife is UsA, and his son Sukra.] We read the same in the linga

and VAyu Prs. The VAyu Pr adds, "Because all beings came from him

and subsidt in water, as he is the origin and supporter of all

beings, he is called Bhava." She is BhavAni because she is the giver

of life [ana] to bhava, water.


or according to the Padma Pr, in the chapter enumerating the hunderd

and eight places of pilgrimage, she is called to be the presiding

deity of the place called SthAnesvara.


BhAskararAya's commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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