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Lama Yeshe: Buddhist Kundalini? [Kundalini]

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I am feeling funny that I have to mention it again but you do not

seem to listen. I will not talk about others or mine attainments this is of no

value to anybody.


I prefer to state facts and let each one decide if these are of use

to him or not. I hope it is not a waste of time and there is

sufficent interest.


In Yoga and Ayurveda, there are several dynamic body energies

Prana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the head down to the

navel. Apana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the navel down

to the muladhare Samana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the

entire body back to the navel.(circulation) Vyana Vayu governs the

movement of energy out from the navel throughout the entire body.

Udana governs the movement of energy from the navel up to the head

They Pranas are connected with bodily activities like sneezing

vomiting, breathing passing urine stool and semen or menstrual fluid etc.


These are concepts in ancient indian science and are used in

medicine and Yoga today. The standard procedure for Kundalini awakening is to

converge these energies into the main nadi of the body by inward turning. The

are five minor Pranas are Naga, Kurma, Krichara, Devadatta and Dhananjaya they

govern respectivly:


DEVADATTA is located in the nostrils and the mouth. It governs

yawning and sneezing.


KRICHARA (also called krikal) is located in the throat. It governs

hunger, thirst and digestion.


KURMA is located in the eyelids. It governs the opening and closing

of the eyes, including winking and blinking.

NAGA is seated in the mouth. It causes belching and hiccuping.


Naga may be helpful in kundalini awakening but it is not kundalni it

is one of the minor Pranas.


Whoever says Naga Prana is kundalini is mistaken.



, "Eve__69" <eve__69@h...> wrote:

> Oh, you're a Buddhist adept greater than Lama Zopa?

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I am feeling funny that I have to mention it again but you do not

seem to listen. I will not talk about others or mine attainments this is of no

value to anybody.


---I never said anything about your state of mind, except that your

presumptiveness shows bias towards yourself as opposed to the humility which one

expects from an aspirant. To my knowledge no acknowledged lineage Guru is

chatting here on the board. Or maybe I now have the honor to be chatting with a

real live guru? Apparently! No don't answer except in an illusory way, and make

the esoteric hand gestures as you speak. Like this, hum hung hum, I am a great

master of the Naths, so great that I may not say, hum hung hum. I condescend to

instruct these lesser wannabes. Mudra of great compassion.



I prefer to state facts and let each one decide if these are of use

to him or not. I hope it is not a waste of time and there is

sufficent interest.


---Ah, facts. Facts should have sources, or they are merely opinion. The

similarity of word does not show the similarity of concept. But the mere fact

that all humans are bipeds shows the similar components of humankind and the

fact that all the thinking of individuals follows the same common bearing as

walking and shows that we also share the same basic means of gathering

realization, regardless of gait.


Honestly, at least I proffer my experiences to others free of fear of failure

and don't hide behind my pride when i do fail. However, you Maha presume great

familiarity with all the true things spiritual while disregarding all others

opinions, all the while speaking without references, hiding your lineage, and

muttering pseudoscience as if it's Divine truth, while acting like erudition is

the key to heaven when in fact erudition is if anything the thing which keeps

one tied to the limited personality. There are very few liberated beings in the

world's universities. And no school-marmish philosopher with some high falutin

title is going to make me think that intellectual savvy means more than spittle

on the chin of a madman.



In Yoga and Ayurveda, there are several dynamic body energies

Prana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the head down to the

navel. Apana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the navel down

to the muladhare Samana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the

entire body back to the navel.(circulation) Vyana Vayu governs the

movement of energy out from the navel throughout the entire body.

Udana governs the movement of energy from the navel up to the head

They Pranas are connected with bodily activities like sneezing

vomiting, breathing passing urine stool and semen or menstrual fluid etc.


----Yada yada, rasa rakta mamsa medha ashti majja shukra. I have studied my

ayurveda, and now I am going to drink a cold bubbly beer while reading the web.

Here's to you Mahakali!


These are concepts in ancient indian science and are used in

medicine and Yoga today. The standard procedure for Kundalini awakening is to

converge these energies into the main nadi of the body by inward turning. The

are five minor Pranas are Naga, Kurma, Krichara, Devadatta and Dhananjaya they

govern respectivly:


----Please locate for us the definitive Hindu text which lays forth this



DEVADATTA is located in the nostrils and the mouth. It governs

yawning and sneezing.


KRICHARA (also called krikal) is located in the throat. It governs

hunger, thirst and digestion.


KURMA is located in the eyelids. It governs the opening and closing

of the eyes, including winking and blinking.

NAGA is seated in the mouth. It causes belching and hiccuping.


Naga may be helpful in kundalini awakening but it is not kundalni it

is one of the minor Pranas.


Whoever says Naga Prana is kundalini is mistaken.


----Whoever dissects the animal kills it.



, "Eve__69" <eve__69@h...> wrote:

> Oh, you're a Buddhist adept greater than Lama Zopa?



---You never denied this. That's pretty crazy. I mean, sure, go ahead and say

you're greater, at least that's a stand and you're not hiding behind arrogance.

But to merely wave the wand of "shoe fly" is an irritant. The fly is usually

there because it smells shit.

















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