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to "Yvonne"

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 Dear Yvonne (if that’s what you really are),


how ironic that a 22 year old tall blonde laughs at “silly concerns” of those

who remember the bloodly history of the Church (past and present) and hates of

Christianity only her mother telling her what to wear and how to behave with


I warmly recommend you to learn something about Christian theology, philosophy

and history. I believe you are the one who needs to understand it better.

And if you believe that “Auntie Usha” who writes on this forum is the wisest

person in the world, I can only get an idea of your own wisdom.


Your “Auntie Usha” seems to be uncertain and confused about her religion, too.

She speaks like a Catholic nun (especially praising the Catholic church having

the greatest number of followers in US), yet you say she is a devotee of Kali

and she says nobody will make her change her religion.

I have become very curious about what she has to say about her religion and her

being a devotee of Kali. You say she speaks for hours: can you refer me to some

of her explanations on this forum about Mother Kali? Does she say that Jesus and

Allah are names of Kali? And what about the teachings?


I know Christians, and particularly Catholics, only too well to be fooled by

their propaganda and “sad compassion for the miscreants who hate poor us

martyrs” attitude.

Love and peace and charity sounds like blasphemy in the mouths of people who

still consider saints some of the worst criminals of all times.

John Paul II always refused to meet any of the innocent victims of sexual abuse

by priests, while he gladly met Pinochet.

The Hague court fond two “sweet, loving and charitable” Catholic nuns guilty of

locking hundreds of Rwandans into a shack, dousing the building with gasoline

and torching it. Other members of the Catholic clergy were found guilty of

actively helping the massacres – where shelters were razed to the ground with

bulldozers with people inside them, including women and children.

These are things that are still happening now, not “centuries ago when everybody

was doing the same tings”.

Please show me when Hindus have done things even faintly comparable to what

Christians have done (and are still doing).

Please go on and on, yes. We want historical facts.

There have been some other ferocious people, but nothing compared to the “sweet

peace loving Christians”.

Please tell me more about “all the communist wars” and Japan in the WWII. I was

under the impression that Japan got nuked by US, not the other way around.

And regarding the Roman Empire, Gengis Khan and Alexander the Great, they had at

least the decency to openly declare that they were making war for the purpose of

conquest and political power – not out of “love” like the hypocrite Christians.


And don’t quote the Bible for atrocities, please. Anyone who is “on God’s side”

in the Bible deserves to sit next to Milosevic in the Hague court. If Moses

really did what it is wirtten in the Bible, we need to discuss something with

our Jewish friends, too.

Turks and other Muslims learnt much from the Christians during the Crusades, and

indeed, they are also “people of the Book”.


Still today, Catholics consider the idea of women ordainment as a blasphemy,

birth control as an offense to God, and AIDS prevention as an attempt to escape

God’s punishment on sinners.

Regarding the imbecile cowboy in the White House, unfortunately we don’t need to

blame Christians for what he is doing. His word is sufficient, and the votes of

those who elected him. Maybe he was elected by Hindus?

Where are the Christians who oppose Bush? Even your conservative mother? And

what is she doing? Joining the sit-ins for Terry Schiavo?


And please, inform us about all the good things that the Christians are doing. I

am really curious. Go on and on.







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> Your "Auntie Usha" seems to be uncertain and confused about her

religion, too. She speaks like a Catholic nun (especially praising the

Catholic church having the greatest number of followers in US),


Praising? I was not praising anyone. I was merely quoting census

statistics saying that they are the largest organized religious group

in the USA.

This conversation has become increasingly frustrating. You have

now begun personal attacks on me and my niece, saying that we are not

who we claim we are and other sort of nonsense. This is childish and I

refuse to participate in this any further.


Sister Usha

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Yeah, frustrating. We didn't attack you guys personally. We didn't

accuse you guys of lying or anything. We just said you were being

selective about your facts, citing examples that support your

conclusions and ignoring facts that don't. Now you go a step further

and say that anybody disagreeing with you and presenting facts that

don't agree with your conclusion must a stupid liar. Very immature

way of arguing.

You guys ever hear of Gandhi? I should think you should have, as

he was from India. He preached the same things that my Auntie Usha

was saying: peace and love and understanding of other people's

beliefs. Somebody asked him once what religion he was. He said "I am

a Hindu and I am a Moslem and I am a Christian and I am a Jew." He

was trying to build bridges between peoples, not walls. Look for the

good in other people and encourage your opponents to live up to their

good sides. That's what Gandhi taught, siddayartha or whatever call


Sure, awful things have been done by people claiming to be

Christians. What are you going to do about that? Say that

Christianity is evil and try to kill them all? No. Encourage them to

read their own Bible and do what Jesus taught. Jesus was like Gandhi,

preaching love and tolerance. Pursuade Christians to follow their own

faith instead of violating it. That's the path of wisdom, IMHO.



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He said "I am

> a Hindu and I am a Moslem and I am a Christian and I am a Jew."


Maybe you cannot understand it, but there is a huge difference between

a Muslim and a fundamentalist ISLAM between a christian and

fundamentalist CHRISTIANITY between a Jew and fundamentalist ZIONISM.


Hinduism being altogether a different pair of shoes because it doesnt

exist as one religion, it only designates all the people who live to

the east of the Sindhu.

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