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LalithA SahasranAma [113] BhAvanAgamyA

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BhAvanAgamyA : She is to be attained by meditation.


Having described the five forms, he describes by a few names the

means of reaching them.


BhAvanA. There are two kinds of meditaion, on eon the words

themselves [sabda] and the other on the meanings [Artha]; words mean

here sacred words which are to be meditated upon according to the

will of the Guru. We have explained in the MimAmsakavAdakautUhala,

as depending on the will of Lord. Meanings : tending towards action

[pravrttirUpa]. This is also explained in the above work as the

relations of cause and effec. The word gamya may be taken as agamya



Or she is unattainable by the path of action [karma-mArga], or it

means the purification of the mind as the result of that [ right

action ]


Or, there are three kinds of meditation. The Kurma Pr says,

"There are three forms of meditation, Brahmi, Mahesvari and Aksara,

these three, O twice-born, always reside in Rudra'. In another place

it says, "O BrAhmana, learn the three kinds of meditation set forth

by me; one is concerning me [aksara], the second is upon the

unmanifested [Mahesvara]; the last is on Brahman with the three

attributes [gunas]; thus the three kinds [of meditation ] should be



This was told to Indradyumna by the Lord in his tortoise

incarnation. The characteristics of these [meditatioons] should be

learned from the RatnatrayapariksA of [Appaya] Diksita.


Or there are three states of meditation, names sakala, sakala-

niskala and niskala. The Yoginihrdaya distinguishes the three kinds

of meditation thus [i,27]:"Meditation [from MulAdhara] to AjnA is

sakala; [from Indu] to unmani is sakalaniskala, in supreme abode

[mahAhindu] is niskala.


BhAskararAya's commentary

Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry

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